Whitelist Server Turtzcraft [New server][Survival][18+][Small][UK]

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Name: Jesse
In game name: PaperKrane
Age: 23
Country: US
Why you would like to join my server: I'm looking for some friends to play minecraft with. The player base on this server looks similar to myself and I'm a good neighbor. I honestly can't wait to get get involved in a nice server, I wouldn't just be a hermit in some mountain. The previous server I played on was started by a buddie of mine for our group of friends. Over a couple months they each moved on to other games and I was left in an empty server full of barren homes and a lifeless city. I enjoy making community areas. Most of my mod experience is with bees from forestry, but I'm a quick learner and wouldn't be pestering. My initial vision would be an expansive farm. There would be open beehives, ready farm plots, and possibly an area for tree-breeding. I'd like an area with all the bee machines ready to go, some NPC beekeepers, and a sorting machine for unused stock. Feel free to ask me anything you'd like, and I'm looking forward to hearing back.
How often do you play: I'll stop by once a day, but I'll get most of my play in when I'm off work. My schedule means I'm usually playing with the euro crowd so I think it will be a good fit.
Have you ever been banned before: No
Name: Clay
In game name: GnomeSayn
Age:19 next month
Country: Canada
Why you would like to join my server: I want to play in a smaller, mature community. I also am impressed that this thread is on its 6th page and you're still moderating it, too. I enjoy building with others and am always in to any sort of group/server project, but am also a confident solo builder. I really would like to get back in to playing FTB quite regularly and for me, that is dependent on the community of the server.
How often do you play: Maybe 10 hrs/week
Have you ever been banned before: No

Both added to Whitelist, see you online! :)
Name: Andrew​
In game name: Akfek​
Age: I would rather not say exactly, but I hope it suffices to say that I have been voting in national elections for at least a decade.​
Country: United States​
Why you would like to join my server: Initially I was just looking for somewhere I could play with some people. I have thoroughly exhausted everything I care to do in my single player world (that is, pretty much everything that does not involve some programming knowledge) and would like to try my hand at playing FTB with some people. I really liked Vanilla Minecraft server play. I am hoping that I can team up with someone or a few someones because I am tired of playing alone. Your server has caught my eye mainly because of the diversity of the people asking to join. An international community of players sounds like a lot of fun. Also, I like the seemingly laid back atmosphere​
How often do you play: Generally three or four times what a week for two or three hours each time, so ten-ish hours a week. I am not doing much for the next few weeks though, so I will likely be on more often, especially if I can find someone who wants to play with me.​
Have you ever been banned before: Not to my knowledge.​
Name: Tyler
In game name: Tykeal
Age: 18
Country: Canada
Why you would like to join my server: Looking for a cool, reliable, and mature server to play with some friends. I want to build things without the worry of them being greifed, so it can be part of the community and this server looks like it would be perfect!
How often do you play: 5-20hrs a week
Have you ever been banned before: Nope.
Name: Andrew
In game name: Akfek
Age: I would rather not say exactly, but I hope it suffices to say that I have been voting in national elections for at least a decade.
Country: United States
Why you would like to join my server: Initially I was just looking for somewhere I could play with some people. I have thoroughly exhausted everything I care to do in my single player world (that is, pretty much everything that does not involve some programming knowledge) and would like to try my hand at playing FTB with some people. I really liked Vanilla Minecraft server play. I am hoping that I can team up with someone or a few someones because I am tired of playing alone. Your server has caught my eye mainly because of the diversity of the people asking to join. An international community of players sounds like a lot of fun. Also, I like the seemingly laid back atmosphere
How often do you play: Generally three or four times what a week for two or three hours each time, so ten-ish hours a week. I am not doing much for the next few weeks though, so I will likely be on more often, especially if I can find someone who wants to play with me.
Have you ever been banned before: Not to my knowledge.

I added you to the whitelist, see you online :)
Name: Lucas

In game name:Deidara

Age: 18

Country: Belgium

Why you would like to join my server: Well, i've been searching for some servers down here, this wasn't successfully, because i am a good player who likes to build some stuffs and thinks like that, and the servers i have already been was like : DESTROY DESTROY DESTROY and KILL KILL KILL.So this the reason why i have been here. And i think that's all.

