Name: Jesse
In game name: PaperKrane
Age: 23
Country: US
Why you would like to join my server: I'm looking for some friends to play minecraft with. The player base on this server looks similar to myself and I'm a good neighbor. I honestly can't wait to get get involved in a nice server, I wouldn't just be a hermit in some mountain. The previous server I played on was started by a buddie of mine for our group of friends. Over a couple months they each moved on to other games and I was left in an empty server full of barren homes and a lifeless city. I enjoy making community areas. Most of my mod experience is with bees from forestry, but I'm a quick learner and wouldn't be pestering. My initial vision would be an expansive farm. There would be open beehives, ready farm plots, and possibly an area for tree-breeding. I'd like an area with all the bee machines ready to go, some NPC beekeepers, and a sorting machine for unused stock. Feel free to ask me anything you'd like, and I'm looking forward to hearing back.
How often do you play: I'll stop by once a day, but I'll get most of my play in when I'm off work. My schedule means I'm usually playing with the euro crowd so I think it will be a good fit.
Have you ever been banned before: No
Name: Clay
In game name: GnomeSayn
Age:19 next month
Country: Canada
Why you would like to join my server: I want to play in a smaller, mature community. I also am impressed that this thread is on its 6th page and you're still moderating it, too. I enjoy building with others and am always in to any sort of group/server project, but am also a confident solo builder. I really would like to get back in to playing FTB quite regularly and for me, that is dependent on the community of the server.
How often do you play: Maybe 10 hrs/week
Have you ever been banned before: No
Both added to Whitelist, see you online!