1 Diamond block makes 18 shards, one of which is needed for the wrath igniter- which can be used to make an infinite amour of dark iron (netherbrick wrath forge). So 9 iron, an enderpearl and a fraction of a diamond give you 1024 stacks of space, which is the same as 10 crystal/diamond chests. (and cheaper then the 2 I normally use)
(wrath igniter and diamond shards have a few other uses too.)
One diamond block put through a stamper that I don't want or need to make (RP2 Project Table does it better and with only one block) gives me 18 shards. 1 goes into a lighter, 17 go into a chest. And every time I open that chest I'm reminded of what an awful mod Factorization turned out to be. I made a grinder. I made the whole "300%" chain of machines. It's awful. It's slow, it's pointlessly convoluted, and if you look at the space I'd have to set aside to set up a full ore processing facility (not even considering the gawdawful chunk of land I'd need dedicated to turbines and mirrors to run them) all of a sudden one extra ingot per ore block is a pretty puny ROI.
Thanks to EE3, you can transmute wood->obsidian->iron->gold->diamond and iron-> enderpearl, so your forestry auto tree farms are an awesome renewable source of materials.
A lack of endepearl has always hindered my progress until now *evil laugh*
EE3 so far is not impressing me. It's so far from complete I don't want to be overly harsh, except to say I don't even know why it's in any pack. Long story short, I'd rather make a soul shard and set up an ender farm just for the gameplay value than to get too crazy with any kind of transmutation. All I wanted from EE was a compact way to store my cobble and all I got instead was stupid barrels.
Normally, I'd be right there with you, however... at least in this instance... Factorization has a couple of advantages.
If you are going to be splitting everything up into single item per chest, and upgrading to diamond chests... the price of three diamond upgrades is your wrath igniter for dark iron. And hey, if you've really got more than 64 stacks of iron, you can afford one to save yourself several by not needing the managers. Not to mention saving you all the power infrastructure.
I would even go so far as to say that your unique situation seems set up to be ideal for a Router, if you are really dedicating a single storage device per resource. It saves you the price and power of the sorting system, since you've already got the igniter from making barrel upgrades,
You know, if you play a tech pack like a tech pack and not like vanilla MC with macerators, it's not unreasonable to use other mods to sort things if they are more efficient at it.![]()
I don't generally upgrade to diamond chests for mass storage. Better to simply add another gold chest on the same row if it's really a consistent overflow problem. Factorization offers nothing. Factorization could be renamed to Convoluted and the name would fit perfectly. I personally haven't had a chance to mess around with the new managers yet, but my sorting systems int he past did just fine without them. They weren't expensive, they were simple as all hell, and they worked awfully, awfully well. Simple and elegant is almost always beautiful.