Sorting System for Next World

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Would that require one turtle per item type?

16, technically.

AE really needs a Storage Manager block, to cover the functions of an RP2 Manager.

AE interfaces with LP and LP does have pipes for that. In fact I tossed LP back into my world this time around just to play with the AE<->LP interactions.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You could also use the interface on the turtle, I'm fairly certain that it should be possible to make it refill certain slots and empty all others.

Ember Quill

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2012
AE really needs a Storage Manager block, to cover the functions of an RP2 Manager.
Yeah, that's the one thing it's missing.

Inventory turtles are from the MiscPeripherals mod. Although now that I've read up on it a bit, I can see it doesn't quite do what I thought it did. They can't see into inventories, they can only pull stuff out and put stuff in.

If FTB adds OpenPeripheral (or if you convince your server admin to add it himself, which would be easy since server-side-only so it doesn't require clients to download it), it would be trivial. Just have a computer hooked up to an ME Bridge and an Ender Chest. Have a loop running that checks all the slots of the chest that are supposed to be occupied by items, and restock them when needed by requesting them through the ME Bridge. Even better still, you can have it check to see if there's an empty bucket in there, and if there is, it extracts it, dumps it into your AE system, and requests a full one.

MiscPeripherals, OpenPeripheral, and Applied Energistics together can form a pretty potent and flexible logistics system.

Ember Quill

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2012
I think OpenPeripheral is 1.5.x only, isn't it? I'm using the DW20 pack.
Ah, sorry, I confused you with the OP who was asking about 1.5 stuff.

Well, if you're still on 1.4.7, you've got a number of other options due to having Wireless Redstone. Instead of keeping the chest stocked automatically, which would admittedly be difficult with AE, you could pulse a wireless redstone signal with a remote whenever you want your chest refilled. An Inventory Turtle next to an ME Bridge and the Ender Chest can pull the items from the first slot of the chest, check the stack size, request additional items if necessary, and then put them back and iterate to the next slot on the list. It could easily handle bucket refilling too.


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Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Inventory turtles are from the MiscPeripherals mod. Although now that I've read up on it a bit, I can see it doesn't quite do what I thought it did. They can't see into inventories, they can only pull stuff out and put stuff in.
Yeah, I've had a play around with an Inventory Turtle and I can't see a way to get it to re-stock an EnderChest from an ME Interface. The only thing that I know of that can inspect inventories and act on the contents of specific slots is the Sortron. You'd need two Sortrons, one to step through the Enderchest slots, and the other to step through the ME Interface slots and pull the right numer of items to re-stock it. Good old RedPower!

Hm, maybe you could do it with a turtle bucket brigade. First turtle is above the EnderChest. It pulls a stack, and compares it to the eight items in its inventory, and if it doesn't match, it passes it forward to the next turtle. If it does match, then it pulls the appropriate number of items from the ME Interface above it to fill the stack. You'd need an Inventory Turtle to do the pulling of the matching item. The next turtle, when it receives an item from the turtle behind it, does the same, it would need another EnderChest underneath it. Each turtle would have the same 8 items in its inventory as the ME Interface above it is programmed to keep stocked. When there are no more items to pull, it sends a redstone signal forwards which all the other turtles then propagate forwards, and they all dump their 8 items down into the EnderChest. So every now and then you'd see the pouch emptied and shortly after it would be refilled. Three turtles could keep a pouch stocked with 24 different item types this way, and a fourth could top it up to 27. Hm, you would have to limit it to 7 item types I think, otherwise the first turtle might fill its inventory with all 8 types (plus the 8 comparison items) and be unable to pass on to the next one.

*Edit* Ah dammit, the Interactive Sorter can't just pull items into the turtle, it has to pull them and then shove them out in a direction. I suppose it could push them down into the enderchest and then immediately pull them back in again, but that would trigger another event. Also I'm not sure if you can respond to an event that is generated by the turtle pulling up from the enderchest in the first place. In fact I can't get the Inventory Turtle to do anything at all with the Inventory Module.

