The Constant Struggle Against the Spam Bots

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30/01/0001 S.A.
The Dampener is almost complete.
We've set up a self-sustaining power system for GPuzzle's Thruster.
The Conduits are resting and eating, they need their power up to full in case of a Spambot Attack.
Dampener 93.75% complete.
Conduit Leader, Forum Games Outpost
Day 30
I feel something dark building in the air. The world seems colder now and i don't know what's causing it to happen. A storm is coming. A storm that will rage for days. A storm of war, a storm of suffering and unhappiness and death. This storm will wipe out everything in it's path until the world has been flattened.

Day 31
I had a dream last night. The woman I saw breaking that prisoner out of the cell next to mine was building something. Some sort of weapon by the looks of it. Closer examination revealed that I was wrong, it wasn't a woman, it was a man. I could see a horrible madness in his eyes like the weapon was the only thing that mattered to him anymore. I... I think that this is the storm.
Day 30
I feel something dark building in the air. The world seems colder now and i don't know what's causing it to happen. A storm is coming. A storm that will rage for days. A storm of war, a storm of suffering and unhappiness and death. This storm will wipe out everything in it's path until the world has been flattened.

Day 31
I had a dream last night. The woman I saw breaking that prisoner out of the cell next to mine was building something. Some sort of weapon by the looks of it. Closer examination revealed that I was wrong, it wasn't a woman, it was a man. I could see a horrible madness in his eyes like the weapon was the only thing that mattered to him anymore. I... I think that this is the storm.

Hey, don't decide the story for Exedra...
You don't know if it's a weapon.
But neither do I...
Day 30, 23:00
Well, it seems the robots are able to keep this guy, Beella, as a hostage.
I need to get to him now. There's not much time.
He might be our last hope.
God knows what's coming next.
*fifteen minutes later*
And it turns out explosive ammo is super effective against them.
If we could change all our ammo into explosive ones, we could fight them back.
By the way, I'm entering the prisoner's jail.
*a few minutes later*
Well, I need a rescue team now. I'm kinda lost and also out of ammo...
Yeah. Send help ASAP.
Hey, don't decide the story for Exedra...
You don't know if it's a weapon.
But neither do I...

Lawl, sorry but the way Exedra said it made it seem so evil I just had to say something about it.

Day 32
Ugh, I have a major headache. I know I was out for at least two days, but there's two entries in my journal about some... coming storm. Maybe I was delusional, or maybe they put me in some sort of drug induced dream state. Maybe I even have a second personality, but I do hope that guy comes back to help me. I heard gunshots outside of my prison cell. I don't know for sure it was him, but I fear the worst.
30/01/0001 S.A.
I've received GPuzzle's transmission (that was fast) and I'm sending a team of Conduits in Exedra's Helicopter to GPuzzle and Bella's location.
If I don't get to GPuzzle in time, he won't be ready for the opening of the Bridge.
I find GPuzzle and bust him out.
I try to bust Bella out, but he (she?) isn't in his cell...
I'll try again after the opening of the Bridge.
I hide a radio in the cell for Bella.
Just 9 more hours until the Dampener is complete.
Conduit Leader, Forum Game Outpost
Day 31
The damper is finally done! HAHAHAHAHA! Tonight, I'll fly back to my cave to build the Bridge. Poor sods will think I abandoned them. Ungrateful bastards will think me for this later.
Umm... oops? xD

Day 32 Finally back at home I set to work on making the Bridge. It should be done in two days. I wonder if they'll notice I'm gone...
31/01/0001 S.A.
We travel to Exedra's Base with the Dampener, and bring GPuzzle with us.
The system should sustain itself while we are gone.
I'm bringing all 50 conduits again.
We'll need all the power we can get.
Conduit Leader, Exedra's Base
Day 33

The Bridge is 50% done. I think the others are getting suspicious. I wonder how long until I'll have to use it.
Wait, I took Bella out with me!
I was with him!
How did you guys forget about him?!

Wait what? I thought I was still in there. Let's just say I still am to make things less complicated. Whizz is coming so i'll get out eventually anyways. And by the way whizz, i'm still a he. For now, I may get a sex change in the future :p

Day 31
The damper is finally done! HAHAHAHAHA! Tonight, I'll fly back to my cave to build the Bridge. Poor sods will think I abandoned them. Ungrateful bastards will think me for this later.

I will enjoy writing about having many more dark depressing visions.

