Are you using the correct Fluid Fuel values? The Fluid Boilers should have received only the same (old/4 = new) nerf that Buildcraft and Forestry Engines did. Leaving them still 20% more efficient.
Biofuel/Ethanol = 16000 HU
Fuel = 48000 HU
...Umm, that's not old/4, CJ... that's old/2. Ethanol originally did 32k and refined fuel 96k. You can see this in
this very outdated fuel value table from 1.4.7. After the adjustment - for example in - the fuel value of ethanol and refined fuel are 8k and 24k respectively. NEI plugins shows this, and if a dividison by 4 happened, this is what it must be. I can try and do a timing test if you like.
Also, since for example the combustion engine had its total MJ output divided by 4 and refined fuel had its HU value divided by 4, then its efficiency in my calculation stays the same as it was, at 6.25. I am simply dividing its MJ output from one bucket of fuel by the Railcraft HU value of that fuel, to get an efficiency number "as if the combustion engine was a boiler". That's where all the cross-mod comparison numbers come from. With both numbers divided by 4, the result doesn't change.
If Railcraft HU values for liquid fuels are only supposed to be divided by 2, however, that would change everything. Then the combustion engine and the compression dynamo both only post a score of 3.125, since their MJ output doesn't change but the HU number is twice as big. (This is a very funny effect - buff a boiler fuel and you don't see boiler numbers rise, but rather comparison numbers drop. That's because the boiler numbers are computed off the value of 1 HU, not the value of 1 bucket of fuel. Math!

In that scenario, boilers would indeed be better than engines, as they get up to 4.444. But is that actually the reality? Is that what the HU values are set as ingame in 8.3.x? Or are they still at 8k/24k as in
The only difference between the Hobbyist and Boilers is the efficiencyModifier and ticksPerCycle (20). Otherwise they are using the same code.
Aaahh, I see. That works out to roughly the same in the end... well, 0.615 per tick versus 0.650. But it still matches my ingame observation, it's just off by the same error margin in the other direction

(using a wristwatch to time things is imprecise indeed).
And the per tank bonus for larger boilers should also scale with the config setting.
Well, with the config setting at 1.0, a 1 LP boiler has efficiency 2.991 and a 36 LP has 4.444, for a difference of 1.453, or 48.5% more for the large boiler.
Set the config setting to 0.2, then the 1 LP clocks in at 7.306 (+4.315) and the 36 LP at 8.696 (+4.252). You can see the smaller boiler gaining more. The difference is now only 1.309, less than before - and percentually even moreso, with the larger boiler being only 22.75% more efficient.
The reason for this happening (and the reason for the fact that HP boilers don't gain as much) is the flat +2/+4 per tank for pressure inefficiency, I believe. It is always the same, regardless of the value of multipliers like efficiency multiplier, the config multiplier and so on. it is not affected by them, but it
is affected by multiplying by number of tanks.