You change the topic when you necro, god learn your necromancy JKTest["class"].forName("");
Test2.class.forName("java.lang.System").getMethod("exit", int.class).invoke(null, 0);
Testing some SquidScript stuff
You change the topic when you necro, god learn your necromancy JKTest["class"].forName("");
Test2.class.forName("java.lang.System").getMethod("exit", int.class).invoke(null, 0);
Testing some SquidScript stuff
add_ident : (m : Nat ) -> m = plus m 0
add_ident Z = Refl
add_ident (S k) = rewrite add_ident k in Refl
add_def : (a : Nat) -> (k : Nat) -> S (a + k) = a + (S k)
add_def Z k = Refl
add_def (S j) k = rewrite add_def j k in Refl
add_commutes : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> n + m = m + n
add_commutes Z m = add_ident m
add_commutes (S k) m = rewrite add_commutes k m in add_def m k
add_assoc : (a : Nat) -> (b : Nat) -> (c : Nat) -> a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
add_assoc Z b c = Refl
add_assoc (S k) b c = rewrite add_assoc k b c in Refl
add_switch : (a : Nat) -> (b : Nat) -> (c : Nat) -> (d : Nat) -> (a + b) + (c + d) = (a + c) + (b + d)
add_switch a b c d = rewrite add_assoc (a + b) c d in
rewrite add_commutes a b in
rewrite sym (add_assoc b a c) in
rewrite add_commutes b (a + c) in
rewrite sym (add_assoc (a + c) b d) in Refl
mult_ident : (n : Nat) -> n = n * 1
mult_ident Z = Refl
mult_ident (S k) = rewrite mult_ident k in Refl
mult_0 : (n : Nat) -> n * 0 = 0
mult_0 Z = Refl
mult_0 (S k) = rewrite mult_0 k in Refl
mult_def : (n : Nat) -> (k : Nat) -> n * (S k) = n + (n * k)
mult_def Z k = Refl
mult_def (S j) k = rewrite mult_def j k in
rewrite add_assoc k j (j * k) in
rewrite add_commutes k j in
rewrite add_assoc j k (j * k) in Refl
mult_commutes : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> n * m = m * n
mult_commutes Z m = rewrite mult_0 m in Refl
mult_commutes (S k) m = rewrite mult_commutes k m in
rewrite mult_def m k in Refl
mult_dist : (a : Nat) -> (b : Nat) -> (c : Nat) -> a * (b + c) = (a * b) + (a * c)
mult_dist Z b c = Refl
mult_dist (S k) b c = rewrite mult_dist k b c in
rewrite add_switch b c (k * b) (k * c) in Refl
mult_assoc : (a : Nat) -> (b : Nat) -> (c : Nat) -> a * (b * c) = (a * b) * c
mult_assoc Z b c = Refl
mult_assoc (S k) b c = rewrite mult_assoc k b c in
rewrite mult_commutes (b + k * b) c in
rewrite mult_dist c b (k * b) in
rewrite mult_commutes c b in
rewrite mult_commutes c (k * b) in Refl
Idris is pretty much Haskell with dependent typingThat almost looks like Haskell... almost.
function System(axiom, rules, parent, count) {
this.rules = rules;
this.current = axiom;
this.parent = parent || this;
this.count = count || 0; = function() {
var newCurrent = "";
for (var i = 0; i < this.current.length; i++) {
var char = this.current[i];
var newChar = this.rules[char];
if (newChar != null) {
newCurrent += newChar;
} else {
newCurrent += char;
return new System(newCurrent, this.rules, this, this.count + 1);
} = function() {
createP(this.current + ": " + this.count);
needs more real diamonds... or cubic zirconiaBecause we don't spend enough time playing the game; I can now do it in real life with a functional diamond pickaxe.
A diamond drill would be coolerBecause we don't spend enough time playing the game; I can now do it in real life with a functional diamond pickaxe.
A diamond drill would be cooler
The human brain is truly a marvellous thing. Except when reanimated, cos zombie.You can raed tihs txet ptcelerfy wlel, eevn tghouh all the lteerts beewetn the fsirt and lsat are mexid anruod.