The Lost Colony |Mindcrack|Whitelisted|24/7 Uptime|Small Community|

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
name: Jonny
Age: 14
MC Username: the_j485
History with FTB: I've been playing it since direwolf announced it, and I had been playing tekkit a while before, and I watch a ton of direwolf so I know plenty about the mods, and I love Thaumcraft
Why should you be whitelisted: I love FTB, and singleplayer gets boring as there's nobody to play with, also I'm a pretty good builder


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Gabriel
Age: 15
MC Username: goldern
History with FTB: I've played with all mods in the FTB modpack before it actually exist, and i love the idea of a modpack with the help of the mod makers that come out smooth as i play alot with 25+ mods
Why should you be whitelisted: To play with the community and to
Direwolf :)

Hanii Puppy

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Hanii Puppy
Age: 21
MC Username: HaniiPuppy
History with FTB: Relatively little. Since the Mindcraft pack came out, I've tried that in SSP, but I'd prefer playing in SMP. I started using FTB to try out Thaumcraft 3, and FTB's magic world provided an easy route for installing and running it. I've used Tekkit extensively, and ran a private server, but was disappointed by the lack of ... magic °snort snort°.
Why should you be whitelisted: No honest person would answer that question without either presenting a reason they want to be white-listed rather than should, or muddling their way through a humble, self-conscious string of words that loosely translates to "There's no specific reason I -should- be white-listed, but it would be nice to play on your server." ... That being said, it would be nice to play on your server :p

Edit: Having noticed that text shortly after posting and upon re-reading the thread, wondering why everyone was saying "Direwolf" and looking back at the front post ... Jah, Direwolf xD


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Tommy
Age: 25
MC Username: djtlite138
History with FTB: been watching the pack since about two weeks before launch, the other server i play on (stuck on the beta pack) was going with it and i was interested in the mods. In the first weekend on our first map (lost due to the extrabees removal) i got us up to solar panels and nano armor with no previous experience with IC2, on our second map i got us ultimate solars and gravisuits by the next weekend (buddy if mine took care of our mining using turtles while i kept advancing our tech and learning to use it)
Why should you be whitelisted: i want to try playing with the mindcrack pack and will not mind cooperating with other players. If i can spare it i usually trade spare machines and resources for stuff i dont have. Im really mellow and hate greifing. I am also very interested in thaumcraft, redpower and love multiblock machines.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Nikolaj
Age: 14
MC Username: SeaKillStreak
History with FTB: I've been playing FTB for a bit of time but i have good experience with Tekkit so i know the basic stuff of mods
Why should you be whitelisted: because i want to play with other people than just my self, lern new people, build cool structures & make new friends

Thanks for reading my application

Greetz - Sea


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Sebastian
Age: 15
MC Username: sebbex
History with FTB: i have been playing some FTB not much but i have been playing tekkit b4 i started playing FTB so i know the basic stuff.
Why should you be whitelisted: cuz im mature and love to play with ppl on servers and make fun with them

Slowpoke FTW


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
MC Username:supersonicfun1
History with FTB:not too long ago (or mybe ) 2 months ive been playing feed the beast but before that ive played tekkit (new to mindcrack)
Why should you be whitelisted:well partly because im guessing no griefing and nobody is rude (ok mybe some of the pepole may be rube) but i guess its youre chiose

also so i dont forget slowpoke


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Paulo
Age: 17
MC Username: yodukie
History with FTB: I have been playing it ever since it got released to the public, I have had some experience with tekkit but not much.
Why should you be whitelisted: Ever since I started playing FTB it has always been in SSP form, and I'd like to mix it up a bit. I'm just a friendly guy that loves to interact, and I think I could add a lot to the community.

Oh, and I guess I'll go with Slowpoke, always liked Pokemon :p.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
MC Username:Zannaderu
History with FTB: I enjoy trying to make very advance machine with my friend on some Tekkit servers, but we decided to move to Feed the Beast because of how it has more mods that we enjoy.
Why should you be whitelisted:I think I should be whitelisted because it will allow me to hang out with my friend. I am also very friendly and I enjoy helping out people who are new to Feed the beast.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Rather not say
Age: 12
MC Username: BoringNumbers123
History with FTB: Been playing for about a month, have grown a bit familiar with some of the mods

Why should you be whitelisted: I have been looking for a nice server to play on where I can become more familiar with the mods and have fun, and this server looks promising Also, don't watch either of them


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Name: Adam
Age: 17
MC Username: supersmartypants
History with FTB: I loved tekkit and once I learned about FTB from Etho (a MindCrack player), I started using it. For more than a month, I have been hosting a small FTB server with friends, but they're not always on and don't love it as much as me.
Why should you be whitelisted: I am a mature, friendly guy who loves programming turtles and making some cool redstone projects. I guess I'm pretty good with the mods and have more than basic knowledge of each of them.

I watch Direwolf20 a lot

And in what country is the server located? I just want to know the distance from my country and understand the reason for lag (if there is any).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Ash
Age: 20
MC Username: Ashen92
History with FTB: I've played some single-player when the pack was in 1.4.2 and quickly transitioned into server play (it is definitely more fun with more people). Before that, I spent a bit of time on Tekkit, but not much.
Why should you be whitelisted: Because I'm fun to be around :) Also, because I think minecraft is more fun with other people and I think I'm a good person to hang out with.

Direwolf20. I love his videos. Currently watching (and waiting) on the new videos from season 5.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Jayden
Age: 17
MC Username: Jayden927
History with FTB: Major Tekkit pack use, shorter time with FTB, but most of the stuff is the same.
Why should you be whitelisted: I love minecrack, and FTB, ive been looking a long time for a small server to build on, would love to join ^^

Also as part of my build experience, I did BET - With Town.

Slowpoke FTW.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
MC Username:Mcburgerbob
History with FTB:Havent been on a server yet but have played FTB for quite a while now.
Why should you be whitelisted:Well I would like to be whitelisted because I havent been on a server yet and would like to be with a good respectfull comunity.

Direwolf! Cant go wrong there! Im changeing my name to MrMctripleB!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Ben
Age: 14
MC Username: Creative_Creeper
History with FTB: I've played with it for about a week now but I've been playing with mods for around a year.
Why should you be whitelisted: Well I am mature and this looks like my kind of server so yeah. Direwolf FTW


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Louis
Age: 21
MC Username: DrakDragon1022
History with FTB: I have played FTB since I seen it on Dirwolf20 play against Nearbygamer.
Why should you be whitelisted: this is more a request. I would like to join the sever make friends and have a good time. I have a good general knowledge of most of the mod in the FTB mod pack and in the Minecrack version of it. there are some i don't know much about and didn't use till this version. I am a friendly person like to have fun hang out easy to get along with I think and help out those that need help.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok this is my second application hope you read it!
Name: Erik
Age: 14
MC Username: ElitexVenom
History with FTB: I was on before the whitelist, have been playing since release.
Why you should be Whitelisted: Im very mature and NEVER steal or grief.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Just call me Tyoto.
Age: 14, but 15 in exactly a week.

MC Username: Needsmoredwagonz
History with FTB: I've been playing FTB for a while now, I consider myself good with the mods inside of it, and I'm good with IC2, especially. If it's any bonus, I've been watch DW20 for the last 2 seasons, so I have alot of knowledge built up from that.
Why should you be whitelisted: I should be whitelisted, because I'm a very mature player looking for a great community in which we can share and take ideas.