vote GideonseymourAnyway, back on topic: vote HeilMewTwo
vote GideonseymourAnyway, back on topic: vote HeilMewTwo
You watch it.Watch it now
I'm down with spiders.
I'm down with spiders.
Well, there we have it folks. The wolves killed Strikingwolf just as I suspected.Yes, it is.
How is that an antismite? I already have a vote.Antismite HeilMewTwo for spiderz
Other than that.... hm...
I thought that antismiting was voting for somebody for no reason at all. Must've passed over whoever else voted for you then. Antismite SpwnxHow is that an antismite? I already have a vote.
wtf dood, just call me a non-threat to my faceVooooote... Vike. Heil. Squid. Gah, so many choices. Heil showed early aggression, Vikestep's alive I guess, and Squid's suspicious enough to attract double antismites. Wow, the choices!
I think I'll vote RJS. I don't want to call it an antismite; Instead, it's a vote on someone in no immediate danger of dying for the sole purpose of occupying my vote for the day, caused mostly by a strong lack of evidence towards any one person.
Jebus manVote pyure lock It's okay. I still see you as a threat. <3