Tradewinds (BETA 0.0.52) - A trading based modpack.

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Rebirth Gaming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019

A test server is online. Our forums are online to accept bug reports and feedback. More details here, such as how to install and server info:


This modpack will focus on a travelling trader theme. You will be able to travel the world by foot, on horses, wagons and boats to get to your destination.

You will be travelling for two main reasons: delivering trade goods for money, and to obtain resources from other biomes and locations which would otherwise be rare in your home location.

This modpack will also have an element of exploration to discover treasures and goods, which you may pawn off to travelers and traders.

The pack will be hosted on a public server with a premade map with incredibly large biomes and premade cities/towns, outposts, mining shafts, routes, shipyards, NPCs with goods for sale and more. There are no plans for a single player map. By making this pack a multiplayer, dedicated hosted server, we can develop it in an agile and dynamic way, adding content as players progress.

This pack will also include mods that promote progression and add a layer of realism to the pack. There will be a true need to prepare and plan accordingly before setting out to travel. Some food and a speed potion wont be enough to travel! There will be real environmental dangers and factors to consider.


Tradewinds will feature THREE primary methods of trading.


One of our community's developers created a new mod that creates a trading system. If you played ArcheAge or BDO, then you will find this mod to be similar to its trading system.

The mod will include a currency system, wagons, carts, boats and trade packs.

Trade packs can be crafted at a pack-crafting station. A trade pack is crafted using ingredients listed in the station's GUI. The station itself can not be crafted - it's a map maker item which Tradewinds' map makers will place in predetermined, fixed locations such as major cities and trade towns.

A map maker will be able to configure each pack-crafting station individually.
The map maker can set a station's ingredient list, base value and distance multiplier. The further you travel with a trade pack, the more money it's worth!

The map maker can also place trade-pack delivery stations in the world. These are the stations where a player must deliver a trade-pack to. Turn in your trade pack at any delivery station to receive payment in the form of Quarters, Loonies and Toonies.



Once you craft a trade pack, it is forced-equipped to your chest slot. You can NOT carry it in your inventory, and you can't run, fly or teleport while carrying a trade pack. It's heavy, after all! However, you will be able to use boats and wagons to make your journey easier.

The coins the player earn are both virtual and item based, allowing the player to use the coins to physically trade with players, but also to allow them to be used with certain mod-specific features, such as NPCs and villagers.

Another feature of this mod will be a player-trading gui. A player will be able to request a trade with another player who is in range. The other player can accept/deny the trade offer. If accepted, a gui opens up where both players can offer items/coins, and then accept the offer. This creates a safe trading system that also enforces both players to physically be near each other.

And here are the finished tradepacks:


NPC Trading:

Located in the many cities and towns of Tradewinds are NPCs. Many of these NPCs will have items for sale, as well as items to buy. The selection of items an NPC wants or has to offer depends on the city and surrounding biomes' materials.

For example, the city of Baroham is a port city located in a spruce forest. As such, the NPCs in Baroham will have plenty of spruce wood, furniture, and fish to sell. However, they lack sand and glass, and will offer to pay a pretty penny for large shipments of sand and glass. You can then travel to a desert city where glass and sand are sold in bulk for low prices, buy some, then go to Baroham and sell it to an NPC for a profit.

NPCs will also sell unique items required for progression and crafting, such as glass moulds for crafting glass items like vials, lenses, etc.

Player to player trading:

Players will be able to perform 1 on 1 trading. You may have an abundance of copper, but coal may be rare in your biome. Find a player who's in demand for copper, but has plenty of coal, and coordinate regular trades with that player!

There will also be market booths. Players will be able to set up a market booth, provide it an inventory of items, and set prices. Place these in common trade ports and cities for best business!


The world was generated using mods such as Recurrent Complex, Climate Control, Streams, Realistic Terrain Gen, ExtraBiomesXL and Highlands, to get a world we are satisfied with. Breathtaking biomes and scenes as you explore large, lush biomes.

Each biome has specific resources tied to it. The idea is to give each biome a predefined list of both abundant and rare resources, promoting the idea that players need to travel to get resources from other places by trading resources they have an abundance of for resources they need. Did you set up camp in a desert? You'll have access to plenty of oil, glass and copper, but will lack wood, ice and fresh food. Trade what you have to get what you need!

