TickThreading - concurrent entity/tile entity ticks and other optimisations

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Naller: Does this work with an unpatched minecraft_server.jar? I run the forge jar (renamed the zip) with minecraft_server.jar in the same folder (forge will find it and runtime patch it) to make updating more simple. Does TT support this?
It should, however it won't leave it unpatched - it'll back up the unpatched minecraft_server.jar in the TickThreadingBackups directory.

Haven't actually tested like that.
Which version should I update to for testing? I am using 475, but if you guys need testing done, I can run a different build.
In latest, added chunk GC (so when mods cause a chunk to load and don't unload it after it doesn't stay loaded until the next player passes within view) and improved /tps command formatting.

Which version should I update to for testing? I am using 475, but if you guys need testing done, I can run a different build.
Latest is always best for testing.
I have a question for you. I'm the owner of a server being hosted by a company on a VPS. I downloaded the server files on to my local machine and patched them on my local server, started the server up, and it ran pretty well. So then I transfer all the files back to the server using a FTP client. Will this work? Or do I have to patch the files while on the VPS?
I kept getting an error similar to this (Not the exact error, but really close, I forgot to save it):

Description: Exception in server tick loop
at im.b_nosynchronize(ChunkProviderServer.java:66)
at im.b(ChunkProviderServer.java)
at in.g(WorldServer.java:166)
at in.b(WorldServer.java:166)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.doWorldTick(MinecraftServer.java:255)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r(MinecraftServer.java:194)
at ho.r(DedicatedServer.java:270)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(MinecraftServer.java:130)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:64)
at fy.run(SourceFile:849)

During launch of the server on the remote machine, it would get to the tickthreading part and say something like: "Tickthreading is not running, please patch your server by running PATCHME.bat. Which I already did on my local machine, and then uploaded the entire server using my FTP client.

I tried running version 475 + 544, and both had the same issue. Do I have to find a way to patch the server AFTER it is already uploaded to the remote VPS?
Files in mods/, coremods/ and the main server jar need patched.

If you definitely didn't miss any files, set "requirePatched" to false in tickthreading's config, for some reason the patch hashes might be different when calculated on your VPS to when calculated locally - different JVM, maybe? :s
That was the first thing I tried, still got the same error. It works fine on the server map located on my local machine, but when I upload it to the VPS, I get that error when trying to start up. Even after I set requirePatched to false.

And I doubt they will let me run a batch file remotely on the server, too many security issues.

Edit: I'll give you some error reports later today when I do some testing.
Is it a linux or windows server? I thought there was also a .sh version of the patcher file?

Edit: Also, what OS is your local machine, just to help rule in or out what is causing this.
That also might have something to do with it, my machine is windows 7, and the server's machine is Linux. Something conflicting maybe after I upload the files?

Edit: I'm just looking for a way to make it work by patching it on my local machine, and then uploading it to the VPS. If that's even possible. Highly doubt they will run batch files on their machine for me.
Um, sh files are for linux, batch are for windows. If you aren't allowed to run an sh file on your server, patch it like normal on your local machine, then upload everything, not just the jar to the linux server.
That's what I did. I ran the patchme.bat on my local machine, then uploaded EVERYTHING back up to the server. And I still run into the problem.
I don't have any idea then, but give me some time, I will try doing this with my linux server, see if the same problem arises, mind telling us what mod setup your running?
I'm patching the mindcrack v7 pack on my windows 7 machine, and uploading it the server running Linux.
Unknown deity that is messing with my MineOS setup, I will destroy you with my sheer hate. I can't do testing till I figure out wtf is wrong with it. In the mine time, just want to report all is well with the install on Windows 7. Hopefully someone else with a linux box can test for you, cause this looks like a reinstall OS kind of issue for me.
What would you say would be the recommended build right now? I'm On #466, but I'm wondering if there is a newer mostly-stable build out.
Front page, says 475, but if you feel like testing, run the latest build, then report when it crashes.
What would you say would be the recommended build right now? I'm On #466, but I'm wondering if there is a newer mostly-stable build out.

I'm currently on 544 with zero issues

The latest build as of 1/21/2013 currently has "broken" support for Mystcraft, so take that into consideration (it's a bug)
You got it backwards. This is best used on servers, clients are not actually not working as well right now with this. Just drag this into the mods folder on the server, run the server once. It will create a PATCHEME. cmd and .sh file. Run .cmd if on Windows, .sh if on linux. Then your done. Client that connects to the server should not need patching. Use build 466 or 475 for best results. Run the latest builds if you got backups.
well with the latest version, (i havent tried 475) but i use MineOS linux based OS and after the patch, it wouldn't even allow me to start the server. im not quite sure what happened, but its interesting tho.