Those little things that irk you about Minecraft

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If simply acquiring ingots was your only goal in the game and you spend all your time on that goal, then simply building BR reactors, setting down Quarry+/Ender Quarries and running it through something like RoC/Mekanism ore x5 should get you there in short time.

Or there is a million cross mod exploits you can take advantage of in most packs to speed it up.
Plus, if you got a couple of maxed-out tile accelerators from ChromatiCraft, you can speed up those processes to obscene degrees. Especially with Mekanism machines. Ever seen a fully decked-out elite smelting factory with a 256x accelerator on it? It blazes through dust like nobody's business.
Working/building next to a item gatherer device(like a Vacuum Hopper/Item Collector/Hungry Chest/Gatherer Golem/Obsidian Pipe/whatever).

Despite I KNOW it is there, I constantly catch myself scratching my head unable to find the item I just broke...

Or the opposite: When you're working near machines or devices that require items being thrown into the world (e.g. advanced alchemical furnace, mana pool, AE2 crystal seeds, MFR-based item transport) with a magnet item (e.g. magnet ring).

Irk: On most crafting benches, shift clicking will make all the items that there are materials on the crafting bench for, AND move the result to my inventory.
I invariably shift click when crafting on an AE terminal - with the intention of making one item and having it placed in my inventory - with hilarious (i.e. costly) results :/

It's even worse when you run out of normal planks and AE2 decides to use silverwood planks instead.
Or the opposite: When you're working near machines or devices that require items being thrown into the world (e.g. advanced alchemical furnace, mana pool, AE2 crystal seeds, MFR-based item transport) with a magnet item (e.g. magnet ring).
Things that require or promotes loose items are HORRIBLY designed IMO... I fricking hate it.
I quite like them- its makes for some more interesting/freeform engineering than simply 'pipe into machineX to pull out productY'- especially when you need to drop 4 or 5 items in a specific order/ratio...
Also just build a wall around it to keep the items containted and out your inventory :p
I think the despawns are the hard part. Even if despawning is disabled on those items, that isn't always obvious, so (for me, at least) this creates a mounting sense of tension and worry until I'm done crafting it. Even the thought of throwing stuff on the ground and leaving it there immediately creates a feeling of worry (unless it's cobblestone, in which case I worry I'll pick it back up).
I think the despawns are the hard part. Even if despawning is disabled on those items, that isn't always obvious, so (for me, at least) this creates a mounting sense of tension and worry until I'm done crafting it. Even the thought of throwing stuff on the ground and leaving it there immediately creates a feeling of worry (unless it's cobblestone, in which case I worry I'll pick it back up).

The issue I have with it is this... simply entity lag. In mass production of said item, because let's be honest if you automate it you're going to use mass amounts, the shear number can affect a game's performance. If you're on a server with multiple people "racing" to get the biggest and best , we'll use ae for example, ae system then that just compounds the issue. I would rather see the same... procedure of the sand/seed etc. but with a block (tile entity) that acts as a seed grower. Something that you could surroudn with the accelorators or place them in an upgrade slot( my preference) to accomplish the same task. I would rather see this will mods that try to utilize this mechanic. Not to mention the hastle of if you have a magnet on while trying to drop something... it's just frustrating.

The only mod I've seen that does it fairly well is Botania. As I understand it though when you drop something in a mana pool it goes into it's storage ? like a tile entity? I think I understood that correctly. The terra steel isn't such a big deal because you'll never realistically be able to or want to automate that to the point of ridiculous numbers because I think it only works with 1 set as a time.
Most blocks that require you to drop an item on them are like hoppers, they immediately pick up and despawn the item, most blocks that drop an item will also put it directly in a inventory if one is there.

Conveyer belts are just fancy pipes with special rendering.
The only mod I've seen that does it fairly well is Botania. As I understand it though when you drop something in a mana pool it goes into it's storage ? like a tile entity? I think I understood that correctly. The terra steel isn't such a big deal because you'll never realistically be able to or want to automate that to the point of ridiculous numbers because I think it only works with 1 set as a time.

The mana pools don't have an "inventory" as far as I know, unless you are thinking about when you throw a mana tablet on it to exchange mana from/too the tablet, but I haven't gotten that deep with Botania yet... It's on my to do list :) I think you are thinking of the petal apothecary. All petals thrown into the apothecary are stored in it's inventory, and you can see them swirling around in the water. So far (personally) I don't see a need to automate Botania crafting. The mod author already added in the "right click with an empty hand to repeat the petal sequence" method, and since (so far) I have yet to need more than 6 of one flower, this process doesn't take long.
Playing/building/whatever slightly away from your main base, just so your player chunkloading radius happens to fall straight in the middle of the core of all your most complex stuff. So every time you cross a chunk boundary a massive amount of stuff needs to be loaded/unloaded all the time, causing constant lag spikes... Gah...
My OCD like nature when building things...

Had this idea for a fishery thingy several days ago. But before I could build it I had to find the right location. Before I could do that I had to map out this harbour area I have been planning.

Now I have spend several days building the harbour and right now I am doing detailing inside a building that have no purpose. And the detailing is only really visible through small windows if you get down close and look for them...
That energy bridges are apparently no longer a thing.

Yes I decided I may have been too harsh on IC2e, so I left it and its' dependencies in my latest Infinity world rather than excising it completely.

I'm now finding that converting an EU power supply into MJ/RF is back where it was in 1.4.7

ACME huge bank of electrical engines XD
Playing the original Agrarian Skies, wanted to use an ME Storage Monitor to keep track of how many Ender Pearls I have because they're kinda hard to get. Right clicked it with one and it threw it at it while also setting it to monitor them. Well, that's one pearl less now, great. I assume this is fixed for newer AE, surely.
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The most annoying thing that urks me right now is that I hardly have any time to play :(

Or the opposite: When you're working near machines or devices that require items being thrown into the world (e.g. advanced alchemical furnace, mana pool, AE2 crystal seeds, MFR-based item transport) with a magnet item (e.g. magnet ring).
Hehe yeah...that's why I put a...what's it called...Solegnolia near my endoflames. Best invention ever ^^
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That I can't have multiple controllers in the same ME network.

My base is huge and my ME controller is in my machine room, 50+ blocks away from the closest spot I could site my autocrafting room. Every time I hit the end of a cluster of 32 channels, I need to snake ANOTHER dense cable all that way.

I guess I *could* just re-site my controller, but that would cause problems of its own.

I want my multi-core COLIN :(