This not only isn't true (Either it's a democracy, and that one vote wouldn't matter, or Guude runs the show) but it's also irrelevant. A person chooses to play on the server or not. If they don't like the rules, don't play.
Besides, of the Mindcrackers, only one was whining about GregTech. Only one I cancelled because of it.
Avidya clearly said in a beef episode that etho was the only one that wanted it, of course the other guys simply don't mind, besides bdoubleo, like he said in an episode: "gregtech is good, besides if you are a let's player with not much time, it just makes you waste time" And he posts NBA videos, simcity, lets build, the mindcraft ftb, vanilla and his singleplayer, etho only ftb vanilla and singleplayer, he has more time in his hands than bdubs (not like he is even touching IC2 or nothing) and so bdubs has all the rights to complain (and thats why, they went the bee path) like when greg changed the platinum output, or when he changed instead of iron to refined iron in the industrial whateveriscalled.