The Constant Struggle Against the Spam Bots

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Technician can be on part of that if you want.

Also I know Charmspeak exists. Trying to outmythos me usually fails unless you're talking about Hindu or Celtic

Good for you, the only thing I know about Celtic is Scathach! And also the Morrigan. But if you've read Nicholas Flamel, you know about that stuff.
And I forgot everything I learned about Hindu mythology, which was about one single god. So yeah. You probably do know more than me about mythology.
I don't even want to know what that means.
And by blame rymmie I mean he is the one who introduced the Multiverse thing.
As long as nothing like that pops up in your story, I should never become a Marty Stu.
My powers have already been marked down:
Charmspeak is the ability of children of Aphrodite. It's basically a way of speaking that causes people to do what you want. It can also be used to implant a memory or remove a memory from someone's brain.
For example:
"Boss's orders, Will."
*charmspeak* "Are you sure he told you to tell me to do that?"
"Maybe, I think so!"
"I don't think you remember that."
"Hmm, maybe I don't... Stop!"
"I'm really, really sure that he didn't say that to you."
*dreamily* "Yeah, I guess you're right."
"It was all a hallucination."
*dreamily* "All a hallucination, nothing to worry about." *regular* "Sorry about that, Will."

No, Whizz, you are not an Athenian Demigod.

No, just a special True Immortal. Unless Rymmie has some kind of backstory made up for someone like me, which he obviously doesn't.
That's the one![DOUBLEPOST=1373747532][/DOUBLEPOST]

MIDs are special. Theoretically, I could hack you.
At least that's what I gather from Rymmie's explanation.
No, Whizz. If you try that, I'm going to have you be destroyed, either by attempting to hack someone's mind/OS thingy, or by attemting to face The Mad God. You'll recover, of course, but it will be a long and arduous process.

I agree.

Last History Lesson for a while...

One of the most fascinating pieces of technology in the whole of existence is commonly known as the MID. MID is an acronym for "Mortal Interface Device". A MID serves multiple purposes, a few of which will be detailed here.

Before a discussion of function can be started, we must first learn of the method by which a MID can be created. For many True Immortals, this becomes the journey of their lives. First, a Maker must be found. Makers do not fit into the standard model of Immortality as it relates to variations of the Cycle. A Maker can be any species or any gender. A Maker almost always lives in solitude.

From very early in their life, a Maker will begin construction of the MID. Most are not aware of what it is they are compelled to make at first. As time goes by, as the shape of the MID grows more clear, the Maker will begin to understand. The MID is a computer. The placement of each component of the MID is gone over many hundreds or thousands of times before it is finally attached. Because of this obsessive devotion to detail, a Maker knows more about the structure of the MID than it does about its own body. The intimate knowledge of the routing every electrical signal for each possible operation is the basis of the power of the MID.

The average construction time of a MID is around 600,000 Imperial Years. Each MID is tailored for a specific True Immortal. Only one case of a general-use MID is currently known, but it is thought that the MID in question has been permanently locked to one person. A single case of a Non-True Immortal receiving a MID is known as well. The likelyhood of either event reoccurring is approximately zero. A True Immortal must be no younger than 500,000 years, and no upper age limit is known.

Finally, when the Maker and the True Immortal meet, the Maker will fit the MID to the True Immortal, and the MID will be finalized. The Maker seals the MID and places it on his own body. The exact placement varies from species to species and individual to individual. The MID will then activate and download the entire contents of the Maker's mind. Thus, the Maker becomes the operating system of the MID. No other computerized system has a faster or more reliable OS. The Maker continues a low form of sentience, but it has no real willpower. The True Immortal puts on the MID and it connects to the True Immortal's nervous system. Once the connection has been established, the MID takes over memory functions and complex processing leaving the True Immortal's biological brain to continue to function optimally.

Among the functions of the MID are the aforementioned memory organization and complex processing. Many True Immortals describe the sensation as no longer being "lost". One of the major limitations of a True Immortal's power is that a normal brain is only designed to hold enough information for a mortal lifetime. The enhanced organization and storage capacity keep the memories from running together and getting jumbled in the process.

The computerized processing allows the True Immortal to more efficiently compute the equations that define the bending of space and time required to do some of the more impressive feats of power. For instance, without the Star Gauntlet, the True Immortal responsible for humanity's rise could not have created the region of interlocked space known as the Bazaar.

The MID, being attached to the True Immortal's nervous system, is powered through the True Immortal's Wellspring. The MID is able, through the same process that bends space to create portals, to infiltrate nearly all electronic systems other than other MIDs. This function is what gives the MID its name. The device is capable of interfacing with any mortal technology. For example, a True Immortal can use its MID to download the internet and learn every human language while having a better understanding of human history than most humans.

