Day 50 18:24
Exedra tells me that the rod will be fully operational again by day 75. He still hasn't told me the specifics of his plan, but now that the chip is gone I trust him completely. But day 75 will still not be fast enough. We have ten days left, they attack on day 60.
Day 50 16:24
I am going to create a safe shelter for the eventual attack. I have cleared it with Whiz, so if worse goes to worst, we'll be able to evacuate the camp. The camp will be destroyed, but we'll be able to remove the items in deep storage including Exedra's thingy in time so there may be a chance yet.
Edit: On another note, i'm going to sleep now. Night everyone. Don't evacuate camp without me
Tell Whiz that he should play me while i'm gone. Also tell him not to accidentally screw me over like I nearly did to him 
Day 50 18:24
Exedra tells me that the rod will be fully operational again by day 75. He still hasn't told me the specifics of his plan, but now that the chip is gone I trust him completely. But day 75 will still not be fast enough. We have ten days left, they attack on day 60.
Day 50 16:24
I am going to create a safe shelter for the eventual attack. I have cleared it with Whiz, so if worse goes to worst, we'll be able to evacuate the camp. The camp will be destroyed, but we'll be able to remove the items in deep storage including Exedra's thingy in time so there may be a chance yet.
Edit: On another note, i'm going to sleep now. Night everyone. Don't evacuate camp without me