Each biome will contain at least one 'globally required resource' such as coal, water, lava, food, wood, etc, and at least on 'uniquely useful resource' such as copper, grout, ice, salt, cloth, etc. Basically, there are resources *everyone* will always need, and there are resources that specific situations would require, but not everyone demands.

Infinite water sources will be disabled. It will be possible to drain a lake, so be resourceful!

Biomes are huge. Travelling across any given biome would take at least 15 minutes by foot. This would force players to plan their routes carefully. With EnviroMine in the modpack, travelling through a desert or tundra could be fatal if you don't bring the proper supplies to stay alive.

Here are some world-modifying mods I'm using and why:


The only features I'm using are:

Thirst: Players will still be expected to find/make fresh water. With infinite water sources disabled, you will have to carefully consider your water sources. Water won't be scarce per se, just that your method of obtaining it will make you plan ahead (such as collecting rain w/ agricraft)

Temperature: The approach here will be to make extreme biomes difficult to traverse. Deserts and tundras will make you sweat and freeze. However, more mild biomes will be easy to live in, with temperature being little to no concern.


Realistic Terrain Gen.
My goodness, this mod makes the world look absolutely beautiful. It makes BoP look trivial. Snow fields as far as the eye can see, rivers that stretch for kilometers, and mountains that literally touch the clouds. This mod will create a world that players will enjoy travelling through, as well as create environmental obstacles that players must tackle. No more being able to hop-skip over vanilla hills.

Here are some screenshots from RTG. Very impressive if you ask me.





Notice the fog in this last image. Some biomes have fog! Deserts have sandstorms. And more!

Nature Overhaul.
Adds a life and death system to plants and wildlife. Depending on the biome and climate, trees and plants can grow and die. Forests can spread, but won't spread to a desert. Leaves will decay and drop saplings, replanting themselves. Grass will turn to dirt in cold climates.
Of course, this can potentially be stressful on a server, so I plan to tune it down to a much slower rate.
Also, it allows animals to starve to death, and to reproduce under natural conditions.

Plant Mega Pack.
Adds a TON of plant life. Some plants have uses, others are dangerous/poisonous! Makes the world feel much more lush and lively.

Additional recipes will be added to give wild plants (not just from PMP) more uses, such as dyes and ingredients for other things like fibers, potions, poisons, etc. I will also allow most wild plants to be grown via Agricraft.

SGU Better Geo.
Overhauls the entire world's underground resource generation. It mainly replaces everything except grass and dirt. Sand is still sand, but now an SGU variant. Same with gravel. Stone is completely gone, and there is now limestone, shale and other stone variants in its place (these still have the stone oreDict value, so should still be compatible with recipes using stone)

SGU also overhauls how a lot of ores work. There is no longer Iron Ore, and instead something called banded iron formations. Diamond ore is no longer found near bedrock, and instead in a new geological formation. Many other changes, which I won't cover here and let you discover on your own!

There's still a lot of other ores, especially modded ores like copper, that spawn in the traditional way, using cofh to fine tune their ore gen parameters.

Aquaculture and Mariculture.
Additional sea life! More fish types, more ways of exploring the deep sea blue, and more ways of living the life of a fisherman.

Aquaculture expands on water based wildlife and fishing, while Mariculture expands on sea exploration and resources. Fishing vs diving.

There will be progression for both, with fishermen being able to get better poles and bait, thus better fish, and sea explorers being able to create and find unique items and treasures useful for many other things.

Allows me to add custom music for different biomes. Currently working on getting a license from a particular artist to use and distribute their music with this pack.

Pam's Harvestcraft.
A lot of us are already familiar with this mod. For this modpack, it makes foraging for food possible, since players will start out in a survival-esque situation. Of course all the other parts of Pam's will be available as part of agriculture progression.

Hardcore Darkness.
Yep. Pitch black caves and dark nights. Night light to be affected by the phase of the moon. New moon? Super dark. Full moon? You can at least see in front of you for a few feet. Also, Dynamic Lighting will be included so you can carry a torch and see where you're going.

