Server Name: UberCubes
Server IP: UberCube.PlayAt.CH
CPU: 2 x dual core 2.8Mhz
Memory: 40GB
Mode: Survival
Difficulty: Hard
Modpack: UberCubes ( Private Pack )
GregTech: Hard Mode
- Be respectful to staff and other players.
- No hacking, glitching, or cheating.
- No racism or other offensive remarks.
- Don't abuse the chat, Use Raidcall for lengthy discussions.
- Don't grief or steal.
- Don't ask for items or ranks.
- Comply with requests of staff.
- Avoid Extensive mining in the over-world
- Ask Before Modifying Builds
- Owners
- ExtremistDAN
- Miniman
- Admins
- Zedos
- Neidmare
- Mods
- Open
- Open
- ViP
- Ask for information
To insure that your App is seen please post both bellow and on our Site.Alternatively you can PM any of the staff....
- UserName:
- Have you been banned before is so why:
- Why Should we allow you to join:
- Tell us something about you: