Suggest Mods For FTB Here

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May I suggest:

Immibis Peripherals (for CC):
- Adds a new level of programmable features that would be nice such as RFID cards and cryptography​
OpenCC Sensors (for CC):
- I guess being a programmer, it is kinda nice to be able to control things with CC sensors, and it provides a nice bridge with the mods and CC rather than having to use gates etc.​
Also: Extra Utilities:
- Adds some nice tools and blocks that really could do well in MC that's not too OP.​
- My Personal Favourites:​
- Sound Muffler​
- Angel Bocks​
- Compressed Cobble​
I dont think you have enough.

Recently added following mods:

SGcraft :
adds stargates
DevineRPG :
adds new dimensions and unlimited amounts of mobs, bosses, weapons,... needs lots of id changes to work with FTB, but you can find premade working configs if you look
lava monsters :
adds mob that spawns in lava lakes underground
cameracraft :
adds camera's and ability to take picture with it and put it on a wall or keep it on memory ingame
clay soldiers mod :
adds tiny soldiers that you can arm and fight against other soldiers. you can do a battle of 1000 soldiers before it starts lagging
client mod: enhanced visuals :
adds blood splatters, water splatters,... to your screen
Noise Dampening. It's only updated to 1.5.0, so there's that problem, but it still warrants a look in my opinion.
It adds dynamic sound, basically. Echoes in caves. The nether is spooky as hell with echoing ghast crys instead of annoying ARRCG right in your ears. No zombie grunts (or any sound) through thick walls. Jukeboxes will be faint in the next room over. It's so awesome...
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ModName: SimCraft
Reason: Mod is currently very stable on 1.4.7 and the update to 1.5.2 will be along shortly. The mod itself is really big covering a wide variety of things from normal building blocks, to more advanced electrical machines, huge overhaul on rendering with 16 new stone variety's and 32 marble types and something like 48 minable ores. But really be aware, this mod is mecca huge and hasn't really been advertised or advertised at all until now and it's not that easy to craft your first batch of machines. The mods perfect for smp, all machine have been developed in such a way that you will never find the situation where someone has build a machine on the server turned it on and the never log back in leaving the machine on and server resources wasted when ever that chunk is loaded.

Great detail has gone into the pulling the mad together maintaining a balance in the game itself and providing you with a unique new flavor.

Downside to this mod is because it's so huge a lot of information lacks in regards to what the mod can provide you as a whole, the dev team have been busy updating their wiki, but theirs still a huge gap that needs to be close so, making it in some instances a really hard mod to play or use, think the mod adds something like 3000 recipes, all crafted on super cool new work benches, 30 new machines all models with unbelievable detail and as the developer said in this block what you see now is merely a tip of what more to expect.

So really worth looking into
We definitely need some sort of mod that adds firearms in my opinion. We have jetpacks, advanced electrical systems and machines, drills and chainsaws....then we run out and attack mobs with a sword. It just seems a bit jarring to me that our weaponry is still in the stone age. I know, mining laser is useful for a high tech ranged weapon, but it's not quite the same. I love the gun in Xeno's Reliquary but we need more!

I'm not sure which mod to suggest, Balkans maybe, just saying we need some advanced weaponry.
ModName: SimCraft
Reason: Mod is currently very stable on 1.4.7 and the update to 1.5.2 will be along shortly. The mod itself is really big covering a wide variety of things from normal building blocks, to more advanced electrical machines, huge overhaul on rendering with 16 new stone variety's and 32 marble types and something like 48 minable ores. But really be aware, this mod is mecca huge and hasn't really been advertised or advertised at all until now and it's not that easy to craft your first batch of machines. The mods perfect for smp, all machine have been developed in such a way that you will never find the situation where someone has build a machine on the server turned it on and the never log back in leaving the machine on and server resources wasted when ever that chunk is loaded.

Great detail has gone into the pulling the mad together maintaining a balance in the game itself and providing you with a unique new flavor.

Downside to this mod is because it's so huge a lot of information lacks in regards to what the mod can provide you as a whole, the dev team have been busy updating their wiki, but theirs still a huge gap that needs to be close so, making it in some instances a really hard mod to play or use, think the mod adds something like 3000 recipes, all crafted on super cool new work benches, 30 new machines all models with unbelievable detail and as the developer said in this block what you see now is merely a tip of what more to expect.

So really worth looking into
Cool mod. But it doesn't seem to have a default-style texture pack. It looks like it has 256x Textures as the default. It would probably ruin most inter-mod designs with the conflicting styles of textures or just crash low-end computers outright.
We definitely need some sort of mod that adds firearms in my opinion. We have jetpacks, advanced electrical systems and machines, drills and chainsaws....then we run out and attack mobs with a sword. It just seems a bit jarring to me that our weaponry is still in the stone age. I know, mining laser is useful for a high tech ranged weapon, but it's not quite the same. I love the gun in Xeno's Reliquary but we need more!

I'm not sure which mod to suggest, Balkans maybe, just saying we need some advanced weaponry.

A lightning wand can butcher the end dragon in seconds what exactly do we need?
It's not as if this has ever bin much of a fighting game.
But if it helps Xycraft has a laser gun planed. But that's probably far in the future.
And naturea and/or Tinkerers construct adds more bows. But they probably aren't any different than normal bows at the moment.
The electric saw is a good weapon. As is the vajra.
And the Moduler power armor glove is a fantastic melee and ranged weapon. Saw blades, lighting balls, and a rail gun so far.
We have plenty of weapons.

Edit: Delet all and replaced with this.
2. Post why it might be a good fit.

3. DO NOT DISCUSS MODS - this is a place to make suggestions not discuss pros and cons arguing and spatting over mod suggestions will result in a time out.

Mods with the best chance of success will fit the following guidelines:

1. Unique - something not available in mods currently in a pack

If a mod is incredibly cheaty, unfinished or just add more "collectables" it will not have a good chance of getting in.
I think I heard about ICBM having some kind of gun/s. That would be a cool mod to although it might not have much use on multiplayer servers that don't want to be griefed to oblivion
this is a place to make suggestions not discuss pros and cons arguing and spatting over mod suggestions will result in a time out.
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