All of these, combined, makes the world feel much.... better. It makes exploring dangerous yet fun. You simply won't be able to punch a tree, make a pickaxe, and start hoarding materials on your first day. But you won't get frustrated trying to survive either. The pack will be balanced so it's fun and rewarding to go out and set up camp.

Don't worry, though. There will be randomly generated outposts and hand-made towns where you can get some basic supplies to start you out!

Dynamic Surroundings.
Many of you may be familiar with this mod. Simply put, it adds a lot of neat, natural sounds to the world.


Players will never be 'forced' into any single profession or tradeskill, but it is encouraged that you specialize in what you're interested in for best results. Here are some of the tradeskills you can pick up, and what mods/systems the involve:


Grab a fishing pole, some bait, and chill at a lakeside or beach all day and fish!
Mariculture, Aquaculture and Tradecraft enhance the fishing lifestyle.
Sell your fish directly to NPCs and players, or process them into a tradepack and deliver it to an inland town for better profits.

Fisherman can eventually own fishing boats, allowing them to increase their daily yield ten fold and feed entire port cities.


Blacksmithing, leatherworking and woodworking have been massively enhanced through MineFantasyII. Creating steel is no longer an easy process of sticking iron in a furnace. Players will need to setup bloomeries, forges and blast furnaces to create some of the best armor and weapons in Tradewinds.

Blacksmiths have the potential to arm a militia and help swing the tides of war between warring cities and provinces.


Players can use mods such as RedPower, Flaxbeard's Steam, Railcraft and Immersive Engineering to push the technological advances of the world, setting up nearly automated factories to make steel, potions, food, or to simply power the lights in a city.

Some NPCs have begun tapping into the potential of steam and fossil fuel power, but it's up to you to further push advances into this type of tech! The world is still in an age of burning oil lamps and manual labor, but has the potential to benefit from electricity and fuels.

Engineers also have the potential to establish train routes between cities and towns. Connect the world to reduce its size!


Begin with simple tools like dragonite pickaxes and Railcraft carts, then advance to large scale operations via tunnel bores and excavators. Turn a simple mine shaft into a large quarry, providing bulk building materials to nearby cities so they can expand and complete construction projects.


Also known as the explorer. The two go hand in hand.
We've implemented overhauls, recipes and systems that change how Minecraft enchanting and brewing works, as well as exploration and loot.

Obtaining magical items, enchanting items you own, and brewing potions require players to explore the world, to uncover and research artifacts, and to explore the lore of the land.

Enchanting has been overhauled using Extended Enchanting, which changes enchanting recipes to require both XP and items, similar to the Thaumcraft infusion altar.
Players will need to delve into dungeons and ruins to find relics which they identify and repair, forming the ingredients needed to create magical artifacts and enchant/potion ingredients.

The learned artifice will be able to create some of the most powerful magical artifacts in Tradewinds, allowing them to travel at faster speeds, use protection enchants and potions, and unlock the biggest secrets of the Under and Other worlds (Nether and End)


Cities aren't just static objects. Just like any new, growing township or port, the cities in Tradewinds are always growing and expanding.

When you visit any city or town in TW, you will find ongoing construction projects. Perhaps a mineshaft is being built outside of town, or a new library is under construction. Some projects will be simple, while others massive.

Each city will have a <Construction Supervisor> who oversees all construction projects in that area. Speak to this NPC to see a list of ongoing projects and what their purpose is. Each project is intended to benefit players in some way, either by adding a resource, a trade route, a useful facility with a vendor, or a new quest line.

Each project has a list of materials that must be acquired and handed in before the project is complete. For example, the city of Baroham has a library being built that requires spruce planks, nails, and brick.
Players can bring these materials to the Construction Supervisor. The NPC will take note of how many materials have been acquired from *all players*, and when the required materials are obtained, the construction project will be marked complete. Then, the map makers will edit the city to create the completed project.

Each city, region or town will also have associated factions. Factions are handled by CustomNPCs, and are a way for players to interact with groups of NPCs to progress their standing with that faction. Reaching certain faction standings will unlock certain features, such as new vendor items, new trade routes, and new quests.


This list is subject to change. It might have changed 10 times when you read it. I will update it a few times a week during these alpha stages.