Erm... I think my character reaches a similar reliability and speed OS Point, being sentient and whatnot. :P

Yeah. I haven't been on in a day or two, so I'm catching up. ;)

My power has nothing to do with the Ray Sphere.
I open up my MID and find Technician.
I begin taking control of his body. I first take his fingers away from the wretched keyboard, and cause them to take the keyboard and smash it into pieces.
I lift him out of his chair, throw him to the wall, and reform the keyboard to stop the process. I then shut off the Ray Sphere and remove the small bit of my power I put into it so many millennia ago.
I then crush it. Good thing I have blueprints.
Apparently J is targeting Tech with a nuke.
I use my MID to freeze him in place and wait for the nuke to do it's work.[DOUBLEPOST=1373749956][/DOUBLEPOST]But of course he can't die.
At least, I don't think he can.
OOC: Right, I'm taking charge here. Things are getting ridiculous.
Whizz then felt a something pushing against his will. It was a distant force, but infinitely strong, and was convoluted in strange ways. However, it was persistent, and the force began to grow in power, forcing Whizz onto the ground. The Ray Sphere rolled out of his hand, and fell into the gutter.
*Begin Transmission*
I'm sorry, Technician, Bella, you were good friends, but I am forever indebted to Whizz, I can't let you do that. I really am sorry.
Being augmented really does help me, especially when aiming pan-galactic nukes...
*End Transmission*

The_j then saw Whizzball collapse to the ground, clutching his head. He rushed over, but there was nothing he could do, but keep Whizz from any physical harm.

The Mad God had found a host with potential, and perhaps more. Stretching its mind across space, it found the mind of its host, something unusual, but it did hold unusual company. The Mad God then began to eradicate the mind of its to-be host.

Techno156 woke up somewhere, then remember where it was and cursed itself for resting for too long. Stretching, it dusted itself off and started up its ship. It had a lot to do.

Whizz found himself under assault, though not physically. The physical world was still there, but was barely visible, as though it was through a veil. And he had a nosebleed.

Bella found herself on the side of a ship. She pulled herself to the hatch on the side, and was greeted by a scene of carnage.

Technician found himself with his hands on the keyboard, about to throw it to the ground. He put it back on the desk, but was disappointed to discover that the Technology on the Ray Sphere had blown up when Whizz transferred his energy around.

Athena was outraged that a mere mortal was able to use things that only she could gift. She stood up, dusted herself off, and vanished.

In the depths of Tartarus, A Titan Stirred, and rose. It too vanished.

On the Lone Oak, a branch withered. Yggsdrasil began to shrink, and worlds began to collide, merging together.

Whizzball felt part of himself fade, though he could not place why. He was now aware he was under telepathic assault and was trying to fight back, though he met much greater resistance than he expected. The emanations of madness from his attacker was very disconcerting, and a worrying sign, as whatever it was was powerful, very much so.

In another world, a well-known engineer clutched his head and died, falling off a skyscraper he was working on...

In his own mind, he felt himself losing, and parts of himself dying, fading away into nothingness.

In another point of space, all MIDs began to sputter, throwing off sparks. They then began to smoke and some of them caught fire. The rest of them simply faded, as if they had never been.

In Ancient Rome, the general laughed as he slaughtered the enemy left, right and centre. When his helmet shattered under the onslaught, he continued to fight. After all, he was Mars.

In a secret laboratory, a lieutenant began to clone himself... but he did not realise that his clones would turn on him, their minds being changed in the process. These biological units then began to make more of themselves, duplicating in their own way.

Techno stopped at a certain point of space and time. Hoping it was the right spot, it stepped out.

The_j tripped over a paw. Fearing for the safety of himself and his augmentor, he picked up a bomb, intending to blow the gryphon to kingdom come. He, however, was bowled over when shadows came flowing out of Whizz's body, like water.

It was the right place, Sure enough. There was the bomb, and there was the Mad God's target. It was time to pick a side and stay. Techno took a humanoid form, and concentrated.