How often do you play: Well i play like 3days a week and i play like 3hours.

Have you ever been banned before: No i have never been banned before.
Ps: I didn't used google traductor for this text , and i got the server from Mrvarience.
Name: Jimmy​
In game name: MacSkills​
Age: 26​
Country: Netherlands​
Why you would like to join my server: I'm looking for a nice close community server for a while now and couldn't find one so i came to the ftb forums to see if there are any here, after looking at some server topics (direwolf20 section) i thought this is one of the nicest so i hope i'm right about that ;)
How often do you play: Most of the time in the evening but i play whenever i got the time, if i enjoy the server i probably will play a lot since i'm pretty much addicted to ftb but like i said, i cant find a nice server to play on so if its no fun then the motivation disappears quickly :)
Have you ever been banned before: No i have not been banned before :)
Hope to here from you soon so i can start, or start looking for another server :(
Name: Jimmy
In game name: MacSkills
Age: 26
Country: Netherlands
Why you would like to join my server: I'm looking for a nice close community server for a while now and couldn't find one so i came to the ftb forums to see if there are any here, after looking at some server topics (direwolf20 section) i thought this is one of the nicest so i hope i'm right about that ;)
How often do you play: Most of the time in the evening but i play whenever i got the time, if i enjoy the server i probably will play a lot since i'm pretty much addicted to ftb but like i said, i cant find a nice server to play on so if its no fun then the motivation disappears quickly :)
Have you ever been banned before: No i have not been banned before :)
Hope to here from you soon so i can start, or start looking for another server :(

You have been whitelisted welcome aboard!
Name: Patrick​
In game name: radpad​
Age: 25​
Country: Scotland​
Why you would like to join my server: I am looking for a small'ish server, filled with good, honest people after my last server I was on was a griefers paradise. Your topic caught my eye, most likely due to Elton John's bespectacled face looking back at me instead of the usual minecraft avatars, well played. Also, I have a unhealthy addiction to all things forestry.​
How often do you play: Few hours everyday, most likely more over the summer.​
Have you ever been banned before: Never, I'm a law abiding citizen.​
Name: Patrick
In game name: radpad
Age: 25
Country: Scotland
Why you would like to join my server: I am looking for a small'ish server, filled with good, honest people after my last server I was on was a griefers paradise. Your topic caught my eye, most likely due to Elton John's bespectacled face looking back at me instead of the usual minecraft avatars, well played. Also, I have a unhealthy addiction to all things forestry.
How often do you play: Few hours everyday, most likely more over the summer.
Have you ever been banned before: Never, I'm a law abiding citizen.

