I tried mindcrack_server.jar and it no workNo. Read the instructions I gave you.
I tried mindcrack_server.jar and it no workNo. Read the instructions I gave you.
Why isn't anyone replying???
Pls tell me complete instructions
Then do this.
Again from the start, so we can pinpoint your problem. (even though everyone is this thread including me know the problem already)
Start the FTB launcher.
Click the "MindCrack Pack (v8.2.0) minecraft Version 1.4.7" in the modpack list.When you have selected the pack, click the "Download Server" button.
You will now download a Zip file, that you have to extract in a folder.
When the zipfile is extracted you should have the following stuff in it:
All you have to do now, is simply double click the .bat file. Do not edit it in any way, just start it.
When it now works, compare it to your old .bat file, and you might be able to spot the problem.
If you need more ram for the server, edit the "xms 512M" and "xmx 1024M" to an ammount that your computer can handle.
wen i use ip adress and port cant reach server and i portforwarded using firewall