While he thought he was winning the battle, Whizz collided with a silver vortex, marked with Blue Lines. Thinking it was another attack, he prepared to retaliate, but he did not expect it to turn into something that resembled a dragon, but was still a vortex and begin helping. However, Whizz was not too happy about the help, as he thought he was winning the battle. He said so. "Are you so sure?" The Vortex Replied. Then something changed in his surroundings. He could see through the walls now, and things were much worse outside. He saw himself lying on the ground, being pummeled. Whizz tried to will himself up, but nothing happened. This time, the walls faded into nothingness, leaving him exposed to the battle outside. Whizz picked himself up and started forcing back. All the images faded and became expressions and awareness, which is the way that his mind worked. He resumed the battle and was both shocked and relieved to see that the awareness that made up the vortex was not his imagination. Although he was curious, it could wait, since he didn't want his attacker to destroy his mind completely. he attacked, then he felt Techno shove, and his attacker was gone. While the two of them were fixing up his mind, Whizz tried to poke his mind into the awareness which helped him. He did not expect to be forced back into his own, neither did he expect the ground to be covered with silver fire. He felt the other mind vanish, and he was left in the space of his own mind, slightly damaged, but otherwise unharmed.

Techno stood up, dusting some of the dust off. The_j was watching the two of them warily, and had acquired a gun, ready to shoot at a moment's notice. Whizz got up, and hurriedly picked himself up off the floor. Techno had stepped into open space and vanished.

This was not a good day for Athena. First, someone uses powers that only she can provide, then two things lock her out of where she wanted to go. One of them was a deity, one which she easily avoided, but she was not able to bypass the other one. She continually met a strange barrier that prevented her from crossing into the planet. Vexed, she returned to Olympus to find Athens under attack. Fun. At least she could take her anger out on the invaders.

OOC: I think I have to keep an eye on this thread more often. I'm gone for 1-2 days, and look what happens. :P I have introduced some new characters, mostly from Rick Riordan, but not all of them... :P We shall see what happens. ;)
I'm looking at the two of them, techno and whizz, gun in hand.
What the HELL just happened?
It was the mad god, says techno.
Is that what the shadows were?
Yes, I believe so.
Will it come back?
I don't know.
What no that Athenian thing is for the other story.
And I'm not immortal at that story.
And it's Aphrodite and Aegir, from different myths.
I have no Charmspeak powers or anything like that in this story.
What no that Athenian thing is for the other story.
And I'm not immortal at that story.
And it's Aphrodite and Aegir, from different myths.
I have no Charmspeak powers or anything like that in this story.

Dude seriously you are getting quite annoying, it is not your story, it makes sense so he can add it if you like. Now go find a corner, curl up, and do something like, I dunno, get less annoying now...
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So apparently some crazy bloke thought I was an Athenian God, found every single one of my 15 other personalities and killed them off. I wonder how long he searched. I have created a new random personality picker that will not only choose 15 random personalities from all over the Lone Oak, but each will come from entirely different periods of time. No one will be on the same century, maybe not even the same millennia.
But I must do it quickly, the only person left is me and the Emperor could very well cut me off right this moment.
I locate the 15 personalities and ask them each. They are willing.
One of them happens to be a Maker. I share with him my well of energy and he manufactures an MID for me almost instantly. It has, however, tired me.
I will facilitate the manufacture of all the other MIDs that winked out of existence.
And then to maintain absolute certainty that no one will find out the location of my personalities, I force myself to forget the locations and time periods.
He thought he could leave me and depart. NUPE!
Dude seriously you are getting quite annoying, it is not your story, it makes sense so he can add it if you like. Now go find a corner, curl up, and do something like, I dunno, get less annoying now...
I rad through the whole thing.
It makes more sense now.
Sorry! Just remember, I don't want to be any more OP than I already am. So no Greek powers for me.
I went through and deleted most of my posts so you guys can get on without my interference. It's just so difficult to take the severe lack of reading comprehension that pervades this thread, especially when it comes to the Lone Oak.

Emperor: We go on to our rest, and the rest is silence.

Therefore, Emperor, Benford, and Athena exit stage left.
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I'm probably going to leave this story also.
I hand over the Infinity Ring to GPuzzle and Bella, and leave Earth to go to some other planet, far away.
I went through and deleted most of my posts so you guys can get on without my interference. It's just so difficult to take the severe lack of reading comprehension that pervades this thread, especially when it comes to the Lone Oak.

Emperor: We go on to our rest, and the rest is silence.

Therefore, Emperor, Benford, and Athena exit stage left.

If you ever want someone who will read and appreciate your literature tell me.
I went through and deleted most of my posts so you guys can get on without my interference. It's just so difficult to take the severe lack of reading comprehension that pervades this thread, especially when it comes to the Lone Oak.

Emperor: We go on to our rest, and the rest is silence.

Therefore, Emperor, Benford, and Athena exit stage left.

OOC:That's fine, just pop what you want in one post at a time... Multiplayer Role-Plays arent too much fun without someone to throw things out of proportion. XD Also, you have a wondrful backstory, which would be of tremendous use. :D
OOC: Music to play if you ever decide on reading a battle scene: :p

I'm not writing if no-one else is, you know. :3