The Lost Colony |Mindcrack|Whitelisted|24/7 Uptime|Small Community|

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The Lost Colony
~A Premier Mindcrack Pack experience~
(Mindcrack v6 compatible)
~We are currently migrating to a new host and switching to the DW20 pack. Please check the subreddit above for more info!~
Hello, and welcome to the thread for The Lost Colony, or TLC. TLC was recently started on the 23rd of December, immediately following the release of the Mindcrack pack on the FTB launcher. Initially, TLC was conceived as a “all who can play are welcome” server over on Reddit. The idea was that anyone could come celebrate the first release of a 1.4.6 pack by having fun and playing together.

Since then, it has been decided that the server will become whitelisted, and remain around for play. Once it releases, either the updated Fighu’s Mod or Forge Essentials will be used for protection from griefing. Until then, here are some basic points:

-We only have a whitelist
-Protect your things. Hide them, put them in IC2 safes, etc.
-We won’t refund items. We have no way to prove what you say is yours, IS yours.

A Note on Server Size
Currently, the server is locked at 15 players. Because of that, we will have to be more selective than we would like. If the server software should prove sufficient, we may bump it up. If you would like to change this, we would love donations of any form. Please click the button below if you would like to donate, and check the subreddit for the most up to date info on what your donation will provide you in game.

Meet the Ops!

Riizu ~ Riizu initally started out owning servers for other games before he came to Minecraft. After a brief stint in SSP right after the Halloween Beta Update released, he moved to the world of SMP. This culminated in a large period of time spent over at Lord of the Craft, one of the largest Roleplaying servers around, with upwards of 150 members on at any one time. He helped to start one of two advanced races, and became an administrator within two weeks of doing so.

DeadlyPixel69 - Deadly’s history starts over at World of Minecraft. At first a beloved member, he soon became a moderator of the server as well, and is well known for helping to track down griefers, cheaters, and all manner of miscreants. (More to come when he writes his own description ;) )

The Rules

We keep it pretty simple at TLC. But, as always, there a few rules in place to help ensure that TLC remains fun for all, and sticks true to its core philosophy of “Anyone is Welcome.”

First off, there is no age requirement. We merely ask you act mature, and do not get into petty squables with other members or staff. Show us you deserve to stay.

Because of this, we also ask that members keep language to a PG-13 minimum. While people make mistakes, try to at least be aware of this.

The Golden Rule. In case you haven’t heard it before, basically treat other members how you would like to be treated. Don’t be rude, don’t irritate or annoy anyone, et cetera. Mostly common sense here. ((Oh guess what folks, theres a hidden thing in white text below the banning policy. Highlight it, read it, and answer it in your app below everything else. Thanks! This helps to ensure you read the rules))

GregTech IS enabled. Thats the way the pack was designed, and the majority of the original playerbase asked for it. Please do NOT gripe or complain about it. It wont change anything.

Don’t type in caps. Its annoying. Its frustrating. It makes us ops want to ban you on the spot. So don’t do it. :) ←- Creepy smile is creepy ;)

Griefing. It plain isn’t allowed. We have a zero tolerance policy, and you WILL be banned on the spot. Same goes for stealing, or anything that fits in the same category.

Our Policy On Bans

Banning is never fun, but it is our biggest tool for keeping the environment of the server intact. This means we will not hesitate to do so if the infraction warrants it. A simple way to interpret this is that we have a “No BS” policy. We’ll try to talk things out, but should you go too far, the Op in question has full rights to ban you. You HAVE been warned.

**Direwolf or Slowpoke? Either answer works**
The Application Process

Please tell us about yourself in a post in this thread. Make sure to answer these questions.

MC Username:
History with FTB:
Why should you be whitelisted:

Thats it folks, if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Name: Prefer not to say
Age: 20
MC Username: Uhurugu
History with FTB: I've been playing for about 6 weeks, and played tekkit before that. I'm new to Steve's Carts, Gregtech, and Forestry, but have explored a lot of the other mods.
Why should you be whitelisted: I'm mature and I like the pack. I'm not really sure how to answer this.

Edit: Slowpoke
Name: Raul
Age: 19
MC Username: thunder2277o
History with FTB: pretty much i have been playing ftb since releaseand before that tekkit
Why should you be whitelisted: i started playing in this server and i did not mess with anyone and i would love to continue playing
Uhurugu, you've been whitelisted!

Thunder: make sure to read the rules, you missed something. ;)
Name: Dodge
Age: 15.
MC Username: DodgeisTehSh1t
History with FTB: I used to play tekkit, so i know some of the basic things. I was introducted to FTB by the Mindcrackers, and have learned quite a bit from them.Some things i may not completely know how to do, but once i start, i tend to figure it out quickly.
Why should you be whitelisted: I'm not telling you that you should whitelist me, It's your choice. But I'd just like to have a server that i can play on from time to time, that has a good, small-ish community.
Also, Slowpoke c:
Name: Patrick Star
Age: 23
MC Username: MineAza
History with FTB: I'm a Survivalist since Minecraft Alpha and started playing modded Minecraft only with the First Feed The Beast Modpack.
Im pretty used to the Industrial and Mystcraft so far. Got my troubles with DEM Bees but usually i figure stuff out quickly.

Why i should be whitelisted: I'm strongly team minded. So i enjoy playing in a group. With this Server limited to a handful people it will ensure ill get to know everyone and dont cut myself off. My english is pretty ok i guess. But im also able to speak german and a little bit russian. As a student i got the time and i can assure you i have alot of dedication to minecraft. So please take me into consideration. You won't regret it.

Invisible mean text. DireWolf20!

PS: Where is the Server located?

