The Lost Colony |Mindcrack|Whitelisted|24/7 Uptime|Small Community|

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
Sorry guys, Creeperhost is quite iffy currently, and I don't know why. Ill look into it best I can, but my best advice is to follow these steps:

-Close minecraft
-Restart FTB Launcher
-Run Minecrack
-Attempt to connect

Ive seen a couple people connect, and then lose the opportunity later. I think its because CreeperHost is being DDoS'd potentially, as even their Control Panel is slow, and Ive NEVER had an issue like this before.

EDIT: I definitely think its something CreeperHost side, namely via authentication. Deadly was able to make it on earlier, and we are both fine right now, no lag, no disconnects etc. Five minutes ago the CP worked great, now its slowed down and sending me a cached version again. I dunno if this is caused by a DDoS, or server maintenance. I appreciate your guys putting up with it though.
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Reactions: Ryan784
Name: Shawn!
Age: The ripe old 18!
MC Username: DrParadise
History with FTB: Moderator of The Factory, but am waiting on the server to actually upgrade before playing on it.
Why should you be whitelisted: Well I want a Mindcrack server a long with the Ultimate pack. I really want a nice, close knit community where people actually like helping each other. I love helping and could bring that and my skill of very eye appealing builds to the server!
Name: Mike
Age: 17
MC Username: MithosMania
History with FTB: Learned about FTB about a month ago and got hooked on it. I know a lot about it and it's mechanics. I found that with FTB though, along with normal minecraft, it is much more fun with other people.
Why should you be whitelisted: I enjoy playing with other people more than than playing alone. I know a lot from my previous experiences in FTB, and believe I can make aesthetically pleasing structures.

and finally Slowpoke, Direwolf is a bit too tutorial-ish for me.
Well guys, im currently working through the issue with a creeperhost rep. Looks like on top of everything, Minecraft has been getting attacked, close to 400 people are trying to use the CP, and more. Lots of variables.
Name: Erik
Age: 14
Mc UserName: ElitexVenom
History With FTB: I played tekkit for 4 months but when FTB came out I moved. I have experience with almost all mods.
Why I should Be Whitelisted: I am mature and I respect everyone, at least until they disrespect me.
Direwolf20 : Slowpoke is boring IMO.
Name: Jeff
Age: 38
MC Username: shadowquinn1974
History with FTB: played since 1.2.5
Why should you be whitelisted: I just want a server to call home that has players that enjoy talking and building and helping each other. Direwolf for sure.
Name: Andrew
Age: 13
MC Username: LTK_Buckshottz
History with FTB: Started with the 1.2.5 and passes them both then came to the modpack been playing everyday since release date.
Why should you be whitelisted: I like to help around servers and making teams. I also like to build crazy stuff that are awesome and I love FTB. Hopefully see you soon


Name: Jonas
Age: 16
MC Username: maccos1
History with FTB: I've been following FTB since they started making the pack I've been watching alot of Direwolf20's videos too which is very helpful so i know pretty much everything about FTB :)
Why should you be whitelisted: Because i'm an mature playing i can take a joke and i'm Danish! thats gotta count! :D
Alright! Were officially updated to v4 of the pack, and for now, the server seems to be stable. Just in case though, im in active communication with the CreeperHost team, and should get a definite answer on what happened/how to prevent it soon. Have fun everybody!
Aw :(
I didn't get whitelisted?
Don't think it'll hurt your server much to have another European player >_>
MC Username:kazeaya
History with FTB: 2 weeks, but i've played tekkit for like for a long time before.
Why should you be whitelisted: I'm courteous and respectful of other players. I would like a nice community where people aren't raging all the time. I really love the mods.
Name: Edison
Age: 12 (But I am really mature)
MC Username:Creepermaned
History with FTB: played for 3 weeks now, I have played tekkit for 5 months now.
Why should you be whitelisted: I build good structures, you can trust me, I don't steal or greif people, I have lots of knowledge about Feed the Beast and its contents and I am willing to share my information. I am admin on a server and all of my friends trust me the most. I have high levels of tolerance, don't snap at people, and I am very courteous.
Name: Tristan
Age: 15
MC Username: Ronagen
History with FTB: I've played for a little while now around 1-2 months enjoying the challenge.
Why should you be whitelisted: Because I enjoy small servers where its easy to have a conversation about something in chat, and not having a map cluttered with stuff everywhere. I'm also applying because the old server I played on switched hosts and I am extremely laggy on it. Slowpoke
Name: Prefer to not share
Age: 18
MC Username: Pendo20
History with FTB: I have watched some of Docm77's videos, also I have been playing since the beta pack.
Why should you be whitelisted: Looking for a good mature ftb server. I haven't played many servers since the beta days of minecraft. I hope to get a chance to experience the modpack with some other experienced players. Would be great to learn a few tricks from them as well. Overall I am fairly new to the feed the beast pack, I have experience with Tekkit. Also I wouldn't mind helping out others if I can.

Oh and this ;)

Name: Martijn (Marty)
Age: 15
MC Username: lolface1008
History with FTB: Played with the mods included for about 2 years, with or without modpacks, and i'm expierenced witth these mods. I only got into the FTB pack 2 weeks ago.
Why should you be whitelisted: Because i'm a player who likes to help anybody in need and enjoys the a bit smaller servers.
Would you mind enabling the http api for turtles please? "The HTTP API must be enabled in mod_ComputerCraft.cfg before being used. To enable it open .minecraft/config/mod_ComputerCraft.cfg and change enableAPI_http=0 to enableAPI_http=1." it means we can use paste in to save and upload computercract program's. Cheers =]
Name: That i would like to remain private
Age: 15
MC Username: Rimorob
History with FTB: I have been playing the FTB pack for about 1 and a half month, but i have been playing with most of the mods for atleast half a year.
Why should you be whitelisted: I am a mature person that has never been banned from a server before, and i like to share my knowledge of the mods to people who aren't as experienced and learn new knowledge aswell.

Edit Slowpoke
Name: I don't want this posted in a forum, but i don't mind sharing it in chat ingame
Age: 18
MC Username: Aceofrogues
History with FTB: I have been playing the FTb pack for 4 weeks now i think, but i've played with the majority of the mods for a year
Why should you be whitelisted: I have never been banned before, and i consider myself a mature person. I know quite alot about the mods, and i don't mind sharing my knowledge.
