TickThreading - concurrent entity/tile entity ticks and other optimisations

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31.07 00:20:07 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space.

Set -XX:MaxPermSize=128m in your java options.

Hello can you please be more specific, i have no clue which java options your talking about setting, and if your talking about a batch file with that above setting in place, please send it to me.
Your batch file, whether its Linux or Windows should look just like the below. If you notice, the 2nd argument sets your "PermGen" size. If your minecraft itself is hosted, you may not have access to the batch file.

java -server -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Xmx14G -XX:UseSSE=4 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+AggressiveOpts -jar ForgeMod.jar nogui


[edit] I take that back. Where it says "ForgeMod.jar", it should be changed to the name of your server .jar file.
In my spare time I finally found what was lagging my server. It was the Butterfly Mania mod. Without the mod, im getting 30% approx. usage @ 50 players. When I install the Butterfly mod, it goes up to 120% and spikes to 200% approx., then goes back down to 100% to 120% and rarely goes below that.

I noticed that you improved the performance with the Hats mod, any chance the same thing could happen with this one as well?

If not, no problem as its not as well known as some of the others.
In my spare time I finally found what was lagging my server. It was the Butterfly Mania mod. Without the mod, im getting 30% approx. usage @ 50 players. When I install the Butterfly mod, it goes up to 120% and spikes to 200% approx., then goes back down to 100% to 120% and rarely goes below that.

I noticed that you improved the performance with the Hats mod, any chance the same thing could happen with this one as well?

If not, no problem as its not as well known as some of the others.

Are you sure there wasn't a butterfly singularity forming somewhere? I've had a bug where a Chocobo singularity was created, and the lag was so bad, I had to do some MCEdit surgery.
console is getting spammed giving me coordinates for ME export buses from Applied Energistics. Sorry for no log its because it doesnt save any logs with that spam, it only appears in the console.

1.5.2 Unleashed MCPC+
Are you sure there wasn't a butterfly singularity forming somewhere? I've had a bug where a Chocobo singularity was created, and the lag was so bad, I had to do some MCEdit surgery.
yeah, I tested it by completely deleting the world, and setting the butterfly spawn to minimal. My chocobos are working great though! :)
has anyone using forestry gotten a wall of glitched butterflies around a chunkloaded area?


Removed tickthreading from our server, and the wall went away. Not to sure why this is happening.

Using forestry, and Binnie-mods 1.0.7b (extra bees / extra trees), using chunk loaders from chickenchunks.

within hours of putting tickthreading on the server, several hundred butterflies spawn along the border of the loaded chunks. Removing the loaders, and restarting the server do not get rid of them. Removing tickthreading makes them disappear immediately.

Hopefully this can be sorted out. My friends and I are hosting our server on an old machine, and get a lot of lag normally. Tickthreading helps immensely until the butterflies start spawning, then it lags worse than ever.
I would not use Tick Threading at this time. Tick Threading is available for 1.5.2, it does not brand itself as working with specific modpacks. The problem is that Nallar has been missing for about a week now and there are currently a not insignificant number of bugs that need fixing.
is it safe to use tickthreading, and is tickthreading available for the unleashedpack yet?
I would not use Tick Threading at this time. Tick Threading is available for 1.5.2, it does not brand itself as working with specific modpacks. The problem is that Nallar has been missing for about a week now and there are currently a not insignificant number of bugs that need fixing.

I've been using TickThreading on my Direwolf 1.5 server since it came out. There are a large amount of (mostly minor) bugs, but the performance has been worth it as it was on 1.4.7. I'm sure nallar is just talking a much needed break.

The only major thing I've ran into is a nasty bug with Wrath Lamps breaking chunks on some occasions. You can see more about that here. Other than that it's been smooth sailing. No frequent crashes or anything.
Hello, new to the forums here. Im trying this modification out for the first time and its working great for what I intended it for (general speed optimization and world exploration) however, I get this terrible problem. I cannot build in my world without crashing. I will be providing a full log that will detail all the dark secrets of my server. If anyone has had similar issues, or is able to help with these issues, it would be much appreciated. There are two seperate errors, both are replicable and both are detailed in the report. Sorry for the attached file, i went through hell trying to upload the info but there it is. and for some reason, i couldnt post it up here with name "error report" so i opened a random one and saved it in there



Hello, new to the forums here. Im trying this modification out for the first time and its working great for what I intended it for (general speed optimization and world exploration) however, I get this terrible problem. I cannot build in my world without crashing. I will be providing a full log that will detail all the dark secrets of my server. If anyone has had similar issues, or is able to help with these issues, it would be much appreciated. There are two seperate errors, both are replicable and both are detailed in the report. Sorry for the attached file, i went through hell trying to upload the info but there it is. and for some reason, i couldnt post it up here with name "error report" so i opened a random one and saved it in there


That seems to be a problem with BukkitForge rather than TickThreading. Well, probably the combination of the two. I recommend using MCPC+ instead, but otherwise you should post the issue on the GitHub page.
Nallar seems to have taken a break from modding. He's not pushed a build in 10 days.
It's a much needed one too. He has been pushing builds at least once a week, usually twice a day, for the past 8 months. It sucks that he disappeared at a time with all of these new modpacks introducing bugs, but he does need some time off for the work he does. For free, I should add.
It's a much needed one too. He has been pushing builds at least once a week, usually twice a day, for the past 8 months. It sucks that he disappeared at a time with all of these new modpacks introducing bugs, but he does need some time off for the work he does. For free, I should add.

From nallar's github:
Longest Streak: 100 days December 19 - March 28

It does suck that right as new modpacks do come out he is MIA, but when else in the past few months could he? Tickthreading does alot of patching and changing of other mods so he has to wait for them to be updated/stable before he can really start to work on them and it was only recently that the new 1.5.2 modpacks went public (not private packs even though the code was public). So of any time to choose this was probably the best time for server for him to do it. That behind said he can take a break any time he wants because as joey said it is for free and in all reality I wish nallar did take some more breaks because he has earned it.
Going to stop working on TT for now. Just not fun any more, and that's basically the only reason I was able to invest so much time in it previously.
