Well this is quite odd.
So, I thought it'd be fun to come back to FTB after a couple month hiatus (Buncha new games and life), and knew that the new DW20 Pack was out. So, I decided to download it and attempt to boot it up.
Download= Went by quick, but preparing the minecraft .jar files took like 10 minutes or something stupid
Bootup- 5-10 Minutes
Attempt to join server- about a minute or two
Playing on the server-
This is where things go to crazy. Log on and I have about 8 FPS. Walk around for a little bit, then decide I need Optifine and fastcraft.
*Fastforward 10 minutes later*
Optifine and Fastcraft installed.
Go to load up game again= 15 minutes.
Playing on the server-
8 FPS and massive lag spikes.
So, Optifine and Fastcraft installed, 1.5GB RAM for FTB, game loads up much slower, FPS is 0-8 with massive lag spikes every thirty seconds.
Those are my computer specs. Yes, It's a laptop. Yes, it's not terribly good. However it runs all other games I have (Such as Civ V, TF2, CS:GO, Guns of Icarus) at 60-100 FPS. AND NO I CANNOT BUY ANOTHER COMPUTER.
I have no clue what the crap is happening. Anyone able to provide an explanation or fix?
So, I thought it'd be fun to come back to FTB after a couple month hiatus (Buncha new games and life), and knew that the new DW20 Pack was out. So, I decided to download it and attempt to boot it up.
Download= Went by quick, but preparing the minecraft .jar files took like 10 minutes or something stupid
Bootup- 5-10 Minutes
Attempt to join server- about a minute or two
Playing on the server-
This is where things go to crazy. Log on and I have about 8 FPS. Walk around for a little bit, then decide I need Optifine and fastcraft.
*Fastforward 10 minutes later*
Optifine and Fastcraft installed.
Go to load up game again= 15 minutes.
Playing on the server-
8 FPS and massive lag spikes.
So, Optifine and Fastcraft installed, 1.5GB RAM for FTB, game loads up much slower, FPS is 0-8 with massive lag spikes every thirty seconds.
Those are my computer specs. Yes, It's a laptop. Yes, it's not terribly good. However it runs all other games I have (Such as Civ V, TF2, CS:GO, Guns of Icarus) at 60-100 FPS. AND NO I CANNOT BUY ANOTHER COMPUTER.
I have no clue what the crap is happening. Anyone able to provide an explanation or fix?