Welcome to TemptingCraft!
TemptingCraft is a Whitelisted, Contribution based server.
TemptingCraft is a Private Pack combined from DW20, Unleashed & Unhinged + some added Mods
(list comming soon)
All mods are updated to the latest versions possible in 1.5.2.
All the Mods are put on HardMode (Expensive Recipies).
The TemptingCraft Server IP: fr.crafting-city.net:1336
Server Specs
18GB, 8 Cores, 3.4Ghz
What does Contribution Based Server mean?
Each month, between the 9th 13th, each server user pays Contribution.
The amount of contribution is 5,- GBP (Or the equivalent in the currency of your country).
The reason we ask for Contribution is for the upkeep of the server, Maintenance, Upgrades etc.
This ensures that from our side the server will run as smooth as possible.
Server "Rules"
1. Mature - In general we are looking for a mature audience (18+)
How ever , if you are 18- you would still be considered, if you can show the maturity we are looking for.
2. Griefing - No... just, no.
Application form (Copy Paste, and fill in as needed)
I want to join this particular serve because:
The ModPacks that I have played so far are:
In MineCraft I like to:
My biggest achievements in MineCraft are:
I understand that this is a contribution based server because:
My specialty Mod is:
Also, what I would like to mention is:
If we accept your Application you will receive a PM with details on your Contribution, Mumble Details, and the link and installation details for the ModPack.