Whitelist Server teamGF Gaming [FTB Unleashed 1.1.7][Survival Server][TS3][Bukkit][50 Slots]

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: ZzFallen_AngelzZ
Age: 16
Country: U.S.A
Why should we let you into this server? Well, i try to be active, i try to be nice, i usually love talking and people being idiots does tick me off at times but no one is perfect, i hope to meet friends here or something and get back into minecraft, i havent tried this mod pack but i have played with some of the mods in it and this server i think would be a nice place to begin.
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? fun,awesomeness,friends, once upon a time i did care about the virtual things but friends and people are more important now. (also havin fun lol)
What would be the first big project you would build in MC? a house of awesomeness, well more like a big giant machine room.. lol then a proper house.
Gaming Experience and Interest? i been a gamer since i was 5, i have played minecraft since alpha, i been mod, i been dev, i am currently a head owner of a eco server (not saying any more on that). i like to build, destroy, make things, blow up people.. hehe, i follow rules though :p , if u really wanna know more ask me
thanks and goodbye :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Plankz_
Age: 19
Country: Brazil
Why should we let you into this server? Because I would love to be part of this community! As you mentioned in the first post you guys are a fun gaming family, and that does sounds awesome, I'm really looking forward into meeting all the players and sharing experiences, but not only minecraft experiences, I also play a variety of other stuff.
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? First of all stability, and a nice staff. The reason Im looking for a server to play is because the old server I used to play on has been deactivated, the owned had to move to North Korea and left a really immature staff in control of the server, once he got time to join the server it was a mess and had lost most of its players so he decided to terminate it.
What would be the first big project you would build in MC? The thing I would like to try now is a server room with AE machines, but until I can gather resources setting up a nice house/workshop is enough :)
Gaming Experience and Interest? As mentioned above I play a variety of games, including (most recently) BF3, Payday 1 and 2, CS:GO and Simcity, but stuff like a interesting Humble Bundle might get my atention for a 1-2 days... Almost forgot the cookie clicker game, its my new obsession! it's extreamly addictive and I need something else to grab my attention or else I might have my mind controled by cookies!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: applesauce10189

Age: 14 (I will not be making much use of the teamspeak, I have the voice of a 5 yr old)

Country: Oregon

Why should we let you into this server? I have been part of many growing communities, all the way to the end, I am currently looking for a new one and would greatly appreciate a good server.

What you are looking for in a MC.Server? A severe lack of griefers, a good helpful community because I am new to the mods in FTB,

What would be the first big project you would build in MC? My house, in mod packs like FTB and Tekkit, I like to make big houses and have certain floors dedicated to certain things,

Gaming Experience and Interest? I played my first game somewhere around when I was 5, my last memory of that game was it was broken and I couldn't jump over an obstacle, then I started playing splinter cell on the computer with my dad around the age of 9, at 12 my friend got me into xbox and call of duty, I thought it was fun, but I sucked, at 13 I got a laptop, my first game on the laptop was minecraft, it was in 1.2.5 at the time, I know it was just updated when I got it because I remember being impatient about when it will update to 1.3, around 1.4 is when I started joining servers, didn't take long for me to build up distrust, griefers was a big problem so raiding my storage doesn't give much, killing me does,

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, whether or not I am to be accepted, I respect your opinion,

One more edit, between 9-13 I have downloaded/played many, many games, yet none were online, COD was my first online game, still suck at it lol oh well

EDIT: In "Why should we let you into this server?" I forgot to mention I have tried making a server of my own, its still up but isn't really much of a public server


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name:Cheesepants320
Country: Puerto Rico
Why should we let you into this server? cuss am a fun loving person who like playing whet other players and make awesome builds and respectful of other people
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? kind players that loves to play in teams
What would be the first big project you would build in MC?Mi House A community place where people can come to mi place and have fun
Gaming Experience and Interest?i always been a console player all mi life but I started playing on mi pc for over 5 years know and cant stop playing it I started playing minecraft in the alpha version and haven't stop yet


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name:Cheesepants320
Country: Puerto Rico
Why should we let you into this server? cuss am a fun loving person who like playing whet other players and make awesome builds and respectful of other people
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? kind players that loves to play in teams
What would be the first big project you would build in MC?Mi House A community place where people can come to mi place and have fun
Gaming Experience and Interest?i always been a console player all mi life but I started playing on mi pc for over 5 years know and cant stop playing it I started playing minecraft in the alpha version and haven't stop yet.

Don't want to sound rude, but you may want to edit out your skype, god knows what kind of weirdos will try adding you,


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Moonseeker12
Age: I am age 14, but I can be very mature and helpful, showing a welcoming and kind attitude to new and old players alike.Country: I currently live in west coast United States.
Why should we let you into this server: I would highly appreciate it you whitelisted me to TeamGF and its fascinating community. One large reason I believe you should consider me is because I love to interact with communities and help in any possible way, whether it’s from helping a newcomer find their way on the server or to playing a good game of mob arena. I am also very well familiarized in the FTB mods and most plugins on your server. My favorite mod is computercraft, so I can help debug many people’s programs. Finally I am also intermediate at the programming language java, so I can assist with custom plugins.
What you are looking for in a MC.Server: All I really care for in a Minecraft server is an honest and kind community where I can meet new friends and share my experience. I also love mods and plugins, in which I have great experience playing, making complex and intricate machines to carry out and replace manual labor. This leaves me with plenty of time to help others, interact with the community and build towns, further expanding the community.
What would be the first big project you would build in MC: I typically build some sort of medieval style building such as a wizard’s tower or castle in the context of vanilla. But to fit more appropriately in the theme of the FTB mods, I would like to make some sort of steampunk airship or utopian base.
Gaming Experience and Interest: As a gamer, I enjoy playing a wide array of games, many off the steam launcher. To get started, I of course play minecraft, heavily modded with the compliment of plugins on the side. I also like such fps games such as Team Fortress 2, DayZ (a zombie survival game) and The Hidden. I also enjoy Civilization V for a game more geared towards strategy. Some other games you could see my playing are Garry’s mod, Need for Speed, and sparingly MMORPGS such as Neverwinter and ArcheAge (You should check it out when it’s released).

