Whitelist Server Turtzcraft [New server][Survival][18+][Small][UK]

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Name: Jan​
In game name: Firu_2​
Age: 19​
Country: Germany​
Why you would like to join my server: I played a lot of FTB Singleplayer, but after time its get boring and for that iam looking for a server where i can see new builds, intersting machines and have fun.​
How often do you play: Whenever i got time and want to play Minecraft :D
Have you ever been banned before: If i got banned somewhere then i dont know about it.​
If anybody wishes to see the server a bit check this video out of what we have all been working on :)
Name: Jan
In game name: Firu_2
Age: 19
Country: Germany
Why you would like to join my server: I played a lot of FTB Singleplayer, but after time its get boring and for that iam looking for a server where i can see new builds, intersting machines and have fun.
How often do you play: Whenever i got time and want to play Minecraft :D
Have you ever been banned before: If i got banned somewhere then i dont know about it.
You have been whitelisted welcome aboard!
Name: Luke Paul
In game name: BlueNinjar
Country: UK
Why you would like to join my server: I Want To Join The Server Cuz im a Bit Of A Feed The Beast Wiz And A Bit of A MAde Person with Thumcraft And i Like To Get My Hands Dirty And I Would Enjoy Helping You And The Rest Of These EPIC Memebers Out
How often do you play: I Play All Of The Time I Can So About 10-23 Hours A Day!
Have you ever been banned before: Yes But This Was A Unproved Ban I Was A Trial Mod And The Admin Didnt Know Then i Removed 1 Block Of Wood
And The Head Admin banned For For It,
Name: Luke Paul
In game name: BlueNinjar
Country: UK
Why you would like to join my server: I Want To Join The Server Cuz im a Bit Of A Feed The Beast Wiz And A Bit of A MAde Person with Thumcraft And i Like To Get My Hands Dirty And I Would Enjoy Helping You And The Rest Of These EPIC Memebers Out
How often do you play: I Play All Of The Time I Can So About 10-23 Hours A Day!
Have you ever been banned before: Yes But This Was A Unproved Ban I Was A Trial Mod And The Admin Didnt Know Then i Removed 1 Block Of Wood
And The Head Admin banned For For It,

We are strictly 18 plus thanks for applying and hope you find a good server soon!
In game name: yiftach2089
Country: Israel
Why you would like to join my server: (make this bit interesting, its how I will judge most applications) i have just started playing this modpack and me and my friends are looking for a good server to play in, I love to build and I usually play building servers such as the voxelbox one .
This server seems good for us because we need a fresh world with small helping community because we are new.
How often do you play: I'm usually on the computer about 3-10 hours a day, and i play about 2-5 hours a day
Have you ever been banned before: No (this can be checked)
In game name: eran1898
Country: Israel
Why you would like to join my server: (make this bit interesting, its how I will judge most applications) Hey, i decided to play the dw20 modpackd with my friends so i'm new in this modpack however i have played some others modpack with them such as mindcrack,tekkit and ftb beta.
I also played a lot of vanilla, I like to learn how minecraft works for example when will mobs spawn, where? How to build giant mob traps such as a mob grinder.
i hope to be accepted with my friends so we can play togther in a small helping server.
Name: Sam
In game name: sam6555
Age: 21
Country: UK
Why you would like to join my server: Looking for a decent lag free FTB server to play on. Been away from MC for a long time because of a lack of good servers. Maybe turtzcraft will entice me back.
How often do you play: When I was playing MC, easily 6 hours or so when I wasn't working.
Have you ever been banned before: Nope. (Not sure if that ban site will still list a ban a friend got for me when I let him use my account a long time ago)
Name: Sam
In game name: happypyro
Age: 18
Country: U.S.A
Why you would like to join my server: Because it's an amazing looking server (I'm sorry about how short this is, I have a hard time putting thoughts to words)
How often do you play: Almost every day
Have you ever been banned before: No, at least not to my knowledge
Name: Bartek
In game name: Scorpp
Age: 20
Country: Poland
Why you would like to join my server: I played a lot of FTB Singleplayer but playing alone is little bit boring so now I am looking for a small comunity server to play and have fun with others.
How often do you play: I woud say to much, but is it wrong?
Have you ever been banned before: No, I don't think so.
Sorry for the long reply we reached capacity! but as anybody who runs a server knows people drop out, so i have two more spaces! Scropp and sam6555 you both have been whitelisted as you are in similar time zones, if any more spots come available the rest of you guys have a shot at being whitelisted!
Please try to change my IGN in whitelist from Scropp to Scorpp because i can't join the server.
Name: Toby
In game name: Halichoerus
Age: 19
Country: England

Why you would like to join my server:

Disclaimer: This post will be unnecessarily long, read the TL;DR at the bottom if you prefer.

What draws me to this server in particular is the size; I prefer a small community of people who work together and get along as apposed to a sprawling metropolis of greifers and unreal lag due to poor machine optimization. I enjoy helping and working with other people and will be adding to shared resources (if permitted) much in Direwolf20 spirit - although I'll save the sight of the monstrosities I'll likely create and just tesseract said resources over.

