Struggling to make RF with Infinity Evolved...need ideas for big power!

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1. Heat Exchangers and Component Heat Exchangers look very similar, have similar names, and CANNOT substitute for each other.
2. I think a MOX reactor is technically a breeder reactor as it produces more plutonium than it uses.
3. The reactor should produce 320EU/t. I don't know how you could get more. Thats strange.
silly question, how do you calculate it? I know adjacent cells (including dual/quads) increase power exponentially, but what's the at-a-glance calculation?

Yes, MOX reactors are plutonium breeders. More specifically, they're they're transforming fairly useless U238 into plutonium (239)
1. Heat Exchangers and Component Heat Exchangers look very similar, have similar names, and CANNOT substitute for each other.
2. The reactor should produce 320EU/t. I don't know how you could get more. Thats strange..

Fixed! :)

I have upgraded heat exchanges to Component Heat Exchanges (I have mountains of gold plates, actually I have mountains of all the plates).

The reactor puts out 320 EU/t and is stable, so far the quad uranium rods look like they will last quite a long time.

Sweet :)

So, for the next stage, we get a mountain of MOX, then we build another reactor like this one but replace the quad uranium rods with quad MOX rods, after heating the whole
thing up? Sounds like fun!

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Fixed! :)

I have upgraded heat exchanges to Component Heat Exchanges (I have mountains of gold plates, actually I have mountains of all the plates).

The reactor puts out 320 EU/t and is stable, so far the quad uranium rods look like they will last quite a long time.

Sweet :)

So, for the next stage, we get a mountain of MOX, then we build another reactor like this one but replace the quad uranium rods with quad MOX rods, after heating the whole
thing up? Sounds like fun!

I dont actually know if that specific design is safe for a MOX reactor but yeah that's the basic idea :)

Fair warning: MOX reactors at high heat (70% or some such) cause some damage to you when you wander too close. That said, they do produce an awful lot of power. Twice as much as your current reactor before you even get to the "damage" point.
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Thanks everyone, today i've learned a lot, I never went into IC2 much beyond bits and pieces.

I'll post back here when i've got a big pile of plutonium rods :)

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Thanks everyone, today i've learned a lot, I never went into IC2 much beyond bits and pieces.

I'll post back here when i've got a big pile of plutonium rods :)

If you're particularly concerned about power and you're not swimming in uranium (and are swimming in everything else), Miguk mentioned this above: you can look into liquid-cooled reactors. They're something like 2-3x more efficient.

They're a major pita to set up, and they require occassional maintenance in the form of replacement turbines, but they're very efficient.
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silly question, how do you calculate it? I know adjacent cells (including dual/quads) increase power exponentially, but what's the at-a-glance calculation?

Yes, MOX reactors are plutonium breeders. More specifically, they're they're transforming fairly useless U238 into plutonium (239)

This page describes how fuel rods send "pulses" to each other to increase their yield / efficiency...
But frankly, I just use the design widget and click simulate :p

Fixed! :)

I have upgraded heat exchanges to Component Heat Exchanges (I have mountains of gold plates, actually I have mountains of all the plates).

The reactor puts out 320 EU/t and is stable, so far the quad uranium rods look like they will last quite a long time.

Sweet :)

So, for the next stage, we get a mountain of MOX, then we build another reactor like this one but replace the quad uranium rods with quad MOX rods, after heating the whole
thing up? Sounds like fun!


Uranium Fuel rods produce power for exactly 10,000 seconds, or 2.7 hours realtime before becoming depleted. Well, the simulator says 20,000 seconds, so perhaps its 5.4 hours for uranium and 2.7 for MOX.

You don't actually have to build a second reactor. The MOX and Uranium fuel rods can work side by side in the same reactor - the Uranium rods won't be effected by the heat, so you can heat the reactor up to the temperature you are comfortable with and then slot in MOX rods as and when you get them.
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MOX reactors are breeder reactors as they breed plutonium.
The "Breeder" label is probably not the best to use on the any of the Uranium or MOX reactors these days, since it AFAIK tend to apply to an older(shortlived) mechanic that is now removed.

I also STRONGLY recommend using Nuclear Control. Even on stable and "safe" reactors, put a safety monitor on it that turns off the reactor should it get hot. You could screw up the extraction automation or something other unforeseen circumstance.

I really like this design for Uranium reactors:


It is simple, single block, produces a lot of power for its size and quite efficient. I love that I can just lay them out in whatever shape I want adjacent to each other(not some stupid star shape) and super easily automate a whole bunch of them. That way I can also better incorporate lots of them into builds that look like real/made up reactors.
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The "Breeder" label is probably not the best to use on the any of the Uranium or MOX reactors these days, since it AFAIK tend to apply to an older(shortlived) mechanic that is now removed.

