Welcome to Ultimate Enki
I've recently started a server under the umbrella of Enki Gaming, a small but active community running a couple of Tekkit Servers. You can check out their server thread here:
Server Specs:
Intel Xeon E3 1245v2
Dedicated Memory: 8096 MB HDD
Maximum Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
We have two Tekkit servers running (Lite & Classic), a brand new MindCrack server, as well as a TeamSpeak 3 server to boot, however, i digress...
So what's this MindCrack server all about if you have two Tekkit servers already? I hear maybe some of you ask.
Well, once we have a stable and active community base, the plan is to take the base package of MindCrack and mod it some more! Decisions on what mods to install will be down to the community; what interests us and looks like a real nice mod will be put on a shortlist and eventually a requested will be sent to the higher powers at FTB central to create our very own private pack.
This will take some time as many mods require written permission from authors before a private pack request can be made.
Thats the crux of Enki-Crack anyway, MindCrack and then some.
You're going to have to install Mystcraft in order to log on, you can just grab the mod from the direwolf20 ModPack. We're going to set up 2 ages in total I believe, a mining world and a PVP world for those who get a little bloodthirsty. Unfortunately Mystcraft is going to be designated as an Admin only mod.
If you're interested in a mature modded minecraft experience with a future of playing mods beyond the standard Feed the Beast modpack criteria this is probably the place for you. We're new and we're keen and we already have a small community you can jump right into. What's not to like? Probably this small form I'm going to ask
you to fill in, sadly, needs must!
Server IP: enkicrack.refreshprojects.com (Whitelisted)
Game Difficulty - 3
1. No building at or near spawn without permission.
2. No building near to other players without permission.
3. Do not take what doesn’t belong to you.
4. Do not destroy other players property.
5. No bullying of other players in any form.
6. Do not ask to be an operator, ever! You will get struck by lightning.
7. Do not ask to be an administrator, this will only ever offered.
8. Do not bug admin for extra permissions.
9. Be polite to your host and supporting staff
Chunck loading has been a problem in the past there may be restrictions applied to ChickenChunks (i believe the default config is like 5000 chunks, that will definitely change)
FAO our current members!!!
Running the MindCrack v8.1.1 + Mystcraft
You can grab the lastest version of Mystcraft from the updated v5.1.1 of the direwolf20 Modpack.
Since updating our mystcraft all of the books and portals used in the overworld have been wiped. Apologies for any inconvenience.
6/3/13 NEWSWe've updated to the Ultimate Pack, If you try to log in through the MindCrack pack, it will NOT work. You must use the same VPS (liable to change)
So far it looks relatively stable but I've been having a few issues with world leaks.
I have removed all spot loaders in an effort to relieve the issue, please use world anchors to do your loading from now on. I believe the problem lies with chicken chunks.
Apologies for the slow update, but we're there now!
BAD NEWS: We are ending the world!
Unfortunately I am closing this server down due to a corrupted world map. I'm so sorry for you guys I know you have all put in so much work but at first Kocyk base was corrupted and now Darrell's base is corrupted...
who's next!
Good news is that my good friend tfox has a server running, which we are all welcome to join. It means starting afresh but the good news is that unlike me, tfox actually knows how to run a server, rather than me just fumbling around doing my best to keep things running smoothly.
I implore that you all come and join us, we have a real nice community and the merging of the two is only gonna make for more fun and a more active player base, which will be nice.
you can join using this VPS:
It is a whitelisted server and we have successfully transferred the whitelist over to his configs. Come join and lets be a part of something bigger.
I will be keeping the server online for a few days so I can catch people and let them know the news.

Modded Interests (what mods you like to play with):
Primary reason for joining: