Amen! I personally plan onAnything that makes emeralds more accessible than, "Well technically they are in the game so.." is good in my book
Amen! I personally plan onAnything that makes emeralds more accessible than, "Well technically they are in the game so.." is good in my book
Three options: Move and meet Saice, marry into his family, reincarnate into his family.
I can't help but feel that "OP" has become a buzzword. What is that term even supposed to mean nowadays?
As long as you are putting in the kills required to get the pig zombie shard, I see no reason you shouldn't use it to its fullest advantage.
I agreeif you believe it's OP, don't use it. Don't try and get it changed for those who don't believe it's OP.
if you believe it's OP, don't use it. Don't try and get it changed for those who don't believe it's OP.
Mods are explicitely rejected for the mod pack if they are "unbalanced", so I find it perfectly legitimate to discuss changes in mods. Asking for (not: demanding) changes is also not forbidden...
Changes in mods, though, should be discussed on the forums associated with said mods.
People will have different opinions about that, and that's why we have a "discussion forum" - not to tell people that they "can't" even discuss it.
No, as long as it's discussed in regards to the mod pack in general (as is the case here), it belongs in this forum. Also, the discussion could as well be about whether a mod should be included in the pack, rejected for the pack or banned from the pack. People will have different opinions about that, and that's why we have a "discussion forum" - not to tell people that they "can't" even discuss it.
Also, the discussion could as well be about whether a mod should be included in the pack, rejected for the pack or banned from the pack. People will have different opinions about that, and that's why we have a "discussion forum" - not to tell people that they "can't" even discuss it.