SpyWolf: A Tale of Three Countries

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ok, so either pizzawolf14 or SomeoneElse37 is grey. I'd personally like to choose the grey. Looking back, both parties have been very quiet. A characteristic of a wolf. However, the fact that pizzawolf14 did it first gives him more weight in this. so Vote SO37

Also, the reason why that it gives pizza more weight, is that currently we have 9 people alive (if I counted correctly), now chances are the split between the teams was 6-6-3 since otherwise it would be 5-5-5 which would be too much of an advantage for the greys. That means that it is currently 6 non-grey vs 3 grey. You would have to be really stupid as a grey to claim something like that when you are disadvantaged in numbers like this.

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Ok, time to start making some notes.


I agree with Vike in that a 6-6-3 white/black/gray split at the beginning of the game is most probable. However, it's important to keep in mind that the White and Black win conditions don't actually care about Team Gray. They just need Black and White eliminated, respectively. As it stands, assuming none of the role reveals have been forged (which... it doesn't look like there's a forging role in this game anyway), four Team Black people have been killed, but only two Team White. Which means that Team White outnumbers Team Black four to two.

My guess as to what happened here is that Pizzawolf is one of the two remaining Team Black folks. He spied upon people until he found someone on Team White, in the hopes that he could get them lynched so as to turn the tide in his own favor, rather than just stalling for time by finding and lynching Greys. After all, the way things were going, there's a good chance that he and his teammate would get lynched or wolfmurdered before they could take out either of the other teams.

So, last night, he decided to scan me, and in return discovered that I am on Team White. Now, he knew that calling me out as being on Team White would not get him very far- after all, there's only two people that would rally behind that, himself included. So, he changed his story slightly and called me Gray, which, he thought, would lead the other White players into lynching their own teammate. Sure, he'd put himself at serious risk of getting lynched tomorrow night, but at this point it's do or die.

Of course, I have no way to prove my alignment with the White Free States, so lynch me if you must. And then lynch Pizzawolf, once you find out that everything I've stated here is true to the best of my knowledge and educated guesswork. But I'd rather you all just go ahead and lynch him first.

(also, does any of this sound terribly wolfy?)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, after searching a bit I have found the other member on the black team. We are the only two blacks alive, which means Pizzawolf can't be black. That again means that one of you are grey (66%) or you both are white (33%). I am sticking with my earlier reasoning.

Also, if you don't believe that the two remaining black team members have found each other then surely there would be a 6th black member who would be protesting against this.

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
So, after searching a bit I have found the other member on the black team. We are the only two blacks alive, which means Pizzawolf can't be black. That again means that one of you are grey (66%) or you both are white (33%). I am sticking with my earlier reasoning.

Also, if you don't believe that the two remaining black team members have found each other then surely there would be a 6th black member who would be protesting against this.
Reading this, I could definitely believe that you're a Blackssian now targeting me because I claimed to be among the White Free States.

Also, I would think it would be wise for the supposed sixth (seventh?) Black member to stay quiet, and let you and Pizzawolf draw the White States' fire.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Alright, figured I'd draw some fire for saying that. I've had serious real life schedule troubles, hence my antismites the past rounds. If I didn't have something important to the game, I'd have just antismited again.

Also, vike pointed out that I can't be black; he's right. I'm white. If I were a black trying to kill a white, that'd be foolish and probably assure the grey's victory. Not to mention I'd be killing off my own team...

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Alright, figured I'd draw some fire for saying that. I've had serious real life schedule troubles, hence my antismites the past rounds. If I didn't have something important to the game, I'd have just antismited again.

Also, vike pointed out that I can't be black; he's right. I'm white.
Then why are you trying to kill one of your own team members?

If I were a black trying to kill a white, that'd be foolish and probably assure the grey's victory. Not to mention I'd be killing off my own team...
No, if you are Black, then trying to kill White members is exactly what you'd want to do. Let me quote the win conditions in the rolesheet:
Rolesheet said:
Team White and Black goal is to eliminate their opposite side.
Team Grey goal is to decimate the other two to a majority over the other two teams.
Am I the only one who's noticed that neither the White nor Black teams *actually* need to kill off the Greys? The only advantage to taking out the Greys would be cancellation of the nightly wolfkill and any power roles they may have. In fact, if I understand this correctly, if both the White and Black teams get killed off entirely, everyone wins.

There are three possibilities I can see for what's going on right now:
1. Pizzawolf scanned me last night, discovered that I am White, and tried to goad the sheeple (no offense, guys; I'm legitly angry right now) who think that Grey == wolves into lynching me. @Lethosos, correct me if I'm wrong, but the Greys are more or less neutral in this game.
2. Pizzawolf scanned me last night and learned that I am Grey because I got hit by a Forger that he and I are unaware of, and started lynching me because of it. If this is the case, I forgive you entirely; but I doubt that there even is a Forger in this game- it's listed under the "Extra Roles for larger games" in the rolesheet, and Leth said a couple of times that this game is smaller than he had expected.
3. Black or Grey has a lot more members than I think they do (thanks to multiple Snoops?), and they're just lynching me because they can. If that were the case, I'd expect to see more stuff like this and less faulty but believable logic.

Oh, by the way, if Leth comfirms that everyone wins if both the Black and White teams are eliminated at once, I'd be all for that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Point 1#: Yes, Grey is "neutral". They simply have home advantages.

Point 2#: Theoretically, yes, it's possible. But you'd have to wipe out all but one grey, then thin the ranks til one white and black is left. You can see how the right vote and kill can satisfy *all* win conditions, too.

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Point 1#: Yes, Grey is "neutral". They simply have home advantages.

Point 2#: Theoretically, yes, it's possible. But you'd have to wipe out all but one grey, then thin the ranks til one white and black is left. You can see how the right vote and kill can satisfy *all* win conditions, too.

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2
So the game ends immediately when any one team's win condition is fulfilled? That makes things... more difficult.

Hey, does anyone want to volunteer for this? :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh, hey. There's a car crashed into a traffic island for some reason. And, oh, look, there's a dead body in the trunk, stuffed with false Blackssia papers in his jacket. I think the football game is coming on soon.

But wait, one more body turned up, this time in the harbor, with Free White States ID on him. For a change.

In other news, tourism has hit rock-bottom.

Day 4 has ended!
  • VikeStep has been lynched on orders from a Mastermind! He was a Grey Faceman!
  • the_J has been assassinated! He was a White Wheelman!

Day 5 begins now!