Taking on a Large Hollow Hill

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, on my latest world I managed to spawn my Twilight Forest portal quite literally next to a large hollow hill. I've managed to kill a few of those wraiths and even found the spawner, but sadly apparently soul shards don't seem to work on TF mobs.

Anyway, any tips on how to take on this mob fest? I'm currently rocking a chainsaw, some nano leggings, and some gear I got off of a blacksmith's chest when I started the world. This is my first time actually playing with TF rather than just checking it out in creative.
my advice: Light it up completely before doing anything else! Just run madly around placing torches everywhere, then kill the mobs that spawned before you light it. You now have a ton of spawners/ores to mess around with. Also, dont destroy the spawners. Just deactivate them with torches. Endermen and wrait spawners are very useful.
Nano leggings on their own won't do anything. You need to be wearing all 4 pieces for it to work.
I tend to not go into a large hill until iron armor +, then I'll begin by lighting up the perimeter before making my way inwards. Fairly simply if you don't get cocky and just ignore the ores until you feel fairly safe. The moment you aren't looking is the moment a pincer beetle jumps you into lava (it was hilarious to see happen to a friend though)
Yea, I had started working my way towards some of the outer chests via tunneling around the perimeter of the lower base, but then had a beetle shoot fire at me O_o.

As for the nano leggings, even without the rest of the set they give some points towards armor, which is better than nothing. I could have used one of the 2-3 pairs of steel leggins I found in the barrow hill near my base, but I pulverized those down to get the steel from them.

It's a shame you can't get a wraith spawner via soul shards though - at least it's not working for me. I'll probably go with the outer perimeter thing and light up a circle from just outside of the cave, then work my way inwards. I just made some soul shards as well for a zombie and skeleton spawner (the two that were in the barrow hill) so I have just over 200 on each of those now as well. Getting those ended up being slightly anoying though as I ended up having to chainsaw a wisp to death :P

Hopefully with all of the ore I'm bound to get from there I can finally make my industrial grinder, just need to get all of the machine casings to build it~
I've just finished clearing out a Hollow Hill, it only had three spawners - two zombie and one skeleton, so I destroyed them as I already have T5s of those. I'm getting huge lag spikes in the hill though. Any idea what is causing them? I hoped that killing the spawners would do the trick but it's still laggy as hell.
Nano leggings on their own won't do anything. You need to be wearing all 4 pieces for it to work.

Not true. Nano leggings are rechargeable high-quality armor. You might be thinking of the hazardous-environment suit; that does require a full set for full effect.
I've just finished clearing out a Hollow Hill, it only had three spawners - two zombie and one skeleton, so I destroyed them as I already have T5s of those. I'm getting huge lag spikes in the hill though. Any idea what is causing them? I hoped that killing the spawners would do the trick but it's still laggy as hell.
Lighting calculations, probably. You've got a lot of surface all at sharp angles all over the place in there.
Yeah, my strategy on these is usually to go around the edge, and lighting/looting, then make dashes into the middle to get it almost completely lit up.

I would reccomend a decent ranged weapon (wand of lightning is my preferred one), as the bugs can be very annoying. Decent armor is a must, too, though.
The hill seems a bit less laggy now I've got rid of all the columns. And sheesh I've never seen so much Redstone, I filled an entire iron chest with the stuff. I think I might just cover the next hill with TNT - if I'm going to get lagged I might as well enjoy it.
Personally, I wrote a short turtle program to run, each turtle I have takes out a chunk of the ore/stone columns. And I can run as many turtles as I need. Running around the outside with a ranged weapon and a few stacks of torches is a must.
Not found a Moonworm Queen yet, or any Torchberries. There were about 8 chests in the Hollow Hill, got two Uncrafting Tables, a Thaumium Sword, some Naga Scales, and some other yellow-named junk. Oh, some Ore Magnets which appear to be pretty useless. I might try them on top of the next Hollow Hill I find.
I also have been taking a large hollow hill, i used a gravity gun to pick up spawners and transport them into a room made of xycraft blocks since mobs cant spawn on them, also used wraith lamps to light it up quickly, But one question i do have is that i have searched and searched for the wraith spawner and cant find that damn thing anywhere im sure they're typically located in a similar location. are they high low in the wall where have you all found yours?
Set up a quarry and demolish the damn thing, it should take out spawners and pick up all the chests + items. Then just go around in a nice open area and kill anything left alive.
I also have been taking a large hollow hill, i used a gravity gun to pick up spawners and transport them into a room made of xycraft blocks since mobs cant spawn on them, also used wraith lamps to light it up quickly, But one question i do have is that i have searched and searched for the wraith spawner and cant find that damn thing anywhere im sure they're typically located in a similar location. are they high low in the wall where have you all found yours?

The wraith spawners I found were just sitting on the ground like any of the other spawners.
The wraith spawners I found were just sitting on the ground like any of the other spawners.
Hmmmmm, Well thanks for the feed back, because i have literally hollowed out every thing in the entire place. Wonder if they're is even one. Because as i understand it the Wraith is based off of the blaze. Blazes do have spawners but they also will naturally spawn in the nether without spawners being present so maybe its that kind of circumstance.