Totemic Discussion: Magical Totems

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would be funny if the creepers tried to explode, inflating themselves up with a hissing sound, but at the end you just heard some sort of "huh" sound as the creeper deflates

In a strange turn of events I somehow have a build of totemic out...

So, i wanna give out some warnings, first off, this is HIGHLY unstable, bugs and stuff are gonna happen, if you lose your world, I'm sorry and ill fix the issue.
Yes, there are mostily temp textures or no textures, im lazy and I just wanted to code xD
Most things should have nei recipes, apart from how to use the chlorophyll solidifier, to create teh chlorophyll crystal, just put in 16 bottles (or buckets) of chlorophyll and then drop a diamond inside, it will take awhile then you will have a empty chlorophyll crystal inside.
The totem table doesnt work very well, its REALLY broken, so don't bother using that.
And bug issues, suggestions and such, bug me on irc at #totemic or on here :)
Have fun!
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In a strange turn of events I somehow have a build of totemic out...

So, i wanna give out some warnings, first off, this is HIGHLY unstable, bugs and stuff are gonna happen, if you lose your world, I'm sorry and ill fix the issue.
Yes, there are mostily temp textures or no textures, im lazy and I just wanted to code xD
Most things should have nei recipes, apart from how to use the chlorophyll solidifier, to create teh chlorophyll crystal, just put in 16 bottles (or buckets) of chlorophyll and then drop a diamond inside, it will take awhile then you will have a empty chlorophyll crystal inside.
The totem table doesnt work very well, its REALLY broken, so don't bother using that.
And bug issues, suggestions and such, bug me on irc at #totemic or on here :)
Have fun!
Nice! I can't wait to use the ocelot totem! That should be very fun, heheh. I'll play around a bit and tell you if my world crashes and everything. If it does, I'll send you a list of mods I have / the report.
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Found an ID mismatch with the Totem base. Is there a config option to change it? Couldn't find any files in the config folder related to Totemic.
# block

block {

In the folder rukaLib (Being changed to Totemic in the next release, which should add a few more recipes in which i forgot >.> )
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# block

block {

In the folder rukaLib (Being changed to Totemic in the next release, which should add a few more recipes in which i forgot >.> )
Okay, it's rukaLib. No wonder I was confused. :P
Well Poke, this is quite awesome. I assume by it being open source I can also include it in a modpack?
If you want.
I would hold off for a ltitle bit though, im about to try to do the multiblock system soon, which is... interesting xD

And also, not only do i plan on not having any guis, i also plan on having as little crafting table recipes as possible ;)
I'm curious, has anyone found any majors bugs or anything?
I'm wanting to make sure i have a 'stable' build (Not THAT broken) before i start on the rework (which isn't gonna be easy :3 )
This looks an interesting mod that'll have lots of uses for any flavour of mod pack. Will be keeping an eye on this.
I'm curious, has anyone found any majors bugs or anything?
I'm wanting to make sure i have a 'stable' build (Not THAT broken) before i start on the rework (which isn't gonna be easy :3 )
I do have a question. I've been starting into the totems (can finally play MC) and the NEI recipe states that you can place one totem in the crafting table to get another.
I do have a question. I've been starting into the totems (can finally play MC) and the NEI recipe states that you can place one totem in the crafting table to get another.
Yeah, I don't have the totem table (The future creation method) working in a decent state, because of this I have some temp recipes, they -can- be disabled, but since the totem table i still broken, i would suggest against it :)
Just wanna say, I just implemented a totem that feeds you, more than likely gonna be a build tomorrow.
Any other suggestions for totems?
I was thinking about ones that stop endermen from attack, teleporting and picking up blocks.
Yes to the anti griefing totem. Anti teleporting totem seems a little pointless since they only teleport if you shoot a projectile (not an AM2 one, by the way), if you look at their face, or if it is raining. And to prevent rain there is the Sun totem.

Suggestion: darker totems, currently the totems are all based around helping players. how about naturally spawning totems that have negative buffs to the player? Like spawning lots and lots of mobs, but can help the player when you turn them into a new totem that is ultimately more powerful than the ones implemented.
Perhaps a totem that puts animals into breeding mode?

Oh. And, as one who has grown up and seen *actual* totem poles, I'd love to see an eagle totem. Especially if it was a three-wide totem with wings. No clue on purpose, but I'd top alla my totem poles with that just because I could. ^.^