I also STRONGLY recommend using Nuclear Control. Even on stable and "safe" reactors, put a safety monitor on it that turns off the reactor should it get hot. You could screw up the extraction automation or something other unforeseen circumstance.
IC2's fission mechanic is pretty abstracted but converting U238 to plutonium is actually fairly close to what a RL "breeder" reactor does.

The definition of a breeder reactor is that it produces more fissile material than it consumes. The key word is fissile: Yes you are consuming more U238 than you're getting back out as plutonium, but U238 isn't fissile, its fertile.

100% agreed on nuclear control. Miguk and I were thankful for this last night in fact: we have a liquid cooled reactor system which got clogged up on one end. Hot Coolant had nowhere to go. This is a potentially Bad Thing. Thank you NC2.
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IC2's fission mechanic is pretty abstracted but converting U238 to plutonium is actually fairly close to what a RL "breeder" reactor does.

The definition of a breeder reactor is that it produces more fissile material than it consumes. The key word is fissile: Yes you are consuming more "U238" than you're getting back out as plutonium, but U238 isn't fissile, its fertile.
Yeah it is probably a realistic label, but problem is confusion with this:
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Fixed! :)

I have upgraded heat exchanges to Component Heat Exchanges (I have mountains of gold plates, actually I have mountains of all the plates).

The reactor puts out 320 EU/t and is stable, so far the quad uranium rods look like they will last quite a long time.

Sweet :)

Awesome !! Few things in modded MC feel better than getting an IC2 reactor up, running, and stable.

So, for the next stage, we get a mountain of MOX, then we build another reactor like this one but replace the quad uranium rods with quad MOX rods, after heating the whole
thing up? Sounds like fun!


You could, but that would be incredibly inefficient. Rather, use a 5-chamber design like this:

Ic2ExpReactorPlanner : 090C090C0C090C09001409140A0A14091400090C0A05050A0C0900090C0A05050A0C09001409140A0A14091400090C090C0C090C0900

Assuming you pre-heat to 75%, it will produce 640 EU/t using only 8 MOX fuel rods and will have an efficiency of 16.

In other words, *double* the power with *half* the fuel rods, i.e. 4 times more efficient.

Note : build 5 chambers *only*. Do *NOT* build a 6th chamber. Otherwise, it will be nearly impossible to automate.
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Awesome !! Few things in modded MC feel better than getting an IC2 reactor up, running, and stable.

You could, but that would be incredibly inefficient. Rather, use a 5-chamber design like this:

Ic2ExpReactorPlanner : 090C090C0C090C09001409140A0A14091400090C0A05050A0C0900090C0A05050A0C09001409140A0A14091400090C090C0C090C0900

Assuming you pre-heat to 75%, it will produce 640 EU/t using only 8 MOX fuel rods and will have an efficiency of 16.

In other words, *double* the power with *half* the fuel rods, i.e. 4 times more efficient.

Note : build 5 chambers *only*. Do *NOT* build a 6th chamber. Otherwise, it will be nearly impossible to automate.

I was going to ask why not just use the other reactor design, but then I realized I had forgotten that Overclocked Heat Vents drew up hull heat.
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@rhn @Chris Becke @Pyure

Regarding "producing for efficiency vs. producing for plutonium" design of reactors, there are some packs such as IE:E which require a ton of Plutonium to progress. And, by the time one is making or close to making a lot of plutonium, a reliable source of Uranium has likely been secured, so Uranium scarcity is no longer a huge issue.

However, time spent building reactors is a big issue. Building a single 5x5x5 fluid reactor takes a long time and a lot of resources. In the same amount of time, one can build an order of magnitude more direct EU/t reactors since they're far simpler.

In our world, we built a couple of super-efficient 5x5x5 fluid reactors as 'baseline power'. Once we felt confident we had enough power for that stage, we spammed less efficient reactors of two designs, 8 of each:

A) 36-fuel rod Uranium @ 360 EU/t

B) 27-fuel rod MOX @ 540 EU/t

18 reactors total (2 fluid + 8 U-235 + 8 MOX).

A single MFR laser with Lime foci is *almost* able to keep up with our Uranium needs. As for power, we're making close to 40K RF/t from all these reactors. We could conceivably power a 2nd MFR Laser and then have excess Uranium. Hence, efficiency isn't the goal, but making Plutonium is. And, not taking the time and hassle to build more efficient reactors is also important.

And, yes, we could be making Plutonium via UU-matter, but 16 inefficient reactors is easier, less client FPS lag, and less server TPS lag. Plus, it gave me an excuse to build a nuclear reactor power facility :)
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silly question, how do you calculate it? I know adjacent cells (including dual/quads) increase power exponentially, but what's the at-a-glance calculation?

