Whitelist Server The-Construct | Mature 16+ | v8.0.1+ | Logistic Pipes | TS3 | 20 TPS | 12GB | Protections/Anti-Grief

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cron the title says mindcrack pack then in the info it says basically dw20 with gregtech and extra bees and version is listed as v4 so do we need dw20 pack with extra bees and gregtech or do we need v4 of mindcrack?
Copy-paste of my application from the old thread:

IGN: kallbenric
Age: 16
Country: Norway
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: No.
Experience with mods?: I've been playing modded Minecraft with IC2+Buildcraft since about half a year ago. I tried Tekkit too. Most recently, I started playing on Direwolf's modpack.
Will you use TS3?: Sure.
Answer to the secret question?: Purple.
Do you know someone on our server? Nope.
Any additional information?: I would like to play this great modpack with other people.
Pictures/Videos of something you've built: I don't have any.
IGN: Broadbandpie
Age: 15
Country: England (United Kingdom)
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) never been banned
Experience with mods?: i played tekkit for half a year and started playing feed the beast since it was released
Will you use TS3?: why not :)
Answer to the secret question?: purple?
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): nope
Any additional information?: im in quite alot of the time.
Pictures/Videos of something you've built: no sorry
i hope you take my application into consideration thanks
cron the title says mindcrack pack then in the info it says basically dw20 with gregtech and extra bees and version is listed as v4 so do we need dw20 pack with extra bees and gregtech or do we need v4 of mindcrack?

You need mindcrack. And follow the instructions on the link at the top. You have to install a newer version of industrialcraft.
IGN: Capt_Rusty
Age: 16
Country: Ireland
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: Nope :D < I'm being serious I'm a good boy :)
Experience with mods?: Yes all in mindcrack (not great at thaumcraft but good enough) Before FTB came out I used tekkit around last year so roughly a year and some months :)
Will you use TS3?: Yes I will if people there are freindly then Ill stay on :)
Answer to the secret question? purple(<---- I love this color :p)
Do you know someone on our server?: No
Any additional information?: I'm a good designer for building (like a humble abode)
Pictures/Videos of something you've built: Right here :D (just some random machines I built in SP!)


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Everyone that I have accepted has been whitelisted, if you have not been whitelisted. If you have not been whitelisted, you were not accepted, sorry.
IGN: bamtastic
Age: 17
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: i dont think so ..
Experience with mods?: not much ,, but i started playing the ftb modpack for arround 2 weeks now
Will you use TS3?: yes .. but not much
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): not yet ,, :)
Any additional information?: im an admin on a 150 plots server ..
Pictures/Videos of something you've built: i built some of the buildings in my friends server here it is :


the last pic is the pvp arena me and my friend built with some help of world edit
but the the other pics i built alone :D
if i was whitelisted you can send me a message on this email : [email protected]
and thanks ^^
[1.4.6]The-Construct (16+) | Mindcrack Pack | Whitelist | 25 Slots | TS3
[1.4.6]The-Construct (16+)
It's not a hard concept, people.
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: Yes, Because i was lied to and got banned for soemthing i was told to do by an admin
Experience with mods?:Yes
Will you use TS3?:Yes
Answer to the secret question?:Purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?):Calkhi (My Brother)
Any additional information?:I like to have fun
Pictures/Videos of something you've built:None, sorry (i should take more screenshots XD)
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) Yes, a mix up with a friend, he did some greifing and since i had a house with him i got banned as well.
Experience with mods?: Yes. I have built many cool contraptions like sorting machines. Many modeled after things Direwolf20 has made. He is my idol.
Will you use TS3?: Yes i love TS.
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?):Nope
Any additional information?: I would love to play in an SMP environment with other experienced people. I love fun for everyone on the server and im up to helping anyone.
Pictures/Videos of something you've built: I just got a new computer and i trashed everything on my harddrive so unfortunately i dont have any screenshots left to share.
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) Yes, a mix up with a friend, he did some greifing and since i had a house with him i got banned as well.
Experience with mods?: Yes. I have built many cool contraptions like sorting machines. Many modeled after things Direwolf20 has made. He is my idol.
Will you use TS3?: Yes i love TS.
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?):Nope
Any additional information?: I would love to play in an SMP environment with other experienced people. I love fun for everyone on the server and im up to helping anyone.
Pictures/Videos of something you've built: I just got a new computer and i trashed everything on my harddrive so unfortunately i dont have any screenshots left to share.

[1.4.6]The-Construct (16+) | Mindcrack Pack | Whitelist | 25 Slots | TS3

While we have some players under 16, they joined before the age requirement was increased from 13 to 16 after incidents with younger players who were unable to function in a community setting.
Can you at least give me a shot? I've been playing with mods for about a year, and Im great in a community environment.
Can you at least give me a shot? I've been playing with mods for about a year, and Im great in a community environment.

If I did that, then everyone under 16 would be asking to join. Trust me, you are not the only one. I've had some beg me in a private conversation on here.