Whitelist Server Turtzcraft [New server][Survival][18+][Small][UK]

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for adding me! Got a problem though, it says I'm not whitelisted, did you spell my name correctly? It's Halichoerus.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I see you tried again but it wouldn't alow you so ive done it again, im not sure why this is happening.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Chris
In game name: Jeq
Age: 27
Country: England
Why you would like to join my server: I am looking for a small friendly server where I can have fun building with others. I love building projects with other people and would love to see what other people can come up with. I've been playing the same mods as DW for a long time now so hopefully I can pass on some knowledge also.
How often do you play: Depends on the day really. Couple of hours a day generally.
Have you ever been banned before: Nope.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Trey
In game name: TreyBastian
Age: 25
Country: Germany (Soon to be Scotland)
Why you would like to join my server: I don't really know how to make this interesting. I want a server that is fairly lag free and reliable.
How often do you play: At least three days a week. Work and life can get in the way unfortunately.
Have you ever been banned before: Negative


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Shawn
In game name: rubberduckiex
Age: 20
Country: canada
Why you would like to join my server: ( Well for one iv only just started playing FTB and i was hoping to find a sweet server to play on with a few people. It kinda gets lonely playing by your self :( I just hope you will accept me and I would also like to say I do like building things with players so i can be helpful )
How often do you play: depends on the day some times 20 hours some times 5 hours
Have you ever been banned before: no i have not been banned


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm very sorry in the delay of getting back to every body, I have recently upgraded the server to improve performance. I will be adding more players over the next few days, hopefully you guys can understand I don't want to overload the server! Thanks again for your time, those who have applied above this message will have first consideration when i open more slots


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Alex
In game name: Dragon2907
Age: 21
Country: UK (England)
Why you would like to join my server: Want to get in with a mature group of people. Be able to do projects together and have a good time. Also playing with a group of people is always a lot more fun than on your own :)
How often do you play: At least few hours everyday if possible. Work really depends how much I can spend playing.
Have you ever been banned before: Nope. Only be 2nd time I have played on a multiplayer server before (If I'm accepted of course)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Phil
In game name: supaphil (I really should have used a bit more imagination!)
Age: 32
Country: UK
Why you would like to join my server: There's only so much of my own company I can stand, just me rattling around in a giant Minecraft world is lonely.
I want to be part of a community made up of mature players (no whiney 14 year olds) and to be honest just enjoy building cool buildings and machines
with other people. Oh and I really really want to build an MFFS and didn't see the point in a single player world.
How often do you play: Most days 9-3 ish GMT, not as much during school holidays (kids need to be entertained!)
Have you ever been banned before: No. but I have quit a couple of servers. I wasn't impressed with the way they worked.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Johan
In game name: 3ch000
Age: 29
Country: Sweden
Why you would like to join my server: Looking for a good whitelisted server with a smaller community and some more mature players. Been playing FTB for quite some time now on my own and it gets lonely after a while.

Have been watching Direwolf20's youtube videos and been inspired to try this modpack aswell.

Have you ever been banned before: Nope.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Leon
In game name: Kletsie
Age: 24
Country: Holland
Why you would like to join my server: (make this bit interesting, its how I will judge most applications :) ) I have been looking and trying out some of the FTB DW20 servers. this resulting in childish play pvp or many items not working. I like to play on a server with a mature and friendly players. So we can build discover invent expand our buildings and knowledge. Your server looks interesting and I looked at the other ap's I like the ppl you you did whitelist. Hopefully you will consider whitelisting this addicted builder the help you get a strong production going
How often do you play: If you ask my GF I play to much. But I would say I play allot
Have you ever been banned before: (this can be checked) I have never been banned before nor do I plan to get banned. playing fair and by the rules is the way I play
  • Like
Reactions: Ekeltresko


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Jonas​
In game name: ekeltresko​
Age: 18​
Country: Norway​
How often do you play: Well i Basically play every day, except maybe somtimes, when i need to study and be with friends.​
Why you would like to join my server: I would like to join your server because I am bored by all these other servers that always closes down, laggi as hell or just have too many banned items. I like small servers, thats cause they often don't have the problem about being griefed all the time.​
Have you ever been banned before: Yes, i have been banned once (on an vanilla server). I was banned for, i don't actually know, i just joined one day and then i was banned.​
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Reactions: Kletsie


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name : Rémi

In Game Name : Solentash

Age : 32

Country : Canada

How often do you play : I end up playing everyday.

Why would you like to join my server : Looking for people to play with, either by helping with build or whatever the case. I very much enjoy playing Minecraft but find that in solo play I loose interest alot. Have tried running personal servers from my computer but can never find people who want to play on a regular basis.

Have you ever been banned before : I was never banned from a server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry guys, I got myself into trouble and got no way of communicating. Can somebody place me at spawn? When I login I get the internal server error.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am reopening applications for the server! We now have a bigger server to ensure things run smoothly, we also have teamspeak!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, hope there are still some spots left.​
Name: Rick​
In game name: Merelia​
Age: 22​
Country: Netherlands​
Why you would like to join my server: I like small communities, I prefer a small group I know well over the sea of faces/names that some other servers are. And your server seems pretty mature overall judging by the applications and the videos posted by Lady Lexy. Otherwise judging by the vid your server seems to run pretty smooth, looks clean and I hope you will be a fun group to play minecraft with.​
How often do you play: I tend to play most days for at least a few hours, due to a lot of free time this may range to just a hour to spending a entire day on the server. Otherwise my play time can be effected by sickness.​
Have you ever been banned before: No.​