Tech Mods: Missing the Point

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Related to this topic i got a vision of future Technological mods utilizing a new brand of multiblock where each block you add to it fulfills a function in the processing of a material.

I.e to make a macerator\pulverizer you need a few blocks making it possible; A buffer holding in the items, for example a vanilla hopper, a thresher block that gets it power from a gear axle, axle motor either powered from a electric grid or portable stirling generator & a collector mechanism.

I think this way is way more engaging than using "magic blocks" and allows for fancier looking factories where there is a reason to build in a specific way.

In a future mod i will most likely implement the concept of freeform multiblock structures. But for now i need to pay attention to my fairies :D.
Resonant Induction, anyone?
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I like the idea of "modular" machines that ChJees kind of talked about indirectly. Maybe if there were Machine part that did basic things, and by combining them together they can build a large machine. For example, if you wanted a faster Ore Smelter, you place an "Industrial Cauldron" above an "Industrial Furnace." The Industrial cauldron can be filled with ores and will hold any liquid that is made from the ores. You can burn Coal and such in the Furnace and it will heat any blocks above it. Alternatively, you can attach a "Heat Valve" to transfer the heat equally to numerous Industrial Cauldrons as well. If you attach a "Metal Axle" to the Cauldron and connect them to some turny thingies, you can pour the Metal out into TiCon Casting tables.

That setup would allow one to create TiCon tools in a smaller footprint that can be expanded and would not need to run on Lava while also being much faster. In exchange, it'd cost more fuel to run and would be more expensive to make, actually costing you metals.
What about machines that needed replaceable parts that wear out over time?

I suggested that before, I definitely support it but IIRC it'd be "too annoying." I'd also like farming to require fertile dirt and plucking weeds but that too mendokusai.
These days, I find MFR to be the 'new old-school Forestry'. Since I give no damns for bees, all I want is the plant automation, and maybe some green energy production. Like the old-school Forestry, the tech tree is interwoven and interconnected, but completely horizontal. The only real difference is the area of effect. If MFR planters and such worked like the old Forestry blocks where you had a narrow band of interaction in a radius around the block, it would be practically identical.

Another mod I really like is Tinker's Steelworks. It's a large multiblock structure (at least if you build it efficiently) that eats up charcoal blocks (not too hard to automate) and requires heat-up time to get to optimal temperature. Honestly, I'd rather use this than the Mekanism setup for ore tripling.

You'll also find Flaxbeard's mods aren't magic-blocks. I've really enjoyed watching the development.
I suggested that before, I definitely support it but IIRC it'd be "too annoying." I'd also like farming to require fertile dirt and plucking weeds but that too mendokusai.
Too annoying for who?
And why would you care what others think?
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Minecraft loses all sense of fair gameplay progression once you add more than a few tech mods. I used to stress out about it, back when mods were new to me in the 1.2.5 days. Seemed like it was all about generating power and accumulating resources that you dont need. But once I finally had some real first hand experience playing with them, I realized that if the mods worked the way I initially thought they should work, they would just be a boring and frustrating endeavor that halts your progress because you are constantly running out of power or materials. Yes tech mods are exactly what i thought they were all along. And thats okay.
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What about machines that needed replaceable parts that wear out over time?

If you could automate the repairs, and build in detection/redundancy systems then it'll be pretty cool.
We kinda have it with the Railcraft and Gregtech turbines, but its all manual work
(all through the amount of work is minimal, it still puts people off- rotors last for IRL days).​

Where's a buildcraft gate could be used to detect the condition of the rotors- when they have XX durability left it automatically turn off the steam; causing the turbine to power down. No power=no Eu (in this case)- so IC2's detector cable can turn on a redstone engine to extract the damage rotor while a new one is inserted via hopper. Steam supply then gets turned on.
Ideally the damaged rotor could then be melted down and recycled.​
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Things i want: Magnet cranes and scrapmetal piles.
Would be neat to find deposits of scrapmetal in worldgen.

Heat up scrapmetal piles and it turns into a liquid that acts like falling sand. (You know, those old Flash\Javascript games) Either stop there and cast them into low grade metal or refine it further into either normal iron ingots with help of some flux or turn it into pig iron for even further processing into steel in a blast furnace.
Imagine all that with GUI less machines and no multiblock structures.
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ChJees, are you crafting? Ick.

Also, I agree that the answer to mDiyo's problem is most certainly RotaryCraft. Maybe with some ReactorCraft mixed in for flavour.
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I'd like some in-world machine construction and experiments (as a research system): multipart structure + additional materials at hand x using a tool on it => machine/new material/prototype