The Constant Struggle Against the Spam Bots

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Day 50 18:24
Exedra tells me that the rod will be fully operational again by day 75. He still hasn't told me the specifics of his plan, but now that the chip is gone I trust him completely. But day 75 will still not be fast enough. We have ten days left, they attack on day 60.

Day 50 16:24
I am going to create a safe shelter for the eventual attack. I have cleared it with Whiz, so if worse goes to worst, we'll be able to evacuate the camp. The camp will be destroyed, but we'll be able to remove the items in deep storage including Exedra's thingy in time so there may be a chance yet.

Edit: On another note, i'm going to sleep now. Night everyone. Don't evacuate camp without me :p Tell Whiz that he should play me while i'm gone. Also tell him not to accidentally screw me over like I nearly did to him :p
I feel like there are just too many updates for me to keep a central post or two updated with them. I'll try, but it might just end up being that it won't be centralised anymore, it's really difficult :P
techno156 - Temporal technician: ∞/i (Sector 7)
Patrol successful. No hostile units detected. So far so good, but I have noticed an unusual disturbance in the FTB Multiverse. Hostile attacks on this multiverse will have rippling implications on the other 'verses...
Day 51 of the FTB Spambot War. (Location: Sector 2)
Upon closer inspection, it was a wise idea to travel armed, no matter the strange looks that I may have drawn. I may not carry a gun, but I find my thaumcraft wands replacement enough. I was ambushed by spambots upon travelling. Interestingly... it seems as though their components do not handle teleporters too well. I have recruited some turtles to assist in this battle.

--[tech out]--
Day 51 - 1300 hours: Base Command.
We opened the wiki a couple of days ago, hoping to provide a safe haven for the masses, where they can shelter from the terror of the spambots. Unfortunately, we seem to have had a couple of breaches of the Captcha system, however Jinbobo has been on top of banning those who get through before any significant damage is done.
(Yes, this is a subtle, or possibly not so subtle, plug for the wiki. Go make an account, help out! :P)
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To anybody hearing this, I'm a dumbass. I thought holing myself up in some random Antarctic base in the middle of winter was a good idea. Well, look where it got me. The generator's almost out of fuel, I'm pretty much out of food... if only I could use the fucking ice as fuel and food, there sure as Hell is a lot of it down here in this Goddess-forsaken wasteland.
Can somebody pick me up?
I don't want to die alone.
To anybody hearing this, I'm a dumbass. I thought holing myself up in some random Antarctic base in the middle of winter was a good idea. Well, look where it got me. The generator's almost out of fuel, I'm pretty much out of food... if only I could use the fucking ice as fuel and food, there sure as Hell is a lot of it down here in this Goddess-forsaken wasteland.
Can somebody pick me up?
I don't want to die alone.
Day 52

I recieve a transmission from Morgs, I MUST SAVE HER! I should reach her location on Day 53, hope she can last til then.

*whispers* It's okay Morgs, no (wo)man gets left behind.
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Day whenthefuckever, addendum.
Since I have the time, I might as well tell you some stuff I've found out during my time here.
First of all, spambots can't pass CAPTCHA tests. If you use those, you might be able to hide important info from the spambots easier. A simple picture identification test should work just fine.
Second of all, they're digging. I have no idea why, or what for. All I know is that they're going deeper and deeper into the Earth with every day. Maybe they want to use the geothermal energy as some kind of power source...? For robots, they're not very bright.
Third of all, it is fucking cold in Antarctica during the winter. Hell, it's fucking cold every day, here. It's just worse when there's no sun for 6 months. Ah well, I've always liked the darkness, and the automated defence turrets should be able to take down anything vaguely spambot-like, light or no light.
Whoever's rescuing me, bring a case of the strongest alcohol you can find. Maybe some sleeping pills, too.
And if nobody comes, tell my girlfriend (if she's still alive) that I love her, and I regret getting caught up in all this. Make sure she's looked after.
But you'd better be coming to rescue me. I could help beat the spambots back! Or better, get rid of them entirely.
*crumpled wet journal*
I feel as I should start keeping a journal. Returning to the fight after being locked down by a bot selling "male enhancement" feels good. Luckily the mods came to bail me out.

I can hear some of them buzzing around, even now. If they find me I'll forever be subject to the endless torrent of shameless advertising. It's not something any sane person can stand for long. Luckily my filter is holding out, but every time one gets near I can feel it weakening. I have to move.

I have to move now.

*ink blot, page ends*
Day whatthefuckever+1, middle of the fucking night as always.
Some poor bastard landed a helicopter out on the ice, about 15 clicks away. I feel sorry for 'em. Whoever they are, they're gonna be stuck in an Antarctic night for Goddess knows how long.
That could be my rescue.
Oh shit.
Listen, whoever you are. I'm coming to find you. If you're still listening on this frequency, I'm at the old McMurdo base. I'm coming for you now.
Stay warm. Don't do anything stupid.
And most of all, don't fucking die. I can't fly helicopters for shit.

Sent from boobs (because why not?)
*crumpled wet journal*
Being back is tough.

I'm camped out under an old radio tower. I can monitor the bots from here, but it's risky. I have to avoid altering botnet communications too much, and a few of them have already come by to do some basic maintenance.

I get a fuzzy transmission though, but all I hear is "*static*...McMurdo...warm...licopter...*static*"

I don't know what it means, but if I can get to a datacenter that hasn't been completely overrun, then I can at least find out what "McMurdo" is, and work from there. Hopefully it's nearby, if it's even on this continent. South Africa is looking pretty bleak.
*page ends*
Day 53, no idea what the time is.
As of me writing this, I am safely curled up in the back of Exedra's helicopter. I know he wouldn't let me down! There seems to be no alcohol or sleep meds, however, not that I needed them. The moment I was on the seat, I was out like a light.
Christ, finding Ex was hard work. Note to self, never go trekking off to find a random helicopter in the middle of an Antarctic winter.
I managed to save some of the research I've done on the spambots, backed it up onto my tablet. Hopefully when we get back to whatever camp Exedra has set up, I can make real sense of them.
Oh, how good it feels to finally be out of that fucking research base. When I get to camp, I'm having a long, hot shower, just 'cause I can. And maybe it'll be nice to finally see something other than fucking ice out the window. Hell, even a spambot's better than that dark, frozen hellhole.
Day 54

Back at camp. Morgs is still asleep, so I carry her out onto the bed they made for her. I would tell her our plan when she woke up.
*crumpled dry journal*

I'm nearing a metropolis now, and I can already hear the incessant insanity spewing from the bots from this distance. However, the server rooms still have power from what I can see, and it's all that I can do to hope that it's internet hasn't broken from the strain of the spam rushing through it. I'll have to be careful. Sentries are everywhere.
I'm inside the datacenter now. It wasn't easy, and my spam filter is filthy, and it will be of no more use to me. I've formatted the main computer though, and installed ShieldOS into the system. They shouldn't be able to get me now.

McMurdo is in the Antarctic. Damn. All I can do is hope that the poor soul stranded there gets some help soon. Night's falling now, and I'll have to be on the move if I don't want to be caught.

I don't have a spam-filter anymore, so I'll have to use a firewall until I'm out of the city. Hopefully nobody tries to contact me.

*page ends, doodle of a turtle at the end*
OOC: See, that's the PLAN. Since when do things ever go to plan?[DOUBLEPOST=1372855021][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, I need first log after we shunt. Okay everyone? Also, you have until day 75 to get to us Jess xD
OOC: Ooh, I get you. Literary drama. things that have a 1% chance happen 9 times out of ten. I'll write another entry after the next post then.