I highly appreciate your time in reading my whitelist application and hope to become part of your growing community as soon as possible.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Stoffe_Mannen
Age: 17
Country: Sweden

Why should we let you into this server? Honestly, I don't know, I figured that since I want to join the server and have nothing to loose there isn't a reason not to apply, but ultimately it's up to you and I won't be making up some story to convince you to prioritize me over other people.
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? A great community to have fun with.
What would be the first big project you would build in MC? No idea, I'm really bad when it comes to being creative.
Gaming Experience and Interest? I've played a lot of games casually but that's it. Interest would be (I assume you mean in games) something that is deceptively simple.


Active Member
Mar 27, 2013
Age: 16
Country: US west coast
Why should we let you in to this server: I plan to be a " team player " as in helping out anyone in the server who truely needs help and plan to make friends with the other players for good co-operation and teamplay
What are you looking for in a MC. Server? A small tight group of players to get to know and play with and just an small area to call my own
What would your first big project be? A mobile redpower frame AIRSHIP
Gaming Experience and Interest? I play lots of PC games and since I started paying FTB 3 months ago , I have three modes : working , sleeping , and playing FTB

You never added your ingame name. Please add it if you are still willing to join the server.[DOUBLEPOST=1378314099][/DOUBLEPOST]Hello,
I have read through all the applications and they are looking good.


All of you have been whitelisted, if you have any questions or comments please let us know.
Also if you want to join us on STEAM. we have a teamGF Community on there add me Blucid and ill add you to the list.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Fritex
Age: 17
Country: Sweden
Why should we let you into this server? I'd like to join and have some fun!
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? To build megabuild, tech labs and explore
What would be the first big project you would build in MC? Minas Tirith
Gaming Experience and Interest? Have decent experience, interests, playing games reading manga and martial arts :) Also i play alot of wow and sc2!


Active Member
Mar 27, 2013

I know the server is down, you can all thank ANAL GUY. I removed the bug causing quary. What does he do goes back and makes another one. Sadly I am at work today and I will not be able to fix the problem till around 4pm PST Today. Sorry guys.

The server has been upgraded to a new IP.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I couldn't help but get the feeling the new IP may or may not be a 100% failure, I would appreciate a fix as soon as possible, thx


Active Member
Mar 27, 2013
NEW Server News

We purchased a new server host, we are upgrading the server as we speak. The old world is being uploaded to it right now. Please stand by :)
This can only get better I promise.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: killvin8
Age: 18
Country: Canada
Why should we let you into this server? I know a lot about the mods and am willing to help others with there projects.
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? Looking for a server with nice people that we could work on project on together.
What would be the first big project you would build in MC? My house I normal spend a lot of time working on my house before i start any other projects
Gaming Experience and Interest? being playing minecraft for 3 years or so, enjoy working with others to build project together


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Leonelist
What you are looking for in a MC Server?A good Staff,A nice comunity and a nice owner ;D
What would be the first big project you would build in MC? Geothrmal Generators hooked to a pump that goes into an ender tank in the nether
which leads to infinite power \o/
Gaming Experience and Interest? Playing since Alpha I need some experienced people to teach me more tricks about FTB :)[DOUBLEPOST=1379708200][/DOUBLEPOST]
In Game Name: killvin8
Age: 18
Country: Canada
Why should we let you into this server? I know a lot about the mods and am willing to help others with there projects.
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? Looking for a server with nice people that we could work on project on together.
What would be the first big project you would build in MC? My house I normal spend a lot of time working on my house before i start any other projects
Gaming Experience and Interest? being playing minecraft for 3 years or so, enjoy working with others to build project together

Minecraft is out since November 18 2011 buddy


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: DunUp450.
Age: 19.
Country: Australia.
What you are looking for in a MC.Server? A Good Community, Helpful Staff, Not So Laggy Server And The Servers Not To Be Shutdown Every 10 Mins Like Some Servers do.
What would be the first big project you would build in MC? Massive ME System To Connect Everyone ME Systems As One So We All Can Share The Resources As Well As A Massive Power System To Power It all.
Gaming Experience and Interest? Grand Theft Auto SAMP Custom Server Coding And Heavily Addicted To Minecraft XD.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: domdomthe
Age: 14
Country: England
Why should we let you into this server? because im looking to learn a new mod pack and i was recommended your server
What you are looking for in a MC Server? fun, creativity, nice people/staff, no lagg
what would be the first big project you would build in MC? a castle probably
Gaming Experience and Interest? COD,Need for speed, Minecraft, tekkit, voltz (basically all the mod packs apart from FTB), Far Cry 3, Crysis:)