Sorting System for Next World

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I maintain, is there a way CC can handle sorting?

edit- Or golems? I want stuff to be carrying my items from one place, and actually walking/moving to another place, no pipes or tubes or wires.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I maintain, is there a way CC can handle sorting?

edit- Or golems? I want stuff to be carrying my items from one place, and actually walking/moving to another place, no pipes or tubes or wires.

Yes to both. While CC you need to code and use the sorter or turtles.

Golems you can just use a combo of Clay and Stone advance golems to push/pull items to marked containers. The issue here is only 16 colors for marking. But you could get aroudn this with a sort of tier processing uses sealed floors and chest with hoopers. if you need to get into really complex sorting.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh and no one else mentioned it but those stupid quartz are nonrenewable which means from early game to end you gotta mine them and plopping down a quarry or two won't work as good as picking it yourself so you can never fab them like RP2, MFR, and BC. So annoying having to get those quartz and will be pain in the rear in 1.5+ cause of also nonrenewable Nether quartz is also needed. Like anyone have fun being ghasted right? I'm going to try to reduce Ae and use conveyors or something.
Get Equivalency.
It has a recipe, 2 iron for one Quartz.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Get Equivalency.
It has a recipe, 2 iron for one Quartz.

Or if you don't want the super cheap and easy mode way.

MFR mining laser. It can pull Quartz out of thin air. Its more random but really it depends on your play style which you like more.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Or if you don't want the super cheap and easy mode way.

MFR mining laser. It can pull Quartz out of thin air. Its more random but really it depends on your play style which you like more.
I know, the recipe is pretty OP.
2 Diamonds is too heavy, but 2 gold is one uranium.
Maybe 4 Iron?
No, that's Ender Pearls.
6 Iron!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Or if you don't want the super cheap and easy mode way.

MFR mining laser. It can pull Quartz out of thin air. Its more random but really it depends on your play style which you like more.

I agree. There have GOT to be rare materials that cannot be synthesized and given how amazing AE is, Certus Quartz is a good candidate.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea I gotta move over to a server that will allow a use of that cause there is a freaking Config File!! Make it require 1 bil Eu is all I care for! I just don't want to mine, mine, mine and mine all my minecrafting gameplay. I love to fabricates things legit and if he doesn't think the machine is worth the efforts for a random ore just bump it up or notch!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes to both. While CC you need to code and use the sorter or turtles.

Golems you can just use a combo of Clay and Stone advance golems to push/pull items to marked containers. The issue here is only 16 colors for marking. But you could get aroudn this with a sort of tier processing uses sealed floors and chest with hoopers. if you need to get into really complex sorting.

Is there a code you know of for sorting with turtles? What are sorters in CC?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a code you know of for sorting with turtles? What are sorters in CC?

MiscProfs has a sorter I belive but no idea how it works.

But all the code for sorting its fairly complex as you have to check item ID numbers and then tell it what to do. with Turtles. that could be pick up item form chest on one side check it then put in a chest on one of the other 5 sides and nest them. Or code to say check the item then the turtle moves to a spot and drops it off based off what it was.

Its not easy. And I would not suggest it unless your decent with LUA or can find someone else's code that already works.[DOUBLEPOST=1371012020][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh and then theres stuff like this


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not familiar with them - I thought they only ignored damage values and NBT data. Can you set them to do wildcards on the name?

My presumption is that Canopy Wood is like most other varieties of wood, NBT variants on base wood. Besides, that example is kind of odd anyway. Again, why would you need to do that with a properly stocked traveller's pouch?

Oh and no one else mentioned it but those stupid quartz are nonrenewable which means from early game to end you gotta mine them and plopping down a quarry or two won't work as good as picking it yourself

By the time I had my first quarry up and running in my previous world I had over a stack of Cetus and a rather nice AE network sans auto-crafter. After running my quarry down to about 40 I had 3 stacks of Cetus, more than enough to get autocrafting going. There's a lot more of it out there than people think.

