Sorting system comparisons

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Every time I read a response like this I'm reminded of why I wasn't eager to discuss specifics in the first place. You're comparing this and comparing that to suit your argument and with every points all I can think to myself is, "not getting it."

Odd, I think from our perspective you're the one that isn't getting it. You told us it wasn't as easy as a quicksort + polymorphic when it was. You're saying that RP can do everything LP can, we're pointing out that LP has a few things it does quite well which works better for us. Exactly where are we wrong? Specifically,

  1. Where in RP can I configure it to use the inventory of the chest to determine what is routed to that chest. Note, I do mean chests and not barrels. The whole reason people are going gaga over barrels is because of how dead simple the sorting becomes. The problem is barrels are 1 destination per block whereas polymorphic is limited by chest size. This means 108 destinations on a single block.
  2. Where in RP can I have the input chest act as the overflow/unfiltered chest?

I know, I know, you're going to read those and grouse that I'm not getting RP's sorting. Tough. If I'm not getting RP's sorting then I will be wrong about those. If I am getting it, those two features aren't possible and regardless of how much you like RP in other areas those are deal breakers for me because I really, really, really like those two features of LP. So much so that I am willing to sink gold and diamonds into a system which other people are doing with copper, tin and wood.

Think what you want. You like one system and that's cool. My whole point is that LP is not better than RP.

My whole point is that better is a subjective term. Yes, LP is better for sorting than RP for me which is exactly what I said in my initial post! I have not, nor would I ever, say that LP is the sorting system that everyone should use. If you, or they, find RP to fit their style better, knock yourself out. But that viewpoint doesn't make RP useful for me in terms of a logistics system.

You don't want to believe it and you don't want to think objectively.

I cannot choose what to believe. It is up to you to convince me if it is so important to you. If you're finding yourself unable to do so I suggest that stop being so condescending and actually start giving concrete examples.

And of course I am not being objective. We're talking about my preferences about how I want to play my world of Minecraft. You know what that means? It means I've disabled Factorization because I find it to be rubbish. I detest Gregtech and disabled it the past two worlds. After learning about Thermal Expansion and getting RP I decided the tools of Industrial Craft weren't enough to keep it around. So I've chucked IC2, MFFS and all associated mods out the window. I've decided that with Mystcraft and Thaumcraft enabled I am not all that enamored with Portalgun so it, too is disabled. I tossed Steve's Carts out the window and disabled half of Railcraft, too. All of that from a base FTB install and running out of MultiMC. And you know what? I don't care if other people play with different mods in different ways if they find that is what works for them. Because at the end of the day we're all making subjective value judgments on what is fun for us. Why, then, are you talking about objectivity, especially when you've displayed none?

You haven't set up an RP system like what I'm talking about so you're not thinking on a macro level.

I doubt I could since you've given no details other than to wave your hand and say what amounts to, "It works, figure it out." Sorry, start showing or I'm done with this lop-sided conversation.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can I say LP to pull scrap out of my 100 recyclers in stacks of 60? I remember LP being not very good with stacks.

Upgraded extraction module. 2 or 3. I think 2 still does singles but is much faster and 3 does a stack at a time. Expensive but if you've got 100 recyclers you can afford it :p

Too bad this interesting thread has derailed in an RP versus LP spamfest :(

It hasn't, it's just people get enthusiastic defending their opinions.

Also 1 person is a real jackass since all he can do is be all smug and make snide remarks about the ignorance of the rest of us because he seems to feel the need to defend RP.
Relax champ, none of us said RP isn't a great mod. It's just we aren't sold on the sorting being better than LP and you just telling us how dumb we are but not showing us anything that is an improvment on our LP systems.
I would love to love the RP sorting system but I'm just not getting it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
RP is not better than LP and LP is not better than RP it is all about choice LP ease of use and RP has the 3 levels of sorting the normal sorting machine the normal manager which can sort 24 different items into a chest and of course the sortron which i am currently bothering to learn FORTH


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Odd, I think from our perspective you're the one that isn't getting it. You told us it wasn't as easy as a quicksort + polymorphic when it was. You're saying that RP can do everything LP can, we're pointing out that LP has a few things it does quite well which works better for us. Exactly where are we wrong? Specifically,

  1. Where in RP can I configure it to use the inventory of the chest to determine what is routed to that chest. Note, I do mean chests and not barrels. The whole reason people are going gaga over barrels is because of how dead simple the sorting becomes. The problem is barrels are 1 destination per block whereas polymorphic is limited by chest size. This means 108 destinations on a single block.
  2. Where in RP can I have the input chest act as the overflow/unfiltered chest?

I know, I know, you're going to read those and grouse that I'm not getting RP's sorting. Tough. If I'm not getting RP's sorting then I will be wrong about those. If I am getting it, those two features aren't possible and regardless of how much you like RP in other areas those are deal breakers for me because I really, really, really like those two features of LP. So much so that I am willing to sink gold and diamonds into a system which other people are doing with copper, tin and wood.

My whole point is that better is a subjective term. Yes, LP is better for sorting than RP for me which is exactly what I said in my initial post! I have not, nor would I ever, say that LP is the sorting system that everyone should use. If you, or they, find RP to fit their style better, knock yourself out. But that viewpoint doesn't make RP useful for me in terms of a logistics system.

I cannot choose what to believe. It is up to you to convince me if it is so important to you. If you're finding yourself unable to do so I suggest that stop being so condescending and actually start giving concrete examples.

