Sorting System for Next World

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Most of these replies ended up with me going TLDR. Especially since I'm supposed to go to school soon. How could I use turtles to sort? That would be fucking awesome!!!
Ps. I've tried AE and I don't really like it. Especially for auto rafting, mainly because I love crafting. It's a shame I don't like AE, as it looks awesome.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
The request ender chest is connected to Filter A. Filter A pulls out the first item in your ender pouch...When Filter A is pulsed it is routed into the side of another filter (Filter B) that connects to a chest full of cobble. Filter B then pumps out an amount of cobblestone into another chest.
The first version of my remote processing was three filters, and they just pulled everything from the chest when they got the signal (fast timer to pulse 27 times). Then I replaced them with a Sortron when I learned Forth, and then I made it only match the first slot item. Pumping the first item into a Filter? Brilliant idea. I don't have a clue whether that would work or not.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can pump stuff out of the filters inventory with a transposer. I think on one of Direwolf20's season 5 single player episodes he said that that pumping an item into the side of a filter puts it into its filter. I should have tested that but now I can't for another day or so. However, what I did do was get about an 80% proof of concept. Doing it with forth is probably better though, but that just hurts me!

I think applied energistics is really cool but I agree with you that it can't do everything. I have had most success with AE when it comes to bulk item transmission, taming gregtech machines and storage and autocrafting. It is also good for systems that require simple automation but on a large scale. I have tested a system with extra bees, AE and factorization that autocrafts frames and stocks them in alveary frame housings with a router. As soon as I get a legit alveary I will do that in my real world even of I need a separate AE network. I do think AE works best when combined with other mods including redpower, factorization, buildcraft, ender storage etc but redpower is a very good self contained system. While redpower is cool enough on its own, there are some tasks which are done better with an array of other mods, arguably with AE at the centre.

But I still think redpower has a lot of unique functionality. I still can't think of a way to do your request setup without redpower.
Thaumcraft might be the answer, although I am clueless with that mod.
I am trying to come up with a turtle program as well. I am sure it can be done I just need to conceptualise it first. Of course by now we are straying far from Applied Energistics but I guess that is the point of modpacks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh and no one else mentioned it but those stupid quartz are nonrenewable which means from early game to end you gotta mine them and plopping down a quarry or two won't work as good as picking it yourself so you can never fab them like RP2, MFR, and BC. So annoying having to get those quartz and will be pain in the rear in 1.5+ cause of also nonrenewable Nether quartz is also needed. Like anyone have fun being ghasted right? I'm going to try to reduce Ae and use conveyors or something.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh and no one else mentioned it but those stupid quartz are nonrenewable which means from early game to end you gotta mine them and plopping down a quarry or two won't work as good as picking it yourself so you can never fab them like RP2, MFR, and BC. So annoying having to get those quartz and will be pain in the rear in 1.5+ cause of also nonrenewable Nether quartz is also needed. Like anyone have fun being ghasted right? I'm going to try to reduce Ae and use conveyors or something.
Laser Drill. Your argument is invalid.

Sent from boobs (because why not?)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you can't auto it at your base then yea it's is nonrenewable. I don't even considers netherrack renewable until you can now make them with redstones.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you can't auto it at your base then yea it's is nonrenewable. I don't even considers netherrack renewable until you can now make them with redstones.
The laser drill can automatically get certus quartz and netther quartz without ever leaving your base. As I said, invalidated argument.

Sent from boobs (because why not?)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh wow! Finally now I'm going to like the goodies in 1.5+. Can't wait to say goodbye to mining and the server adim will like that I'll be fabing things instead of consuming HDD!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The laser drill is seriously one of the most amazing things ever. It's slow and takes a fuckton of power, but oh hey free ores!

Sent from boobs (because why not?)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The laser drill is seriously one of the most amazing things ever. It's slow and takes a fuckton of power, but oh hey free ores!

Sent from boobs (because why not?)
Prefect so if I need more ores all I need is more drills and a fuckton more power! ohh this will end issues with mining once people fire some "starter" quarries to get the materials to make it and enough power to not stall the thing. (guessing it's just like GT machines losing power will reset it)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
On topic of sorting/storage.

I'm really debating a hybrid system for my current build. AE without storage drives. Using the buses on normal storage like Chest and DSUs.

Ember Quill

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2012
I've been called a fanboy, I've been called a palladin, and that's all fair enough. I do love RedPower, because it's awesome. Oh, and when I throw a bucket into my sorting pouch, it reappears 30 seconds later filled with water. Lets see AE do that with one EnderPouch.
Connect your Ender Chest to an import bus with an empty bucket in the filter, then have an interface with an empty->full bucket recipe sitting next to a liquid transposer filled with water. An export bus connected to the same Ender Chest dumps the filled bucket back in.

You might need to do some fancy stuff with dark cables to keep it from filling every empty bucket in your ME system, but it's not impossible.

Also, you should take a look at the ME Bridge from MiscPeripherals. Actually, that might be an even better idea. Use an ME bridge instead of an export bus and you can have the computer control everything by detecting when an empty bucket shows up in the chest and requesting one filled bucket to replace it. Or you could pulse a wireless signal to make the computer request a full bucket.

EDIT: And it'll probably do it in even less than 30 seconds.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How would this sort things?


I mean that's the sound the water makes. You an sort things by replacing some of this stuff with diamond pipes and obsidian pipes. You're cutting the cost of vertical pipes and letting gravity do the work for you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does anyone know how I could use turtles to sort items in a relatively quick manner? It doesn't HAVE to be quick, but it would be ideal.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I mean that's the sound the water makes. You an sort things by replacing some of this stuff with diamond pipes and obsidian pipes. You're cutting the cost of vertical pipes and letting gravity do the work for you.

Why wouldn't I just use diamond pipes and cut out the cost of hoppers and dispensers?