You have been whitelisted, I am glad you enjoy my love for elton, welcome aboard!
Name: Demetrio
IGN: Svetlonio
Age: 27
Country: Italy
Why would I like to join your server: I want to join a server because I only ever played single player, and I find myself lacking the motivation to complete or pretty up projects once I have them figured out in my head. I also expect multiplayer to be a different game, and a lot of fun. I have no experience with other servers, so I have no particular reason to prefer yours, other than I like the approach of "the only rule is: do not be a dick".
How often do I play: 10-20 hrs/week, depending on how much stuff is going on IRL.
I have never had the opportunity to get myself banned anywhere.
Name: Victor
In game name: Artamy_28
Age: 14 and 1/2
Country: France, Paris
Why you would like to join my server: (make this bit interesting, its how I will judge most applications :) ) Im pretty new to FTB as I only played it for half a month so far and im trying to find a good server with a good community/ grief free etc ... :)
How often do you play: I play approximatively 1H30 every day
Have you ever been banned before: (this can be checked) I have only been banned once, this time was when the owner went mad and just banned lots of random people :P.
Name: Victor
In game name: Artamy_28
Age: 14 and 1/2
Country: France, Paris
Why you would like to join my server: (make this bit interesting, its how I will judge most applications :) ) Im pretty new to FTB as I only played it for half a month so far and im trying to find a good server with a good community/ grief free etc ... :)
How often do you play: I play approximatively 1H30 every day
Have you ever been banned before: (this can be checked) I have only been banned once, this time was when the owner went mad and just banned lots of random people :p.
Sorry your under the age of 18 hope you find a server soon
In game name:
That's complicated, but I actually live in Brazil​
Why you would like to join my server:
Why I'm applying here: I have been looking for a server with a good community for quite some time (since the one I used to play before closed down, like 4 months ago), I also value having a separate mining world (no overworld damage and such) and I like relatively small communities so I can build my factory / house without bothering anyone.​
Previous experience: I'm quite experienced with the modpack (taking apart forestry and thaumcraft but I can learn fast), I have build a lot of contraptions to automate most of the job normally integrating IC² - RP - BC - TE and I dislike BC quarries, I prefer CC and its Turtles.​
Community: About the comunity I hope to find some mature people that I can discuss with (if there is any VOIP even better), and of curse I'll share my knowledge of the mods if it can help anyone, hoping the rest will do the same, also, I'll open a shop as soon as I have stock to sell.​
How often do you play:
Work and girlfriend abiding, daily.
Have you ever been banned before:
Name: Johnny​
In game name: Jiggy​
Age: 24​
Country: The Netherlands​
Why you would like to join my server: Well like u said its a community server. I had my own server and it had a great community tough due to personal problems i had to shut down the server. Got now my life a little bit back on rails so am looking now 1 to play on. Yours looks good so hoping i can join on here and have some fun with other people.​
How often do you play: When i have time for it i play around 12-15 hours a week because i got school and also work.​
Have you ever been banned before: Not that i know of. Or at least that i can renember....​
Name: sacha​
In game name: brulex13​
Age: 18​
Country: belgium​
Why you would like to join my server: (make this bit interesting, its how I will judge most applications :) ) Most of the whitelisted servers are kinda big like 100+ slots i like small servers where people help eachother and not walk far out and work alone that's not how mp works if u want to play on ur own go play sp i'm searching for small server where i can share my knowledge of the mods and get even more learned from other players and get some new friends to play with.​
How often do you play: Mostly when i'm at home​
Have you ever been banned before: (this can be checked): once: i abused dupeplication bug and got banned for duping but i found out a bug wich the server dissabled after my ban i got unbanned and got promoted to bug/dupe fixer/tracker​
TurtzCraft has closed down, I am sorry. Please stay turned for a link to download the TurtzCraft map. I am currently, at the time of posting this, uploading the main world map. Will have issues uploading the Mining World due to it's size being massive.

Link will be here: Click Me!
For just the nether world download here: Click Me!
Name: Greg
In game name: titansfury
Age: 19
Country: USA
Why you would like to join my server: I would like to join your server because small servers tend to have more meaningful social interaction. Also, the idea of playing only with players around my own age sounds great to me.
How often do you play: I tend to play for 2-3 hours each day, but that will drop some once college starts back up
Have you ever been banned before: I do not beleive that I have
Name: Cory, but my friends call me Nas

In game name: Nasuno

Age: 30+

Country: US
Why you would like to join my server: Want to find a server that will not wipe and start over every couple of months because the donator pool is stagnant and make up lies about there real motivations, I see what your doing you public servers :p Rant over. I love this game and will play it on and off until I'm too old to read my monitor so I figure try to find a whitelisted server where people are mature, honest, creative and will be around for a long while (most of the new whitelisted servers seeking members are already gone but yours seems established).
I would like my rl friends three of them anyways to be able to play here with me if I dig the server. pun.
I have not done a community build before and would like to try that also.
I am not on voice coms when doing serious building/contemplating but will during other times for sure as I enjoy the communities I am a part of.
I want to start documenting my creations on my youtube account. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1kGYiQjjWw is an example of a recent build I couldn't finish because of server wipes. I enjoy most building underground as the digging gives me time to contemplate my ideas.

How often do you play: Many hours a day when I have the time, which is often. Self employed so I have lots of time.

Have you ever been banned before: No

Hey man. This server has been closed for a very long time. Since August. Sorry.