Unique Energy, Your Set-Ups and Plans.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey there everyone,

I have been playing Feed the Beast for a few months now (and have loved every minute of it) but I am struggling to develop a unique supply of 'unlimited' energy.

Before our recent server mishap, the old map featured a few Public Energy settings on the 'Energy Tesseract'. I had used these as it was very easy to start off, they were super quick, and then towards the end I simply never had gotten away from them. Now that we have gotten a new map... this HAS to change.

I would love to hear you plans and/or currently running system for renewable energy. Now, if this process isn't completely 100% renewable in the long-run, I don't mind. I'd still love to hear it!



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I definitely wouldn't call this unique by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm using an MFR tree farm to feed a boiler with biofuel.

It's simple, renewable, and can be infinitely expanded with ease. You can either turn the steam into MJ through engines, EU through steam turbines, or send it through a power converter and turn it into just about any other energy type.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I definitely wouldn't call this unique by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm using an MFR tree farm to feed a boiler with biofuel.

It's simple, renewable, and can be infinitely expanded with ease. You can either turn the steam into MJ through engines, EU through steam turbines, or send it through a power converter and turn it into just about any other energy type.

Thanks for being the first to post!

I have seen this system work well before. You are correct, it is simple, renewable, and very easily expanded upon. Thank you for the great addition to the thread.

The reason I say unique is because that is the type of player I am. :) I always am looking for different ways of accomplishing a task (which mostly ends up in RC roller coasters :p).

I will look into a proper set-up for this system but would also love to hear more ideas!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've managed to go quite far with rudimentary power. Simple nether-pump attached geo-gen.

I started using a pigman spawner for exp, which had the somewhat unexpected side effect of giving me 2 and a half stacks of diamonds for materials.

Now looking into getting my biofuel/boiler setup going.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Someone on my server made an entire biofuel system made from turtles sheering grass. Grass---> plant ball--> bio mass --> biofuel--> liquid boiler---> endless energy


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Step 1. Make pumps, Waterproof pipe/liquiducts ect, Liquid Tesseracts, Iron Tanks, and Geothermal/Termal Generators
Step 2. Go to Nether. Places pumps, gather Lava.
Step 3. Pipe Lava to the Liquid Tesseract.
Step 4. Make sure it's Ghast Proof.
Step 5. Go back to Overworld. Place another Tesseract. Pipe lava from that Tesseract.
Step 6. Pipe lava Tanks then to Generators
Step 7. Repeat steps 1-6 several times.
Step 8: Perfect it
Step 9: ????
Step 10: Profit!

Simple piping lava from nether to geothermals. Its pretty good if you have several pumps and Tesseracts and one huge tank. I did this in my single player world and I have a lot of pumps in the nether just chugging lava. Don't know how it will fair on a sever though. =/
Some might say this is not renewable but if you think about it, the Nether is FULL of lava, and it is infinite, so technically, you CAN have infinite lava. Just gotta move pumps. Though you don't have too very often.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Step 1. Make pumps, Waterproof pipe/liquiducts ect, Liquid Tesseracts, Iron Tanks, and Geothermal/Termal Generators
Step 2. Go to Nether. Places pumps, gather Lava.
Step 3. Pipe Lava to the Liquid Tesseract.
Step 4. Make sure it's Ghast Proof.
Step 5. Go back to Overworld. Place another Tesseract. Pipe lava from that Tesseract.
Step 6. Pipe lava Tanks then to Generators
Step 7. Repeat steps 1-6 several times.
Step 8: Perfect it
Step 9: ????
Step 10: Profit!

Simple piping lava from nether to geothermals. Its pretty good if you have several pumps and Tesseracts and one huge tank. I did this in my single player world and I have a lot of pumps in the nether just chugging lava. Don't know how it will fair on a sever though. =/
Some might say this is not renewable but if you think about it, the Nether is FULL of lava, and it is infinite, so technically, you CAN have infinite lava. Just gotta move pumps. Though you don't have too very often.
The same person with the grass tried this and he kept having to move his pump too often


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I haven't had to move my pump once and I've been using thermal generators for several weeks.

Of course, I prefer ender tanks over tesseracts. I doubt that would make much of a difference, though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
On my last world, I had a DDoS reactor setup producing 5760 eu/t with efficiency 6, gave enough UU matter for a fusion reactor in no time. When I eventually get round to building one on this world, it should give out 7680 eu/t (if you don't know what DDoS is, look it up).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, If you want original. If you have Gregtech, you go for some lightning rods. If you do it right and have a good setup plus a rainmaker, its not that bad. I have a couple powering a mass-fabricator. Though I suppose you might be able to power other things. Not sure if it will be efficient enough though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, If you want original. If you have Gregtech, you go for some lightning rods. If you do it right and have a good setup plus a rainmaker, its not that bad. I have a couple powering a mass-fabricator. Though I suppose you might be able to power other things. Not sure if it will be efficient enough though.
I'm personally did that. But in mindcrack we use the matter fabricator and it is only an 2 UU per strike ratio. So I moved on to advanced solar panels.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Scrap power loop! I just tried this out, and it works. One recycler with 0 or 1 overclocker upgrades (1 just makes it 30% faster, the EU/t still gets rounded down to 1) powered by one generator, being fed cobble. Feed the scrap into the generator. Put an igneous extruder on top of the recycler or just feed in your quarry tailings. It's not technically a loop because it consumes cobble, but who cares, it's cobble! Wtf else are you gonna do with it?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I use a combination of vanilla solars, watermills, and sawdust. I use the solars for backup power for a supplementary batbox and power on the side. I use the watermills to power a couple machines (like the sawmill) and also for backup power like the solars. I have an EU detector cable to turn on power to machines if I run out of sawdust.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Like most methods, this has been done before, of course, but I still find it amusing/interesting: the zombie juicer.

Set up a tier 5 zombie soul shard, pipe the rotten flesh into an industrial centrifuge (or many centrifuges, if you want to use it as a real power source) which will give you methane. The methane goes into a gas turbine for 45K EU per bucket (or can, or whatever).
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Like most methods, this has been done before, of course, but I still find it amusing/interesting: the zombie juicer.

Set up a tier 5 zombie soul shard, pipe the rotten flesh into an industrial centrifuge (or many centrifuges, if you want to use it as a real power source) which will give you methane. The methane goes into a gas turbine for 45K EU per bucket (or can, or whatever).

If you're gonna do that, it's better to have zombie pigs since you might as well get gold as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am going to run with Thaumicbees (any of the magic wax producing bee varieties will work) and a GT Magic Energy Converter.

Just need to kill one Wither...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In my new world I'll be starting soon (just working out some stuff in the configs to fix my needs [increasing redstone height spawn, etc]) I'll be going only MJ/Charge/Steam, no EU.

I haven't tried it out yet but I'm thinking about going more of a wood/sawdust powered energy line with maybe a bit of steam. What's the easiest way to get a little bit of steam? I've never done it, again, and I just don't want it to explode on me and wreck my base.