Ember Quill

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2012
Yeah, I've had a play around with an Inventory Turtle and I can't see a way to get it to re-stock an EnderChest from an ME Interface. The only thing that I know of that can inspect inventories and act on the contents of specific slots is the Sortron. You'd need two Sortrons, one to step through the Enderchest slots, and the other to step through the ME Interface slots and pull the right numer of items to re-stock it. Good old RedPower!

Hm, maybe you could do it with a turtle bucket brigade. First turtle is above the EnderChest. It pulls a stack, and compares it to the eight items in its inventory, and if it doesn't match, it passes it forward to the next turtle. If it does match, then it pulls the appropriate number of items from the ME Interface above it to fill the stack. You'd need an Inventory Turtle to do the pulling of the matching item. The next turtle, when it receives an item from the turtle behind it, does the same, it would need another EnderChest underneath it. Each turtle would have the same 8 items in its inventory as the ME Interface above it is programmed to keep stocked. When there are no more items to pull, it sends a redstone signal forwards which all the other turtles then propagate forwards, and they all dump their 8 items down into the EnderChest. So every now and then you'd see the pouch emptied and shortly after it would be refilled. Three turtles could keep a pouch stocked with 24 different item types this way, and a fourth could top it up to 27. Hm, you would have to limit it to 7 item types I think, otherwise the first turtle might fill its inventory with all 8 types (plus the 8 comparison items) and be unable to pass on to the next one.
The method I used in my last post would be pretty simple to implement, as long as you don't move stuff around in the Ender Chest so everything ends up in the right slots. Then you don't need to compare anything. You just have it pull out the stack, see how many items are in it, add more if necessary by pulling from the ME Interface (or have an ME bridge request the items needed if you'd prefer), then put it back in the same inventory slot and iterate to the next one. As long as everything stays in the proper slots, it'll easily keep everything stocked for you without needing to run comparisons. You could have it pull fifteen or sixteen stacks at once, restock them all, then dump them back into the chest.

Or you could even have different frequencies for different materials, so if you want more of something (let's say glass for example), you pick the right frequency and pulse it, and it adds a stack of glass to the chest. That would be even easier to do.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
When I get to the level of having a traveler's pouch I simply have my logistics system keep a stack of torches in the chest at all times. Same for food of choice, stock building materials, etc.
I'm stumped. How exactly do you keep a stack of something in the traveller's pouch? Lets say, bonemeal. I have 829 in my AE system right now. How do I make sure there's always some in my pouch?[DOUBLEPOST=1371075418][/DOUBLEPOST]
You just have it pull out the stack, see how many items are in it, add more if necessary by pulling from the ME Interface (or have an ME bridge request the items needed if you'd prefer), then put it back in the same inventory slot and iterate to the next one.
I don't see how you can do that with a turtle. Inventory Turtles can't do that. Like I said I think the only thing that can inspect and/or pull from specific slots is the Sortron.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
OK, I've got the Traveller's Pouch concept working, but it requires a separate ME Controller that is connected to the EnderChest with a Storage Bus.

Each item type requires the following: 1 EnderChest, with an ME Export Bus set to "Move single items / craft", attached via an ME Dark Cable to the main AE storage network. Pointing at the ME Dark Cable is a Level Emitter that is connected to the separate ME Controller. You have to set the Level Emitter to slightly below the level of the number of items as there is a delay in it switching off the Export Bus. This could lead to multiple water buckets, or any other non-stackable item, but I guess that's ok.

I suppose you could have four ME Export Buses attached to the same chest, but the more you try and add, the more the cabling becomes tangled. The Storage Bus only needs to be on one EnderChest, which doesn't have to be one of the ones connected to an Export Bus.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can't wait to integrate computer craft into my sorting/logistics system. Can the interactive sorter from miscperipherals be operated with an ordinary computer or do you need a turtle.

