The Lost Colony
~A Premier Mindcrack Pack experience~
(Mindcrack v6 compatible)
~We are currently migrating to a new host and switching to the DW20 pack. Please check the subreddit above for more info!~
Hello, and welcome to the thread for The Lost Colony, or TLC. TLC was recently started on the 23rd of December, immediately following the release of the Mindcrack pack on the FTB launcher. Initially, TLC was conceived as a “all who can play are welcome” server over on Reddit. The idea was that anyone could come celebrate the first release of a 1.4.6 pack by having fun and playing together.Since then, it has been decided that the server will become whitelisted, and remain around for play. Once it releases, either the updated Fighu’s Mod or Forge Essentials will be used for protection from griefing. Until then, here are some basic points:
-We only have a whitelist
-Protect your things. Hide them, put them in IC2 safes, etc.
-We won’t refund items. We have no way to prove what you say is yours, IS yours.
A Note on Server Size
Currently, the server is locked at 15 players. Because of that, we will have to be more selective than we would like. If the server software should prove sufficient, we may bump it up. If you would like to change this, we would love donations of any form. Please click the button below if you would like to donate, and check the subreddit for the most up to date info on what your donation will provide you in game.Meet the Ops!
Riizu ~ Riizu initally started out owning servers for other games before he came to Minecraft. After a brief stint in SSP right after the Halloween Beta Update released, he moved to the world of SMP. This culminated in a large period of time spent over at Lord of the Craft, one of the largest Roleplaying servers around, with upwards of 150 members on at any one time. He helped to start one of two advanced races, and became an administrator within two weeks of doing so.
DeadlyPixel69 - Deadly’s history starts over at World of Minecraft. At first a beloved member, he soon became a moderator of the server as well, and is well known for helping to track down griefers, cheaters, and all manner of miscreants. (More to come when he writes his own description

The Rules
We keep it pretty simple at TLC. But, as always, there a few rules in place to help ensure that TLC remains fun for all, and sticks true to its core philosophy of “Anyone is Welcome.”
First off, there is no age requirement. We merely ask you act mature, and do not get into petty squables with other members or staff. Show us you deserve to stay.
Because of this, we also ask that members keep language to a PG-13 minimum. While people make mistakes, try to at least be aware of this.
The Golden Rule. In case you haven’t heard it before, basically treat other members how you would like to be treated. Don’t be rude, don’t irritate or annoy anyone, et cetera. Mostly common sense here. ((Oh guess what folks, theres a hidden thing in white text below the banning policy. Highlight it, read it, and answer it in your app below everything else. Thanks! This helps to ensure you read the rules))
GregTech IS enabled. Thats the way the pack was designed, and the majority of the original playerbase asked for it. Please do NOT gripe or complain about it. It wont change anything.
Don’t type in caps. Its annoying. Its frustrating. It makes us ops want to ban you on the spot. So don’t do it.

Griefing. It plain isn’t allowed. We have a zero tolerance policy, and you WILL be banned on the spot. Same goes for stealing, or anything that fits in the same category.
Our Policy On Bans
Banning is never fun, but it is our biggest tool for keeping the environment of the server intact. This means we will not hesitate to do so if the infraction warrants it. A simple way to interpret this is that we have a “No BS” policy. We’ll try to talk things out, but should you go too far, the Op in question has full rights to ban you. You HAVE been warned.
**Direwolf or Slowpoke? Either answer works**
The Application Process
Please tell us about yourself in a post in this thread. Make sure to answer these questions.
MC Username:
History with FTB:
Why should you be whitelisted:
Thats it folks, if you have any questions, feel free to ask!