Not at first glance, after attempted use. I don't do rash judgments, dude. I tried to use it, I didn't like it, so I no longer use it, its as simple as that. Also, functional programming isn't the only thing that can do threading. I can do threading in 10 minutes using C#. Functional programming offers me nothing but additional headaches for little to no extra benefit. Unless I go into some high-science job like working at NASA, I have absolutely no cause to use functional programming. I will likely end up in an office and while I most certainly enjoy what I do, I am also going into it to earn a paycheck. If I learn Haskell, let's say, what exactly does that translate to in terms of extra income when most jobs now are using C++, .Net, or Java? It doesn't translate to a single extra penny, for me. Yes, I'm well aware that I'm being extremely pragmatic about this. I have limited time and energy, I'd rather not expend it on something that won't improve my quality of life. I spent most of my life dirt freakin poor, I'll worry about learning fancy stuff after I have enough to where I can live comfortably.