So you can never fab them like RP2, MFR, and BC.

Good thing you don't have to. And, hey, it cuts down on the need for fabricating power all over the place, too. ;)

So annoying having to get those quartz and will be pain in the rear in 1.5+ cause of also nonrenewable Nether quartz is also needed. Like anyone have fun being ghasted right?

Nether Quartz is a godsend since you can grind that up and use it for the silicon needed for chips, saving on your Cetus. And I take it you haven't played 1.5 yet? Nether Quartz is so abundant that you can hardly go 20 steps without seeing a new vein of it, and each vein is ~6-12 blocks, each dropping 1-4. I rarely leave the Nether without having at least 1-2 stacks of it on me from just tapping random veins while looking for other things. To me the largest limiting factor in AE is glowstone for patterns.

Connect your Ender Chest to an import bus with an empty bucket in the filter, then have an interface with an empty->full bucket recipe sitting next to a liquid transposer filled with water. An export bus connected to the same Ender Chest dumps the filled bucket back in.

Ungh, and me going out of my way to point out people generally don't put inputs on their traveler's pouch. Fine. ME Storage Bus on the ender chest, level emitter on the autocrafter of your choice to make a full bucket, have 2 buckets in the chest, deposit empty, pull 1 full, the empty is pulled, filled, dropped into the chest. Or if you just have to have only 1 in the chest, attach an export bus with water bucket. There, you have 1 full bucket in the chest at all times, single pouch, no input race condition, no overuse of buckets.

Though why there is this absurd "single pouch" limitation is beyond me. Generally by the time you get to an auto-stocked traveler's pouch it is your second pouch with the first being to your input chest. Deposit empty into input, pull full from traveler's, let the system autofill.

Or, you know, just right click on the nearest water source, probably the one you placed with the bucket in the first place. In the grand scheme of things "look, I can have a water bucket right here all the time!" is pretty low on the priority totem pole.

You might need to do some fancy stuff with dark cables to keep it from filling every empty bucket in your ME system, but it's not impossible.

Nope, level emitters, wonderful things.

EDIT: And it'll probably do it in even less than 30 seconds.

Which is why I said Hibbs' is trying to think about AE in terms of RP2. AE is better suited for keeping things stocked, not designing specialized little mini-machines which stock on demand. At least, right now it is. Which is why my solution focuses on keeping the bucket in the chest at all times, not filling a bucket that is placed there. The effect of both is the same, I have a water bucket at my disposal at all times. Same thing for the "Oh noes, I need coal!" When I get to the level of having a traveler's pouch I simply have my logistics system keep a stack of torches in the chest at all times. Same for food of choice, stock building materials, etc.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
MiscProfs has a sorter I belive but no idea how it works.

But all the code for sorting its fairly complex as you have to check item ID numbers and then tell it what to do. with Turtles. that could be pick up item form chest on one side check it then put in a chest on one of the other 5 sides and nest them. Or code to say check the item then the turtle moves to a spot and drops it off based off what it was.

Its not easy. And I would not suggest it unless your decent with LUA or can find someone else's code that already works.[DOUBLEPOST=1371012020][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh and then theres stuff like this
I recently started learning lua.
Edit- I'm most likely going to use the weebler storage system for my next world.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just tested this out, it is AWESOME!!!!! I love this! Unfortunately while I was messing around I crashed. I will definitely be using the Weebler storage system!


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Again, why would you need to do that with a properly stocked traveller's pouch?
What do you mean by "traveller's pouch"? I have three Canvas Bags in one of my Enderpouches full of useful stuff, usually including a water bucket, but sometimes I find myself away in a flat waterless Mystcraft age and I want an infinite water source. But, mostly I set up the automatic remote refilling of buckets and food cans because I like making stuff that does stuff.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What do you mean by "traveller's pouch"? I have three Canvas Bags in one of my Enderpouches. . .

Somewhat explained at the end of my latest message.

When I get to the level of having a traveler's pouch I simply have my logistics system keep a stack of torches in the chest at all times. Same for food of choice, stock building materials, etc.

