I've only played once on a survival multiplayer 'vanilla' server, and it kind of petered out after a few weeks. I look forward to finding something a bit more stable.
- Forum name: Tumm
- In-Game Name: Beutimus
- Age: 27
- Have you played FTB before: I've played Beta Pack A for about a month and Mindcrack pack (+ Mystcraft) ever since it came out.
- Have you ever been banned: No
- If so; why: n/a
- What can you bring to Trince: I have experience with some of the mods, but not all. I consider myself to be a good team player and decent programmer (just haven't delved into the lua API's much). I'm a big fan of exploring and monster hunting, as well as building automatic sorting/processing systems.
Added to whitelist. Welcome!
Please see www.trince.com for more info.