And with that, here is my journal log:
Day 32: They have placed me in their highest security cell, I think they know that someone is coming to get me out. I've had a vision about that man again. It's just him cackling next to his weapon. A maniacle insane laugh full of darkness and storm. They're going to do more tests on me now, I really hope that they can spring me out of this place. The security in here is insane. Some of the technology i've never even dreamed of. Dark matter cannons, cyborg guards, flaming turrets that look as if they've come out from the pits of hell itself. I hope nobody dies trying to save me.
Day 33: I'm burning up inside. The visions have become more frequent and more intense. I can see the man now building a bridge that goes nowhere. All the while I can hear a name being yelled out: Exedra.
33/01/0001 S.A.
The Bridge...
What does that remind me of?
To another dimension?
Ohhhhh that Exedra.
After all I've done for him.
He's just going to abandon us like spilled pudding.
I'll get him, I will.
But I need evidence.
I'll be putting Conduit Spies up.
I have some that have invisibility powers.
Good Game Exedra, Good Game...
Conduit Leader, Exedra's Cave
Day 34

I've seen conduits looking at me odd. Whizz is definitely suspicious. Probably thinks I'll abandon him. I have no intention of abandoning anyone. Hopefully just putting it in my pocket and not talking about it and he'll forget about it.
I'm off to bed.
Impersonate me, would you?
Or maybe not.
I don't know.
Don't do anything too important please.
See you all later!
Okay, can we stop doing things in days now and start adding hours to the mix, because it's only been five pages and we've been through 31 days already. I think you'll enjoy how I've decided to back this up ;).

Day 33: I can hear them talking. My hearing has been strengthened, probably the result of one of their experiments no doubt. They speak of attacking a rebel settlement very soon. I have no idea when but it sounds like they have the resources to wipe out the last of the resistance. I fear that the only hope that the resistance has is Exedra and his weapon. That thing looks like it could destroy an army in one swoop.

Day 34: They're going to attack in a month's time, hopefully i'll be broken out by then, but i'm starting to loose hope. It has been many days since the man showed up, and I fear he may be dead. My strong hearing has been dulled since yesterday, they probably put something in the food to "fix" me.[DOUBLEPOST=1372822473][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm off to bed.
Impersonate me, would you?
Or maybe not.
I don't know.
Don't do anything too important please.
See you all later!

I shall do so! I'm quite enjoying role playing. It's quite fun once you get the hang of it.
Day 34 3:00pm

I'm trying to think of ways to gain their trust, maybe rescuing someone... I know! I remember that person we left behind in the prison, I'll rescue them! Maybe they'll even have useful info!

Day 34 5:00pm

This is going to be a pain to get into. I manged to get inside the building, but there are too many guards. I've hid myself in a closet, hopin they won't find me. I've radioed for backup, but I don't know how long until they get here without my helicopter.
Day 35 7:00
My strong hearing has returned and I can hear someone walking through the hallways, maybe it's another bot but it's footsteps do not have the same metallic sound as those of a bot, I do so hope that it's someone come to break me out.
Day 34 5:00
Exedra has left, I sent some conduits to search his chambers. They found pieces for a temporal bridge, and I fear that Exedra may be tampering with time. I will question him upon his return to the base.
Day 35 5:30
Exedra radioed for backup today, I said that I would send some, but I'm debating on whether or not I should. He may be a traitor conspiring to destroy the fabric of reality itself. Treason like that requires consequences. I don't want to hurt him, but at the same time I don't want the universe to be destroyed by his foolishness.
Day 36 Backup arrives. We take down a lot of the bots, and manage to break Bella out. We almost got spotted on the way out, but we made it back to the chopper, and we started to fly back to base. We should get there by tomorrow.
100th post! I feel so accomplished!

Day 36 8:00
The door opens. I expect to see the man from before, but when it fully opens it unveils... Exedra. Of course I ran away screaming. Exedra dragged me out of the cell by my feet. He's locked me up for fear that i'm rabid, but i'm more afraid of him than I am of being locked up. What is he going to do to me? Is he really insane? What should I do if he is?

Day 36 10:00
We eventually got back to base, I managed to convince Exedra that I wasn't insane. I've decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, so until someone says otherwise, Exedra isn't insane, he did rescue me after all.

Day 36 7:00
I've decided to send Exedra some backup. I'm not sure if that's a good idea, but when he gets back he shall be interrogated.
Day 36 10:10
I've locked Exedra up. I know that he has already made something but i'm not sure what. I told the new guy what happened and he seemed scared. It's probably just because he's new, but he may know something that he's not telling us. Maybe Exedra told him something when he sprung him out of jail...