Yes, MOX reactors are plutonium breeders. More specifically, they're they're transforming fairly useless U238 into plutonium (239)

They don't increase power exponentially. The way to calculate it is this:

First, count the total number of fuel Rods: Quads cells count as 4, Duals as 2.

Then, go over the reactor grid. For each location that contains a fuel cell of any kind, calculate its base efficiency: 1 for a single fuel rod, 2 for a dual, 3 for a quad, and then add 1 for each adjacent grid that contains a fuel cell (ignore the size, a Quad and a single both add 1) or neutron reflector. Multiply the result by the number of rods in the current location and again by 5 to get the EU/t this fuel cell is outputting.

If you add up all the computed rod efficiencies and divide by the number of rods, you get the reactors nett efficiency.

So, for e.g. if we consider a Quad adjacent to a Single, We can compute the efficiency of each rod in the Quad as 3 (the base efficiency for rods in a quad), and add 1 because there is a cell adjacent, to get 4. Then, the single: The single has a base efficiency of 1, and there is 1 fuel cell adjacent. Even though the adjacent cell is a quad we add just 1. The efficiency of the Single is 2.
Add up 16 (4+4+4+4 (There are 4 rods in the quad, each with an efficiency of 4)) and 2 to get 18. Divide by the number of fuel rods: 5 (4+1) to get a reactor efficiency of 3.6 which is displayed in the reactor planner.

Similarly a Quad adjacent to a Quad has 8 fuel rods in total. The rods in each quad have a base efficiency of 3, and a total efficiency of 4 (3+1) as there is 1 adjacent fuel cell. Add up the efficiencies for each rod: 4x4 + 4x4 = 32, divide by 8, to get the total efficiency of 4, as displayed in the planner.

4 dual cells arranged in a square: each rod has a base efficiency of 2. Add 2 as each rod can see 2 adjacent reactor locations with cells, so the total is 2x4 + 2x4 + 2x4 + 2x4 = 32, again with 8 rods in total, for a final reactor efficiency of 4.

Note: In the text above when I talk about a "rod" I am talking about a single fuel rod, and when I say "cell", I mean 1, 2 or 4 rods combined.
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I have made a selfsustaining power supplerende of over 5k rf/tick using culinary generators and agricraft. Just male som x8 generators and feed Them with stuffed eggplants
Heya guys,

Thanks for all of the awesome tips on this thread, i have learned a LOT here :)

I decided that I had to put my nuclear ambitions on hold for a while because I had run into another issue...
Storage...I do know whether to put my AE2 adventures in this thread or a start a new thread...

So I have decided to go and get into AE 2, learn it as well as I can and then build... a data centre.

Being an I.T Manager for a living, I thought it would be fun to build something that actually resembled a
data centre in real life, so I looked at some video's online, then got into sub-netting and have made a modest
start on my data centre.

The idea is that the data centre will become the storage and network node for the entire server, with floor after
floor of storage drives.

I have automated some simple things, like the ME components and the processors, to make building the data centre
easier. Once I have a pile of storage available, I 'll get the ender-quarry going (with upgrades) and mine a MASSIVE area
of the overworld and possibly even the nether for massive resource harvesting :)

Here's a couple of screenies.

2016-06-22_20.51.01.png 2016-06-22_21.00.05.png 2016-06-26_19.45.52.png 2016-06-26_19.46.01.png 2016-06-26_19.46.27.png 2016-06-26_19.46.31.png

I worked out what i can use 1 smart cable to drive upwards of 8 x 24 storage drives using sub-netting after
watching a few video's where something called a 'soaryn' drive was used.

Essentially you can use a Storage bus and ME interface to create a sub-net and then create additional
sub-nets as needed, there are 24 storage drives in the third screenshot all using 1 channel from one
face of an ME controller :) This will be eventually replicated 8 times on this first floor of the data
centre and I try to use just one face of one ME controller block to run the storage.

As time goes on i'll make my data centre more like a real one, with security doors, glass walls around
storage drives, desks and so on and so forth.

Really enjoying AE2 so far. Looking forward to getting the mining going again and then back onto
Plutonium creation.

For now, the data centre is powered by solar cells going into a capacitor.

Heya Guys,

I'm currently processing nearly 2000 Uranium ore that my Ender Quarry has dug up, going to auto process it via AE2/IC2 into rods to run through the breeder reactor.

Will keep you posted when i get to the Plutonium bit, with LOTs of plutonium :)

Check the configs. Big Reactors is nicely configurable and you can see how power output and fuel consumption are setup for that modpack.