Thoughts about open source Minecraft alternatives?

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Liked specifically for this part. I've always held that a tool is only as good as the person using it.

As for Microsoft not using Java, I believe that stems from back in the day when J# was a thing, and Sun basically sent them a C&D over it. I also find the discussion on openness quite ironic since it is due to Microsoft's open documentation and standards on the .Net Framework and VM that allows the Mono project to flourish as it has, and Java's own documentation and standards are quite closed. Both sides, I can understand: allowing other people to work with your stuff and find new ways to use it can be cool, but on the other, I also understand not wanting people to screw with your product and redesign it for things for which it wasn't intended to be used.

However, all of this speculation is assuming that Microsoft will do anything with regards to Minecraft's development. Mojang is still there, minus like, three people. They're still the development team, and its still their project. Honestly, the most I see Microsoft doing with regards to Minecraft's development is keeping it on the rails so Jeb and Co don't get distracted by the newest mod feature they want to add to vanilla with a completely bollixed implementation.

In the .NET environment, it doesn't really matter what language you use (C++, C#, Basic, etc), it all compiles down to common bytecode which then accesses the API (IIRC). You just pick the language you prefer.
*snip* Probably it was because someone popular decided to make a Let's Play.

Didn't work for many other games. What was that one BDouble00 did a let's play on, voxel based, random terrain generation... I even got the game (early access) and it wasn't memorable enough for me to remember the title of it...

Let's plays help, but they don't make a game popular.
But I do know that for whatever reason, it is rare for Open Source software to get really popular with the public. So if we do this, we need to do it right. We need publicity, as well as a good (intuitive, useable) interface. And we need decent-enough textures to attract texture artists for it. We need... well, Minecraft.

Aren't there enough free alternative textures made for Minecraft already?
We also need a difference in gameplay- not the basic ideas, exploring, crafting, mining, but more specific mechanical and background: The nether, Endermen picking blocks, Creepers, possibly even redstone, crafting tables etc: all the things that microsoft would be selling merchandizing (and rightly offended of having them in other game).
Not only do we need a sort of Block Engine*, but we also need a new gameplay/game modules: Maybe have a tinker's/TFC tech progression, maybe semi-replace redstone automation with an elaborate aqueduct system, maybe ditch the nether and make a dreamworld, or giant underground lost cities (to plunder for materials you can't yet make on your own).

In short- a new game, with similar concepts of simplified world of blocks, but unique on it's own.

*(I think it's a good name for rock band an alternative game: descriptive yet open and neither a minepun or a jokecraft. If anyone want it-take it!)
I think that (if a team here decides to go further with this) to first consider contributing to the already existing Open Source MC lookalikes (Minetest, Terasology, ...). But if you really want to start on your own I would also recommend to split the project in (at least) two parts:

  • One: a generic voxel engine with landscape generation, client/server support, entity support, tile entities (or equivalent), gravity, lighting, shaders, ... This engine can perhaps be written in a language like C++ to get top performance here but of course it can also be Java (Minecraft could do it with Java). This engine should also have support for modding (this is where the second part comes in).
  • Two: the actual game contents (like dimensions, mobs, crafting recipes, blocks, biomes, ...) should all be implemented in mods. In contrast with Minecraft I would put even the basic game in mods. That's also how I did it in my CrystalCraft minecraft lookalike (of which you saw a screenshot a few pages earlier).
The advantage of splitting this project in two parts like this is that you can really get a totally game-neutral engine with a lot of options for mods to build on top of that engine. This way we are really not tied to any kind of gameplay but allow top flexibility.

We also need a difference in gameplay- not the basic ideas, exploring, crafting, mining, but more specific mechanical and background: The nether, Endermen picking blocks, Creepers, possibly even redstone, crafting tables etc: all the things that microsoft would be selling merchandizing (and rightly offended of having them in other game).
Instead of Nether - framework for multiple words and travel between them (so basically, mystcraft)
Instead of specific mobs behaviour - framework for mobs that can behave differently, from exploding to flying to moving blocks to flying through walls etc.
Crafting tables - they were stolen from horadric cube anyway.

Btw, Minecraft also has a lot of stuff stolen from modders, such as hoppers, sided inventories, certain animals etc. So I don't think MS suing is a problem.

Also, Microsoft don't mind Wine and Mono.
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Its not enough to have just a framework- you need a "default" "vanilla" gameplay mod (or is it considered modules in an open source project?) to actually play on, as well as a common ground for mods to work of- A lot of minecraft mods success is the ability to use a lot of mods at once, but still have a coherent gameplay. A good framework is brilliant for getting a modding community, but a fundamentally good game- even and perhaps because it's more broad and simplistic- is what brings players, and that's what I'm here, at least. Many people enjoy modded minecraft, but a lot prefer not to stick to one: Do vanilla, then modded, then back to vanilla with new inspiration, then again into modded with new ideas, etc.
Its not enough to have just a framework- you need a "default" "vanilla" gameplay mod (or is it considered modules in an open source project?) to actually play on, as well as a common ground for mods to work of- A lot of minecraft mods success is the ability to use a lot of mods at once, but still have a coherent gameplay. A good framework is brilliant for getting a modding community, but a fundamentally good game- even and perhaps because it's more broad and simplistic- is what brings players, and that's what I'm here, at least. Many people enjoy modded minecraft, but a lot prefer not to stick to one: Do vanilla, then modded, then back to vanilla with new inspiration, then again into modded with new ideas, etc.

I completely agree that a game needs an existing base to build from if you intend to get modders interested. There needs to be content there which I enjoy already, enough to inspire me to want to add to or change things. If I wanted to build something from the ground up then I'd just make my own game. And I've certainly tried! I just often run out of creativity to flesh out anything whole, and once I get past the fun of making an engine work, I end up growing bored and move on to something else.

Some people won't agree with me, but this is where Minecraft being a closed-source product of a company was a strength to becoming a popular modding target. First and foremost, with the code being proprietary, clones had to be written from scratch and weren't the same game in the end, so the main game kept its position and grew, drawing one large fanbase of players and modders without the community being divided up across several mediocre forks of the same code. Secondly, Mojang knew what they wanted to do, and they did it. Within their hierarchy, decisions were made, and then they were implemented. You don't get lack of participation or forks after disagreements, because people ultimately do what they're paid to do. Then, within this clear definition of what the game was supposed to be, modders could change just what they wanted, and leave the rest alone. And you'll notice, that as a whole, Minecraft itself is rarely changed significantly from what it is despite mods. Most of them simply complement it. You could count the number of total conversion mods on one hand, and even those aren't as popular as just the regular ones.

Something being open-source just doesn't play a role in whether I decide to mod it. It never even entered my mind years ago when I first opened up a packet sniffer to figure out the network protocol of Classic. Sometimes it's the challenge alone of trying to figure out how something works that can make you take the first step. But that will always come down to it being something you enjoy playing/using, and that means it needs more to it than just some open framework.
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With the ftb crews general trends towards high tech mods I'd kind of like to see a successor based around space exploration. Perhaps with something like star wars force effects to satisfy some of the more magic oriented players.

I suspect that if the community decides to move we may want to ensure that whatever we end up on is significantly different than MC. A direct clone may quickly find itself in litigation.
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Hey, not exactly open source, but Medieval Engineers has great modding capabilities and it well written. Id love to see at least a couple of the bigger mods make a mod for this game, it has such a great atmosphere and so much potential depending on what the community can put in.