I would love to get know other mod enthusiasts, I've really enjoyed creating things in FTB with RL friends, the only problem being they're mostly mod illiterate and flee at the sight of a pneumatic tube! Hopefully I can find a few others that enjoy creating crazy contraptions, meshing all sorts of mods together and in the end creating some pretty impressive (or stupid) creations. I usually power through to end-game high tier items, like RP2 chunk annihilating quarries, but I think I'll take it a bit slower this time around - I might even try to make things look nice; thanks to XYcraft even 9x9 can look presentable!

So what can I bring to the server? Well, apart from my aforementioned enjoyment of helping others, I can also bring a large knowledge of the modpack to the table, and I'll be willing to share that knowledge to anyone who asks.

Automation: I've had a good few years of experience with buildcraft and red power, playing the former from near release. I can create sorting machines, to autocrafting, to solar factories; I know most there is to know on autarchic gates, sorting machines, pipes, tubes, filters, etc. I've tried all manner of mining operations, from quarries, RP2 frame machines and arcane bores, to mining and lazer turtles. It's fair to say automation is my favorite part of the game, if it can be done, I'll automate it, if it can't, I'll find a way!

Beeeeeeees: I really do love me some bees! Although useless at remembering any mutation combos, I know all the bits and bobs to do with bees, both in forestry, extra bees and some on thaumic bees. This is probably where I'll start, since it will make a change from a heavily industrial begin game.

Programming: I'm a hobbiest novice programmer, no further than creating basic arcade games (snake, pacman, tetris etc), but that's more than enough knowledge to get stuck right into computercraft, but since stack based programming gives me a headache I avoid RP2 computers like the plague (sorry Eloraam!). My most ambitious project was probably a turtle program that built a 5x10 wide/high wall with massive towers all automatically, it responded to marker blocks in the environment to trigger when to build towers or move the wall, and it got all the cobble from an enderchest hooked to a cobble gen.

Magic: Done tonnes with thaumcraft, definatly one of my favorites due to the pretty animations and textures. Looking forward to dabble more in Xeno's reliquary and EE3 (when Pahimar finishes it) and also go to the twilight realm, I've put that off long enough! I'll probably avoid mystcraft for the most part, I've done a lot of it plus it lags the server.

Power generation: I love to come up with new innovative ways of producing power, and I like to mash up as many mods as possible in the process while keeping tick rate as low as possible (yes, millions of enderchests and tesseracts!). As I said before, solar factories are a fun build for me, especially with the new XYcraft fabricator - such an epic block.

And the rest: I have a pretty good blanket knowledge of most the mods, but any I don't know so much in, I'm sure to learn at some point!

TLDR; Like helping others, would add lots to shared resources, know a tonne about most the mods.

How often do you play: 2-3 hours on weekdays, more on weekends depending on what I'm doing.

Have you ever been banned before: Nope.

P.S. I noticed slots were full, but thought I'd give it a post in case some are freed up in the future. Thanks for reading, sorry if your eyes hurt.
Name: Sigmon​
In game name: sigmonstar117​
Age: 17 (Turning 18 in October)​
Country: United states (Central time zone)​
Why you would like to join my server: I love the FTB mod packs and i saw this server liked people who were almost fanatics about it so I thought it would be perfect for me since I ESPECIALLY love BeeKeeping and Thaumcraft! and now with the whole ThaumicBees addon I love it even more!​
How often do you play: every day I can basically as long as my sister lets me on.​
Have you ever been banned before:​
Mostly on horribly administrated servers but once or twice on servers that were really pretty nice and I just screwed up :/​
But I try my best if I really like a server to follow the rules as best I can.​
Name:Mason King
In game name:vizions23
Why you would like to join my server: Well I love feed the beast but all my single player worlds get deleted somehow so I wanted to play on a server where all my hard work won't get destroyed and I want to play with lots of fun people.
How often do you play: about 3 hours on weekdays and on weekends about 4 or more
Have you ever been banned before: I don't remember being banned before so I will say no.
Name: Stefan
In game name: Black_Shad0w
Age: 19
Country: Netherlands
Why you would like to join my server:
(make this bit interesting, its how I will judge most applications :) )
Currently looking for a new server, as my previous server seems to have went down :(
As always, im looking for a small, mature community, with as little lagg as possible.
I can add to the server lots of steves carts, a couple turtles, and general knowledge about most of the mods :)
How often do you play: Almost every day, usually 2/3 hours a day.
Have you ever been banned before: (this can be checked): Yes, for x-ray(once), because i usually got bored when i needed resources, but FTB fixes that with quarries :)
IGN: hopdog
Age: 28
Have you ever been banned from a server?: nope
Have you had experience with any of the mods in the modpack?: F.T.B 1 year, Tekkit 2 Year, Been playing MC since Beta
Why would you like to join this server?: I'm looking for a small group to play with.