Name: people typically call me Frozen or FF
Age: 26
MC Username: FrozenFirebat
History with FTB: Played the beta for a couple months now. Was running a server for some friends off the Magic world pack with Mo Creatures added, but my connection isn't as friendly to hosting as i'd like.
Why should you be whitelisted: Mature and helpful
Name: Aryk
Age: 20
MC Username: Gallanoth
History with FTB: I started checking it out a few weeks ago with my brother, not much other experience with the mods other than RP2 and I've been waiting for that before I started looking for a server.
Why should you be whitelisted: I'm a mature player? Not sure what you're looking for here, but I'm chill and can get along with just about anyone.
Also, Slowpoke. Definitely Slowpoke.
Name: Eden (middle name)
Age: 17
MC Username: egyptbobcat
History with FTB: I have been playing for about a month, am familiar and competant with every mod, but not an expert.
Why should you be whitelisted: On the battlefield of frozen mods, the two adverseries look each other in the eyes, sizing up the other opponent. Neither knew who would leave the battlefield that day, but one thing was for sure, Direwolves are red and slowpokes are pink the second best color in the world. In this commentators mind this obviously means that petunias are the winner as purple is the most impressive color.

You should whitelist me because I wish to be able to join a community server and make aesthetically pleasing impressie structures to improve the quality of the server as a whole.

You have all been whitelisted![DOUBLEPOST=1356385443][/DOUBLEPOST]egyptbobcat

You are most definitely whitelisted. Love your sense of humor! :D
Name: Joel
Age: 15
MC Username: Humanoth
History with FTB: I started checking it out a few weeks ago with my brother, Gallanoth. i dont have much experience with mods, but im already addicted FTB
Why should you be whitelisted: i like playing along with other players, i can be helpful, and i am mature
Name: James
Age: 15
MC Username: Zabuka
History with FTB: I have played the FTB mod pack since release, I have played with modded minecraft for over a year and started with Industrial craft 1 and Build craft 1.
Why should you be white listed: I wish to join this server because Direwolf is a cool youtuber and slowpoke is a awesome pack maker. Seriously though, I want to create a village with various people who I have yet to meet. I also want to help people who are new to these mods and experience mods that I have yet to such as Thaumcraft.
Name: Wesley
Age: 22
MC Username: SecretChaos
History with FTB: Played since the beginning of the FTB beta PACK
Why should you be whitelisted: I love building nice things and just chat and help other players out if they need help im very expirenced with most mods so i think i would do good on your server

oh yeah i forgot I cant choose between slow or dire because dire introduced me to the mods and slow makes this possible so i cant choose
Name: Marc
Age: 13
MC Username: marcbodea
History with FTB: Been watching DireWolf20 since mid-2011. Very good with all the mods, especially IC2.
Why should you be whitelisted: I do like helping others and being friendly.
Please Unlist me Riizu. US Server. US Playerbase. And im from EU. Neither Ping nor Timezone fits. Still wish you good luck!
Name: Hello! My name is Sam. I'm a guy who lives in Sweden ;)
Age: I am 14 years old rigth now (don't get me wrong on the age)
MC Username: My IGN is: Zederator
History with FTB: My history with feed the beast is very long, I've been hosting a server on my computer for me and my friends for like a months. So the mods in the pack is nothing unknown for me! And also I love Feed the Beast!
Why should you be whitelisted: I think I should be whitelisted because I'm way more mature than it may sound, I am currently a mod on a vanilla server that's quite large (10-20 players daily) so if you ask people who know me thinks I'm way older than 14 ;) And I've been looking for a nice server for a while now, when I saw your post I've got really happy that you were inviting people and I really think you should give me a chanse. Edit: slowpoke
Name: Chris(I live in England)
Age: 15
MC Username: Subzerostig
History with FTB: I started with buildcraft before the technic pack was every released. I have followed the progress for a long time and switched to the FTB pack as soon as it was released. I pretty much know everything about the technical mods(not stuff like thaumcraft and I am still learning gregtech)
Why you should whitelist me: I run my own server so know how to be responsible and I work together well with other people.
Other: I don't get why I was banned before?!?

Also, direwolf20 over slowpoke, slowpokes great, but I've known dire(not personally) for longer
Name: Felix
Age: 21
MC Username: flxjhnlrssn
History with FTB: Playing around with it a bit, on and off servers.
Why should you be whitelisted: I'm looking for a nice server, so I may or may not stay. But if I do, well, I'd be a fairly active member of the community, that should be enough, right?

Name: Rich
Age: 20
MC Username: rich_27
History with FTB: I played tekkit for a good while, and watched Jessassin and Duncan from the yogscast, and then found out about feed the beast, and have been avidly playing and watching Direwolf20, @joehills, and others.
Why should you be whitelisted: Whilst on the server during the open time on reddit, I had good fun, got on well with the people on there, respecting others and treating them how I would like to be treated.

Got to be Direwolf, his playthrough style is awesome. I haven't really watched slowpoke much, but when I have I was annoyed by how loud he has his mic compared to everything else, and also how he (often exasperatedly) stopped to answer ridiculous questions from his stream.
Name: Patrick
Age: 17
MC Username: Eliwood75
History with FTB: Long-time supporter of Technic Pack, which transferred to FTB pretty well. Some new mods that I'm eager to get going with, and a lot of old favorites coming back. I've seen all of Direwolf20's videos from 3rd season of singleplayer onwards.
Why should you be whitelisted: Well, I don't know so much as SHOULD as I'd like to be, because I like the look of it and the people seem friendly. As long as nobody does anything completely rude, there should be no problems whatsoever. I get along with others well, and I'm a pretty good team player though I do sometimes hoard the items I get.

Also, Direwolf. I don't really watch Slowpoke too much, but I love Direwolf's play style.