In my honest opinion, Slowpoke. I love the Gregtech machines, as it adds new stuff to IC2 in mid-late game, along with some end-game stuff. My problem is with the changes to vanilla, and changes to other packs. I want the part of Gregtech that adds, not takes away from Minecraft. Include Gregtech, but make the default configs specifically avoid all changes to vanilla and other mod's recipes. I believe that this would make pretty much everyone happy, you can still have the "Gregpack" but i do not want to miss the many machines that he has brought into IC2. You can call it the Gregtech IC2 addition pack, and the "Gregpack" will be the Gregtech conversion mod. Please consider this and talk with mDiyo, GregoriusT, and the other mod developers. Again, just include the things Gregtech adds to the pack, avoiding the recipe changes and "nerfs" including IC2.