Whitelist Server The Red Legion's FTB Ultimate [24/7][Whitelist][Teamspeak3]

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Miroku2235 join us on teamspeak we will get you setup
Anyone else looking to get whitelisted please join in on teamspeak after you apply and we will review to get you added. If I am not arround I will get back to it later.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- I.G.N (In game name): KillerKani
- Age: 18
- Reason you want to join: Im a Friend of Willi and want to Team up with him and do Big Projects
- Have you ever played with FTB Before?: Yes, been playing since last beta back a
- Have you ever been banned on any other server: Not that i know
- Reason (If you have been banned): n/a
- A little about yourself: Im a funny guyand im often online chause i go to school.​


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
KillerKani join us on teamspeak before we can get you setup. join in with rest of the gang .
added to whitelist: KillerKani


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I.G.N (In game name): kiwitunza1
- Age:18
- Reason you want to join: As i hate playing ftb by myself and the last server closed down
- Have you ever played with FTB Before?: Yes
- Have you ever been banned on any other server: NO
- Reason (If you have been banned): N/A
- A little about yourself: I love video games, music and sport. I was born in New Zealand but live in Australia


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- I.G.N (In game name): xXwarbanditXx
- Age:15
- Reason you want to join: I am bored playing singel player so i want to joine a server.
- Have you ever played with FTB Before?: I play whit mod for a long time so i know a lot about them and i can help other people.
- Have you ever been banned on any other server:no
- Reason (If you have been banned):
- A little about yourself: I am very technical and i love solving problems, I live in the Netherlands


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- I.G.N (In game name): leight
- Age: 18
- Reason you want to join: looking for a mature server that is a new map
- Have you ever played with FTB Before?: Yes
- Have you ever been banned on any other server: No
- Reason (If you have been banned): N/A
- A little about yourself: i'm a 18 year old student that currently wanna be a programmer after summer my plans is to go to university and i'm from sweden.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

- I.G.N (In game name):N1njaM1dget
- Age: 36
- Reason you want to join: looking for a friendly enviro
- Have you ever played with FTB Before?: ya been using since about xmas
- Have you ever been banned on any other server:no
- Reason (If you have been banned):
- A little about yourself: i am disabled so have loads of time on my hands and really enjoy playing ftb im easy going and dont mind helping anyone


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
kiwitunza1 , leight, and N1njaM1dget join us on teamspeak and we will get you setup.

as for xXwarbanditXx, sorry we are restricted to 18+ only as minimum age requirement. Thanks for applying.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
kiwitunza1 , leight, and N1njaM1dget join us on teamspeak and we will get you setup.

as for xXwarbanditXx, sorry we are restricted to 18+ only as minimum age requirement. Thanks for applying.
To bad. But can't jou make a exception? Many servers are 18+ so its quite harde to find one that wiil acept my.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To bad. But can't jou make a exception? Many servers are 18+ so its quite harde to find one that wiil acept my.
I'm sorry I have to stand by what is posted. Many of the people who have joined specifically want the mature community.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- I.G.N (In game name): Footman
- Age: 21
- Reason you want to join: Trying to find an active server.
- Have you ever played with FTB Before?: Yes.
- Have you ever been banned on any other server: No.
- Reason (If you have been banned): N/A
- A little about yourself: All the servers I have tried seem innactive.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- I.G.N (In game name): iPython
- Age: 17
- Reason you want to join: The old servers that I've been managing ran out of funds, and current one I'm playing on is constantly down so I am really looking for a server that is not in constant flux.
- Have you ever played with FTB Before?: Yes, I have.
- Have you ever been banned on any other server: No, I have yet to get a ban.
- Reason (If you have been banned): None to give.
- A little about yourself: I'm a 17 year old gamer who's lived all over the world, so I'm a TCK (Third Culture Kid) and I find that pretty cool. On another note, that is Minecraft related, I just love playing the game along with all these great mods it can just keep you going! Anyways final thing I wish to say I understand if I'm rejected since you're strictly 18+ :) Good luck with further applications.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- I.G.N (In game name): Pysk7
- Age: 20
- Reason you want to join: Looking for a good server. The one I'm on now has some lag issues so I'm looking for change.
- Have you ever played with FTB Before? yes
- Have you ever been banned on any other server: nope
- Reason (If you have been banned):
- A little about yourself: I'm a college student so my hours can be all over the place but I do my best to remain active. I normally like setting up by myself but if someone wants to start together fresh I'll be more than happy to work with someone else.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Footman, Pysk7 join us on teamspeak and we will review your apps and get you setup.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- I.G.N (In game name): Reecery
- Age: 19
- Reason you want to join: My mate Zaazu plays on the server already so he said i should come play so I'm applying now i also have spoken to some people on the TS already so i think they realise I'm not a Dick
- Have you ever played with FTB Before?: yeah
- Have you ever been banned on any other server: nope
- Reason (If you have been banned): N/A
- A little about yourself: Name's Reece from england, perhaps the most casual and carefree gamer there is out there, just want to come on socialize have fun and more importantly build stuff apart from that not much to say, i look forward to the reply