Traveler's pouch is my term for an ender pouch linked to a chest which is auto-stocked with items that the player deems useful to have at all times. This is to differentiate it from the ender pouch people generally have which is linked to their input chest. Which I suspect you have and invalidates the whole, "using a single ender pouch" restriction. Empty bucket goes in input chest, traveler's is stocked with a full one. Pretty darn trivial to do with AE.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Traveler's pouch is my term for an ender pouch linked to a chest which is auto-stocked with items that the player deems useful to have at all times. This is to differentiate it from the ender pouch people generally have which is linked to their input chest. Which I suspect you have and invalidates the whole, "using a single ender pouch" restriction. Empty bucket goes in input chest, traveler's is stocked with a full one. Pretty darn trivial to do with AE.
I have two enderpouches, yes, one for my "sorting system" and one for my "remote processing". The bucket and food can refilling, however, go into and come out of my "sorting system" pouch. I could easily move that function over to the "remote processing" pouch if that's easier with AE. Back before I implemented the remote processing, it was nice to have those funcitons with just one pouch.
I certainly see the value of this "traveller's pouch", that is automatically re-stocked with consumables like torches, levers, landmarks, food, bonemeal, a water bucket, a lava bucket, Redstone Conduits, a full Redstone Energy Cell, etc.
Still not entirely clear on how AE does that though. Is it a separate ME network with a storage bus on the chest and a set of level emitters to request more items via import buses?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Doesn't need to be a separate network at all. Just slap a Storage Bus on the chest. The chest then becomes part of the network and thus the location where those items are stored. The level emitters then ensure the network is stocked with the level you specify.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Doesn't need to be a separate network at all. Just slap a Storage Bus on the chest. The chest then becomes part of the network and thus the location where those items are stored. The level emitters then ensure the network is stocked with the level you specify.
My ME system usually has several hundred bonemeal in it at any given time, to keep my farms stocked. It turns on my skeleton farm when it gets low, and the latency in collecting the bones and macerating them always leads to a big surplus. How do I ensure that the chest only has a small quantity? Likewise logs, smooth stone, Ender Pearls, these are things that a typical ME network might have thousands of. How do you keep a chest stocked with just a handful of each?

Ember Quill

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2012
My ME system usually has several hundred bonemeal in it at any given time, to keep my farms stocked. It turns on my skeleton farm when it gets low, and the latency in collecting the bones and macerating them always leads to a big surplus. How do I ensure that the chest only has a small quantity? Likewise logs, smooth stone, Ender Pearls, these are things that a typical ME network might have thousands of. How do you keep a chest stocked with just a handful of each?
You can set up an ME Interface to keep a certain amount of stuff stocked within it, then have an Inventory Turtle keep track of what's in the Ender Chest and pull items out of the interface to restock the chest as needed.

Or you might be able to pull off something with an ME Bridge peripheral, although you'd still probably need an inventory turtle (or the OpenPeripherals addon) to track the Ender Chest's inventory and request items through the ME bridge as needed.

The one thing that AE doesn't yet do well on its own is keeping inventories stocked without dumping everything into that inventory (well, aside from the inventories of ME Interfaces). But ComputerCraft or other mods can pick up the slack there for now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can't wait to integrate computer craft into my sorting/logistics system. Can the interactive sorter from miscperipherals be operated with an ordinary computer or do you need a turtle.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
You can set up an ME Interface to keep a certain amount of stuff stocked within it, then have an Inventory Turtle keep track of what's in the Ender Chest and pull items out of the interface to restock the chest as needed.
Would that require one turtle per item type? I can see myself wanting a dozen items. That's quite a lot of turtles and LUA code, although the code in each one will be the same. I like it. Might be able to get a turtle to handle 15 item types, using its inventory to specify the items like an RP2 Filter. I've never used Inventory Turtles before.

AE really needs a Storage Manager block, to cover the functions of an RP2 Manager.