Hello there, If you are on this forum then you are most likely looking for an FTB server to play on either by yourself or with some friends or even make some new friends! You have come to right place! Here at Colossal Craft we are always looking for new players to join and enjoy themselves right of the bat!
Server iP - DW20.C-Craft.co:20010
The server owners are xHueYYx, Maxcel23 and Myself, THEMiiNiSTER. We have been part of a large FTB community as admins for some time now and have decided to give hosting our own server a try. We treat all players with respect and try our best to come across in a professional manner at all times. The server has been upgraded to a physical dedicated server to make your experience better!
We have a nice amount of plugins balanced for both fun and security. Including CoreProtect and DisguiseCraft!
A website linked to our server for ease and fun. Please feel free to check it out and leave feedback!
The server uses Towny to protect land and items which is an adventure in its self! Choose to with create or join a town! Why not turn your expanding town into a nation and become an Emperor some day?
Server has no current lag issues and as our player base/community grows we will upgrade the server as we see fit.
We look forward yo you joining our server and at least giving us a chance to get going!
Thank you for reading, xHueYYx & THEMiiNiSTER & Maxcel23
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