I'm using ordinary computers and it works fine. As long as you use a wireless modem.

I think on my next world I will quarry a huge area of land, cover it with 1 layer of dirt, and have layers and layers of storage all linked to a computer and ender chest in my main house.


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Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
I'm using ordinary computers and it works fine. As long as you use a wireless modem.
So... you connect the computer to an Interactive Sorter block? Is that how the Inventory Turtle works as well, does the Inventory Module just allow it to connect to an Interactive Sorter? I thought that it allowed the turtle to act as a sorter, and get events when items enter the turtle's inventory. I tried to find an example of how to use it, but no luck.


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Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
You have to set the Level Emitter to slightly below the level of the number of items as there is a delay in it switching off the Export Bus.
I've thought of a solution to this, I'd need to convert the constant signal from the Level Emitter into a pulsing signal to give the EnderChest ME Network time to see the item appear. Not sure if it's possible to make a pulse that is long enough to let one and only one item in via the Export Bus. Can the Export Bus be set to one-per-pulse mode? *Edit* Yes it does, and since it has a redstone signal mode, I was wasting space and resources with Dark Cable! So the Level Emitters connect to a string of MFR Rednet, and a PRC does the conversion of a signal to a series of pulses. I guess I could use NOT gates and Timers for each one, but that's quite an expensive way to do it, I can see the advantage of the PRC here. Sadly there's no MFR in the DW20 pack, so it will have to be timers for now.

I'm warming to AE, actually. It has a bit more flexibility and variety than I originally gave it credit for.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You could export to routers inserting to specific slots in the ender chest if you don't mind having a full stack (if stackable) of that item in the chest. That's what I've been doing for anything I want available remotely. You can also use the same chest to dump stuff into the network by using routers to extract only from specific slots with importers on those routers.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Army of Golems would be really cool. While your quarry or whatever is running, just have a bunch of golems running around carrying all your items, and golems are the only way to interact with the same side of an inventory other than routers


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have just watched the new DW20 spotlight for the mod translocators by chickenbones. At first I thought that while the particle effects were cool the translocators didn't seem to do much but then I saw the diamond nugget upgrade. I just hope this thing works with applied energistic's ME interface. To make this mod work you have two inventories with a space in between. In that space you put a translocator on each inventory. They will transfer items between them and the diamond nugget upgrade is a very impressive feature which allows you to keep a set number of items within an inventory. If this does work with the ME interface then no longer will we need to mess about with computercraft for keeping an inventory stocked with x number of items out of our ME networks. I am sure that people will come up with other good uses for it. Here is the link to Dire's spotlight which will surely explain things better than I just did.

And Chickenbones thread where you can get this mod as well as the others


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
I just hope this thing works with applied energistic's ME interface.
It's an inventory, so there's no reason it shouldn't just work. And yes, this would be perfect for keeping a Traveller's Chest stocked. Three of these, three ME Interfaces, one EnderChest (might be neater to spread it out and have three chests) and you have 24 items that you can keep stocked. Much better than 24 Routers, or my separate ME network with Storage Bus and pulsed Level Emitters!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been called a fanboy, I've been called a palladin, and that's all fair enough. I do love RedPower, because it's awesome. Oh, and when I throw a bucket into my sorting pouch, it reappears 30 seconds later filled with water. Lets see AE do that with one EnderPouch.
We get it, you love you some Redpower. Me too. However, as this thread is supposed to be about doing things in 1.5.x and later, I submit that talking about RP2 sorting systems is fairly pointless.
I could be wrong, and we may see RP2 in the 1.6 update, but then what happens in 1.6.5? 1.7? My worlds will be Redpower free going forward.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I could be wrong, and we may see RP2 in the 1.6 update, but then what happens in 1.6.5? 1.7? My worlds will be Redpower free going forward.

Unless the unthinkable happens, like Elo giving the code over to the Forge crew in general, maybe Lemming and gang, and they bring it forward from that point on.