<outdated, new list coming soon>
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
wow. so, I think I have some idias for this amazing idia. first, cohf or watever it's called adds a way to control oregen from configs. I think you actually can find a mod that allows to add special bioms and then, make that in certain bioms in certein hight , certein ores get generated. and I think themod jsonables makes a way of making certein plants grow in certein areas. if not then he only other option I can hink of that might work is gregtech (wich is an ic2 addon). other then that, great idia :)

Rebirth Gaming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
wow. so, I think I have some idias for this amazing idia. first, cohf or watever it's called adds a way to control oregen from configs. I think you actually can find a mod that allows to add special bioms and then, make that in certain bioms in certein hight , certein ores get generated. and I think themod jsonables makes a way of making certein plants grow in certein areas. if not then he only other option I can hink of that might work is gregtech (wich is an ic2 addon). other then that, great idia :)

Yea, I know COFH can handle ore gen... oh, yea, I think it has biome restrictions. Can COFH restrict plant growth to certain biomes? I don't remember there being that option.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
pretty sure "jsonables" can. it is a mod that is meant to that hings as far as I know

Rebirth Gaming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
JSONables can't, but I'd recommend you look at Dynious' Biota for the biome-restricted growth thing.

This is actually a reallllly neat mod! I will give it a go, for sure. Now if there was only something similar for animals... I had an idea of semi-restricting farm animals to plains biomes, where they would die out in deserts and cold biomes, and not produce as much meat/feathers/etc in non-deadly yet non-plains biomes. I don't want the animals to insta-die though, since players could lead animals on trade routes for trade.

The neat thing about Biota is the erosion of walked-on land. This would actually be really neat in the modpack, because if players are trading packs and resources, they would likely be using the same routes to travel, creating actual player-made pathways and roads.

Rebirth Gaming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, last night, I was talking to the dev of the trade mod, Coolmanzz2, and he said it would be possible to implement a livestock tradepack.
The way this would work is a map maker can assign a tradestation as a livestock station, choosing pack ingredients as well as an animal.
Then, when a player crafts the tradepack, they must use a vanilla lead to bring that animal within range of the station. As long as the animal is within range when the player attempts to craft the pack, the pack will craft successfully.
The player must then, using the lead, bring the livestock to another tradestation to deliver the pack. Again, the animal must be in range of the station when delivering the pack.

On top of it, the animal will be 'tagged' as unique to the tradepack the player crafts. This is to prevent players from using cow A to craft the pack, leaving it at home, traveling to their destination, then using cow B to turn the pack in for coins. It *must* be the same exact cow, meaning the player *must* physically bring it to their destination. This creates an added layer of difficulty and consideration when delivering trade packs - you must be ready to defend your livestock against dangers!

We decided that EnviroMine will also be in this pack! Most likely, the insanity feature will be disabled. I'm more so interested in adding unique dangers/considerations to travelling traders passing through certain biomes. For example, if a player is delivering a trade pack and comes upon a desert, they will need to decide if they want to pass through it or go around, depending on how prepared they are. Travelling through a desert without water would lead to death, and thus loss of your trade goods.
EnviroMine's fresh/saltwater feature is also ideal for this modpack. Infinite water sources will be disabled, and, combined with dirty/salt water being a thing, water can quickly become a valuable resource one must manage.
This will help me give certain biomes an abundance of water, but others, like deserts and oceans, a scarce source of it. (My biggest concern was the ocean actually, which this solves)
The other feature I like is rotting food, which is countered by making ice chests which requires ice and snow. This would give players in a snow biome a resource they can harvest that is valuable to everyone else, and travelling players would need to factor in what foods to bring.

The overall idea is to give each biome both abundant and scarce resources, and give the map overall a set of resources that are essential, like coal, water, ice and food. Also, travelling must have a level of difficulty. Not so difficult that players would not be willing to risk travelling to very remote locations, but only difficult enough that an unprepared player will suffer and potentially die. On a server, this would also encourage players to mark safe routes, and, with Biote, common routes would become visible.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
More like Oregon Trail: MineCraft Edition.

"Steve has died of dysentery."

Still sounds interesting.