And of course I am not being objective. We're talking about my preferences about how I want to play my world of Minecraft. You know what that means? It means I've disabled Factorization because I find it to be rubbish. I detest Gregtech and disabled it the past two worlds. After learning about Thermal Expansion and getting RP I decided the tools of Industrial Craft weren't enough to keep it around. So I've chucked IC2, MFFS and all associated mods out the window. I've decided that with Mystcraft and Thaumcraft enabled I am not all that enamored with Portalgun so it, too is disabled. I tossed Steve's Carts out the window and disabled half of Railcraft, too. All of that from a base FTB install and running out of MultiMC. And you know what? I don't care if other people play with different mods in different ways if they find that is what works for them. Because at the end of the day we're all making subjective value judgments on what is fun for us. Why, then, are you talking about objectivity, especially when you've displayed none?

I doubt I could since you've given no details other than to wave your hand and say what amounts to, "It works, figure it out." Sorry, start showing or I'm done with this lop-sided conversation.
You can have the default route of a sorting machine.e loop back to the start[DOUBLEPOST=1356857972][/DOUBLEPOST]You can use a portion to detect what is in an inventory(or you could use regulators receivers and circuitry) and then you can route thinks there


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can have the default route of a sorting machine.e loop back to the start[DOUBLEPOST=1356857972][/DOUBLEPOST]You can use a portion to detect what is in an inventory(or you could use regulators receivers and circuitry) and then you can route thinks there
Default route looping back to the start doesn't do what LogPipes does.

With LogPipes if there isn't a route it will stay in the chest.

With that method it will constantly loop around in the pipes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Default route looping back to the start doesn't do what LogPipes does.

With LogPipes if there isn't a route it will stay in the chest.

With that method it will constantly loop around in the pipes.

Well, you could simply exclude the items from being pulled out by your sorting machine now that sorting machines can pull directly from inventories.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, you could simply exclude the items from being pulled out by your sorting machine now that sorting machines can pull directly from inventories.

No, because that would take up sorting slots which are limited. It defeats the purpose. At that point you might as well route them somewhere.

What I have found the default route useful for in RP is to chain sorters together. So I use all the slots to send everything to another sorter. The default route sends everything else to a 3rd sorter. The 3rd sorter then sorts those items. You could default route everything you cant sort from that sorter to a 4th one, and so on and so forth until everything has a place to go. It's a big headache though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Default route looping back to the start doesn't do what LogPipes does.

With LogPipes if there isn't a route it will stay in the chest.

With that method it will constantly loop around in the pipes.
You could use a portion EDIT: Sortron( I hate predictive text.), then it could work, or you could just have two chests[DOUBLEPOST=1356883741][/DOUBLEPOST]The main difference between lp and rp is lp is all separate with the sorting blocks spread out, whereas rp is central. They can both do the same as each other, with enough time space and thought, it is just a personal preference, so this whole argument is useless


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorting systems? With pipes? Waiting for items to go through slow pipes ALLLLLLL the way around? Ain't nobody got time for that.


Sorts two stacks of items per second. Dump a full inventory of stuff, or a woven miner's backpack of ores into it, and it will all be sorted by the time you get to your chests.

Feel free to replace Translocators with RP Filters for less EU use, but you'll need a redstone pulse.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorting systems? With pipes? Waiting for items to go through slow pipes ALLLLLLL the way around? Ain't nobody got time for that.


Sorts two stacks of items per second. Dump a full inventory of stuff, or a woven miner's backpack of ores into it, and it will all be sorted by the time you get to your chests.

Feel free to replace Translocators with RP Filters for less EU use, but you'll need a redstone pulse.
First thought -that's a good design!
Second thought - expensive though, and uses resources over time, not just initially.
Third thought - Can't pull items from the network easily on demand, unlike log pipes.

I might do something similar as a hybrid design - an ender chest for each group of log pipes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No, because that would take up sorting slots which are limited. It defeats the purpose. At that point you might as well route them somewhere.

What I have found the default route useful for in RP is to chain sorters together. So I use all the slots to send everything to another sorter. The default route sends everything else to a 3rd sorter. The 3rd sorter then sorts those items. You could default route everything you cant sort from that sorter to a 4th one, and so on and so forth until everything has a place to go. It's a big headache though.

What I meant by "excluding" stuff is to simply not put them into any of the sorting machine's colums and not giving it a default color. That way it will not even pull the items out that should not be sorted which means that your input chest will also be your excess chest (which is what whoever it was wanted RP to do).


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
The biggest thing about LP is the simplicity. A Polymorphic Item Sink Module makes the attached chest the default route for everything currently in the chest. You never have to open a GUI and edit settings, it just happens automatically. No paint, no long string of filters you have to manually put items into, one module. Done.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've found that RP to process and manage bulk items and Logi-pipes for request/Crafting/sorting of less common items. Plus I would like to see a RP/RC/Fact. Set up that matches the ease of a remote orderer connected to a enderchest. Just carry the remote and a matching enderpouch and you have instant access to anything in your logic network from anywhere.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I use RP to sort the common items and anything unsorted by RP falls to the default chest, which doubles as the input chest for LP, no reason you can't use both.
LP also works well with RP relays so you can reverse the process, I route all my unprocessed ores through LP to a relay since pneumatic tubes can find the nearest empty macerator much more efficiently.