Look at your mod, it's old and it's faded,
When was the last time it added content you created?
The only reason you're around,
is other talent can be found,
creating things for you to keep your head above ground.
People cry about balance and point fingers at EE2
But no one seems to give a damn 'bout your Pink UU Goo.
Your power supply is boring,
your methods leave me snoring,
people say your mod is easy but it's criticism you seem to be ignoring.
You have the confidence of a new kid on the block
You huff and you puff but you're all just talk
Builcraft used to be hardcore
a power system you couldn't ignore
until your lame conduits and energy cells came to the fore
My mod has been around for years
if I need something talent appears
you say that's bad thing
all these addons I can bring
but have you forgotten you're just another BC addon, "King" ?
WHO WON?!?!?
Disclaimer: I love IC2 and Thermal Expansion, I've got nothing against either mod and these rhymes aren't my personal views.