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2

Rebirth Gaming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
More like Oregon Trail: MineCraft Edition.

"Steve has died of dysentery."

Still sounds interesting.

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2

Came across a mod called Hungry Animals that causes animals to poop, and, if they poop too much in confined areas, disease outbreaks can occur. So, yes, Steve could very well die of dysentery!

Edited OP for organization.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Looks pretty cool so far.

However, you said you want to include terrafirmacraft... which is a huge mod afaik. It completely revamps the survival gameplay, so how much of it would be included?

Also, is there any help you guys need with the pack as of now?

Rebirth Gaming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Livestock trade-pack model done!


Looks pretty cool so far.

However, you said you want to include terrafirmacraft... which is a huge mod afaik. It completely revamps the survival gameplay, so how much of it would be included?

Also, is there any help you guys need with the pack as of now?

Yea, it's pretty big, but we will be configuring things to make them work for our pack. Some of the recipe overhauls may be disabled... I have an idea of how I want things to be crafted using TiC and Flaxbeard's only (smithing armor, forging tools, etc).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This sounds... Incredible.
But wasnt there a mod that added wagons..*5 minutes of remembering the old times*..yeah it was simply horses which is currently ded.
I can't wait to play this pack.
How much of this modpack is done percentage wise?
It seems like 10%.
Oh an idea!
How about adding a mod like Reliquary or Unique Artifacts and making a custom dungeon for an artifact, then making an NPC that trades artifacts for money, thus giving you a choice- Keep it or Sell it?
Another idea!
The more you trade the more "fame" you recieve, more fame gives acces to more materials for more "exotic" packs, examples:
1) Trading "natural" resources gives access to trades for differentr kinds of trees, exotic animals like bats or cave spiders.
2)Trading ores unlocks trades for rarer ones, like not being able to trade diamonds right at the begining but only when you have fame for being a trader of ores (gemcutters don't trust you at first)
3)Bad ideas make you lose fame like selling demon hearts to demons(-20 fame with demons), or trading cheap bear to dwarves(-30 fame with dwarves), or even trading spoiled meat with butchers. (examples)
4)Negative fame may mean bad things, like much higher prices, or if you are REALLY bad- Mercenaries come after you.
So tell me what you think about my ideas and thanks for making this pack


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here's an idea: The prices you get for selling something should not only be determined by what it is and distance from origin, but also by if the people you are selling it to have a way of making it or not. For example, if you were to find a native tribe in the jungle that hasn't really progressed technologically, you could make money selling them things like guns and simple things like glass beads that they have never seen before, but selling them the native spices would fetch horrible prices. However, trying to sell those same guns and glass beads in a big city that has had a technological revolution would for the guns fetch an OK price and the beads would fetch a horrible price. However, selling them the exotic spices you got from those tribes in the jungle, such as cloves and nutmeg, would fetch excellent prices as exotic spices.

Another idea is that you can teach undeveloped nations, like that jungle tribe, how to make things like guns, and as a result you will get a worse price for selling guns there, but as part of the agreement for teaching them, they give you a percentage of all the guns they make for free. Or sellers could have a limited supply, so that jungle tribe only had so many bags of cloves to sell, but you could teach them better farming methods which would increase their supply available for sale, and as a result of supply and demand, the price to buy cloves from them goes down.

Rebirth Gaming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Has development on this stopped? Or just slow going?

I've decided to start working on this again. I've finally gotten around to finishing some of the textures for our custom mod, Tradecraft, and will begin testing the mod soon.

I'm digging up all of my old notes on this, and will start pulling feedback and ideas from community members.

Rebirth has been going through a bit of a rough patch lately with relocating servers and whatnot, but we should be back on track soon!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've decided to start working on this again. I've finally gotten around to finishing some of the textures for our custom mod, Tradecraft, and will begin testing the mod soon.

I'm digging up all of my old notes on this, and will start pulling feedback and ideas from community members.

Rebirth has been going through a bit of a rough patch lately with relocating servers and whatnot, but we should be back on track soon!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I love the Idea of this pack, and I would like to help out in any way I can, from server host to tester to bug fixer! I was so sad to see it become inactive, so I am hyped to see your continuing! contact me in any way if you need me!