New world, new foes, and to get a start here I have to tangle with these. Take what I can get from them as I fight them, and rend the essence from them with the staff. While I'm not entirely sure what I need, I know I'll need the flesh and essence to upgrade the staff and the tome.

From pictures in the tome there is an unknown object that I seem to require. While less tricky to handle than some of the things I've seen, I still have to make it one at a time, infusing starlight and letting it transform. As long as I don't try to handle this too much it won't revert. Then I have to expose it to the corruption and transmute it. Even then I am not done. I have to further refine this etherium down into a brick by smelting it.

I've had the crystallizer working, breaking down objects into the most basic shards. Taking those shards in hand I am able to take the building blocks of life and make these crystals that thrum with it. Artificial simulation of life in my hand, I return to that deepest void.

Taking the refined but lifeless bricks and infusing it with this simulation of life and then pouring in vast amounts of power harvested from this distant place I am able to get the ingots that are needed to work the materials of this world.

The most powerful pick I've ever seen made from living Ethaxium. The very stones of the world are infused with souls, slowly built up over eons in the deep black of the void. Nothing less than a living pick refined from the same substances will let me work with these materials.

These materials are so hard to work with that I cannot melt them, nor can I craft blocks of it. I had to finally tap the power of the flowing waterfalls in order to press the ingots into the block I needed.

The book is crafted thus into it's final form. It mentions hints of what is ahead of me and I hesitate. I turn back, I know I am not prepared.

I gather the resources of the previous world, things I'd not dared work with due to the corruption it spread and took another look. Seems that if I use pure crystals I can form a blade that won't spread the corruption that is uniquely sharp and dangerous.

Further work with infusion lets me form a set of armor that will help protect me against the strongest blows that could threaten me. With this I take myself into the void and search.

A village of the strange remnants, those who worship that what is at the core of this place. They seem almost willing to trade but I seem to lack anything they desire. Our communication is rudimentary, I have to keep consulting the book and showing it to them. They claim to have what I need, but I have nothing for them.

I take a bit from the village itself, stone enough for my tower, and I form myself a bridge over the void. If anything goes wrong I want to be able to return on foot, rather than having to recreate what I lost. This way I can leave behind that what I dare not risk.

J'zahar thinks that I cannot possibly be a threat at this distance, and so does not rise to face me yet. This lets me get in the first strike. I get in a few more before closing to fight him nearly on top of his own throne.

The fight was enough of a struggle that I didn't have time to record it. Turns out this was but a shadow of J'zahar, the smallest fragment. A voice from beyond claims I must have been mad to think I could take on the real thing, and tried to take me with the shadow as it departed the world. I was nearly drawn in. Though it be just a shadow, there was a fragment I could harvest from it. It let me finish the staff, but the staff is not powerful enough to let me reach beyond this void.

I experimented a bit and found this terrible explosive could be made, and it would rip a hole in the world, perhaps let me push further and escape? I doubt there is any escape in this, but one has to check every option.

No escape, something else came in through the rift. Sacthoth from the darkness under the world. Mightiest of the shades.

I was able to strike this being from outside with an instrument of torment that I'd collected in lands between. The final blow with the blade I constructed from the dreadium and enchanted beyond anything else.

My reward a blade beyond anything else I'd ever seen, one that makes me stronger just holding it. It's a hungry blade that feeds on those I kill and grows in strength over time. With a weapon such as this there is little that can stand in my way.

A quick look through the book sent me into the wastes with supplies again. There's a few things I'd not collected or created and this was the place to work on them. More sets of armor, some designed to help defend me in water, others a mighty bulwark against damage, but not quite as deadly as the dread material.

While the dread legendary treasure was indeed nothing but dirt, it is perhaps the only block in that entire world that wasn't corrupted. I preserved it for the novelty if nothing else. I've not quite a full set of trophies but I can work on these with time.

Time though, for the next challenge. If I cannot escape outward through a thinning reality into the abyss, perhaps the fires below will have something for me.
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