The.Factory |FTB Beta Pack A|Whitelist| PvE, Small, No Grief, Friendly,

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am a little disappointed in the way I have seen this server being treated. I was wondering why there was non-stop rain going on with the server and low and behold, I go flying around spawn and there are rainmakers in the trees a couple hundred blocks away. I removed them and the rain stopped and returned to normal so someone intentionally set them to rain. Then I come across the huge hole in the map all the way to bedrock with over 5k items lying on the ground so I waited until they despawned. Then I fly further and there are igneous pulverizers pumping cobble onto the ground. I broke the machines. All those things create tons of lag for the entire server. The rainmaker creates rain server-wide.

While we are not obligated to pay for it, out of the graciousness of his heart, Que ALLOWS us to play on his server and I am grateful for that opportunity. I would hope that we could show some respect and not tear it up or slow it down, or create unnecessary lag for yourself and others.

Que, a suggestion was mentioned to ban iodine capsules which are what is necessary to create rain. I am down for that idea. I would also suggest to disable nukes, while they are fun, they lag the server bad after use.

Lets all do our part by following the rules! I know for myself, I am stoked to get the new map going and want the best experience possible with it. I will be checking in and out on the server, but am not planning any builds until we have the final map!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The spawn and what's happening atm myself and oen are fixing it do not tamper with the generators / etc it looks ugly as sin atm but it'll clean itself up nicely.

Thanks and sorry for the troubles that someone caused and que could you possibly region lock the spawn once it turns into a desert.... lol dont ask just so at the very least the spawn is lag free from not having to render craters


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
lol playing with the terraformers asone? nice!

I have programmed a few things for a custom API I will be asking Que to upload for the new map. Among the included programs on the API will be a fully automated tree farm (0% started), stair building program to build up or down (100% complete). I also have a nifty refuel program that is different from any others I have seen to date. This one will find fuel from any slot. It is complete but will be tweaked later on to allow you to choose at what point the turtle refuels, and how much fuel to give it. The idea behind this one is, more than likely if it is mining for you it will cross some coal and if it runs out, it will find the coal and refuel!

These will be available to all once it is uploaded so feel free to use them!



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Those sound pretty awesome War. I took up the challenge after talking to you earlier and built my own tree farm code:p if you don't mind I'd love to have a look at your codes. I'll show you mine as well if you are interested.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't mind sharing at all! I am not the best programmer so I am open to suggestions to improve my code as well!The build Stairs program is fairly large so I am including the text file for you to review it.

function refuel()
  if turtle.getFuelLevel() < 500 then  -- Change this to whatever you desire
    slot = 1
    for i = 1, 16 do
        slot = slot + 1
        if turtle.refuel() == true then  -- add implementation of user selection for quantity to use
          slot = slot - 1
          print("Found fuel in slot "..slot.. ".")
          break   --Found fuel, no sense in continuing to search for it
    end  -- resets the selection to slot 1.
  else   --No fuel found
    print("You need to use some fuel first.")
    print("Current fuel level is "..turtle.getFuelLevel())


  • warAPI.txt
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Those look pretty nice. I just glanced over them, but I'll try them out later I think:) Here's mine if you wanna see it. I feel like I went a little overboard on functions, but it's functional (haha). Basically, you start with a 20x10 area, the turtle has a set track and every 4 minutes, goes and plants saplings/chops trees. He also refuels a bit, but it's meant for him to have enough fuel to start:p I also have it in game ( I prefer to do the coding in game to test) if you'd like to see it.


  • tree.txt
    1.3 KB · Views: 105


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
War, Billy, those scripts look great, I'll be glad to upload them later today. War, please post a list of items you recommend I remove/ban so I can do so later today, thanks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
War, Billy, those scripts look great, I'll be glad to upload them later today. War, please post a list of items you recommend I remove/ban so I can do so later today, thanks.
all honesty I think you should just remove the items that were abused as punishment....

nukes, rainmakers, pulverizers


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. IGN:tehazneggrollman
  2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: ReglasRules
  3. Have you been banned before?:no i have not
  4. IF so, why and how many times?:none
  5. Why should you be whitelisted?:I would like to play with my cousin Willibilly19
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, it isn't really punishment I seek as much as I want this server to remain functional. The rainmaker serves two purposes, stop rain, and make rain so it has one benefit others should be able to enjoy. The pulverizer is fine imo but as I see it being abused, I will grief it for the sake of removing a tax on the server and that goes for anything I see as being overly taxing. If it has moving parts and moves items around, then make sure the items have a place to go instead of on the ground.

List of items to ban:

Iodine Capsules
Descriptive Books

I will update this list as I come across other things and would like some input from the rest of the server.

Billy, that looks like a pretty cool farm. The chest() function is something I needed to see, so thanks!



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea anytime. Looking through my code I'm quite proud of it as it's my first program:p If you need any help with anything code wise, I'm quite a fast learner and we can at least bounce ideas off each other.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sounds good Billy! Just an fyi for ya, since you are like me and like to code strictly in-game, then you can access your written code by navigating to the saves folder then inside 'computer' you will see folders for each computer id. Find the one you are using and you can dbl click it to access the saved text docs with your programs. Will save you re-writing the programs!



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I looked through my code and found a couple of unnecessary bits, so here is the updated version.

Awesome War thanks for the tip. I rewrote the 100 ish lines last night:p


  • tree2.txt
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Which folder in the server should I upload those files to? If someone can write the dir path it would be great. I want to upload the files and edit configs such as item removals at the same time so I only have to restart the server once. How's the server btw?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
sorry just getting to this. My file will go in the following:


open that zip folder up and go to this directory:


and just drag and drop my file in there somewhere. just make sure the file is uploaded without showing the .txt extension or it won't work. Best way to do that is just drag the file in there and if it looks like this: warAPI.txt then just rename the file and delete the .txt I could not get it to work with that extension on there even tho it makes no difference to the actual file itself.

Server is very smooth from my end. Nothing like that host legend crap we had.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Which folder in the server should I upload those files to? If someone can write the dir path it would be great. I want to upload the files and edit configs such as item removals at the same time so I only have to restart the server once. How's the server btw?
My file is still not finished. Tweaking it to work with a charcoal factory and such:p it'll be a while. Could you enable HTTP on the server? It's in the CC Config file. That would allow us to upload/download the code in game to/from pastebin. It would be nice for testing purposes. If you did that, we could just get a list of codes going along with pastebin links and you don't have to edit the server files when someone wants a code.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
never thought of that, great idea Billy! Mine also is not done and I definitely could see myself needing multiple updates to it so this would be extremely beneficial to all who use turtles!



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
HTTP Enabled.

Nukes and TNTs banned, but I was unable to find the config file that enables and disables either the rainmaker or iodine. Anyone know the dir?

EDIT: I just logged into the server, first time since Friday, and it is a mess. Completely destroyed. I think a new world needs to be generated now that nukes and tnt is banned. Agreed?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I will take a look around for ya. Thanks for enabling HTTP!

I am buying a laptop for an upcoming deployment, anyone have some tried and true experience with laptops running FTB/Minecraft? I am exploring the MSI GT70, or an Asus both I think have 2.4 GHz i7's with 20gb ram. Thoughts? I had a Toshiba "gaming" laptop a while back and will never buy another Toshiba...
