Sorting system comparisons

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1 Diamond block makes 18 shards, one of which is needed for the wrath igniter- which can be used to make an infinite amour of dark iron (netherbrick wrath forge). So 9 iron, an enderpearl and a fraction of a diamond give you 1024 stacks of space, which is the same as 10 crystal/diamond chests. (and cheaper then the 2 I normally use)
(wrath igniter and diamond shards have a few other uses too.)

One diamond block put through a stamper that I don't want or need to make (RP2 Project Table does it better and with only one block) gives me 18 shards. 1 goes into a lighter, 17 go into a chest. And every time I open that chest I'm reminded of what an awful mod Factorization turned out to be. I made a grinder. I made the whole "300%" chain of machines. It's awful. It's slow, it's pointlessly convoluted, and if you look at the space I'd have to set aside to set up a full ore processing facility (not even considering the gawdawful chunk of land I'd need dedicated to turbines and mirrors to run them) all of a sudden one extra ingot per ore block is a pretty puny ROI.

Thanks to EE3, you can transmute wood->obsidian->iron->gold->diamond and iron-> enderpearl, so your forestry auto tree farms are an awesome renewable source of materials.

A lack of endepearl has always hindered my progress until now *evil laugh*

EE3 so far is not impressing me. It's so far from complete I don't want to be overly harsh, except to say I don't even know why it's in any pack. Long story short, I'd rather make a soul shard and set up an ender farm just for the gameplay value than to get too crazy with any kind of transmutation. All I wanted from EE was a compact way to store my cobble and all I got instead was stupid barrels.

Normally, I'd be right there with you, however... at least in this instance... Factorization has a couple of advantages.

If you are going to be splitting everything up into single item per chest, and upgrading to diamond chests... the price of three diamond upgrades is your wrath igniter for dark iron. And hey, if you've really got more than 64 stacks of iron, you can afford one to save yourself several by not needing the managers. Not to mention saving you all the power infrastructure.

I would even go so far as to say that your unique situation seems set up to be ideal for a Router, if you are really dedicating a single storage device per resource. It saves you the price and power of the sorting system, since you've already got the igniter from making barrel upgrades,

You know, if you play a tech pack like a tech pack and not like vanilla MC with macerators, it's not unreasonable to use other mods to sort things if they are more efficient at it.;)

I don't generally upgrade to diamond chests for mass storage. Better to simply add another gold chest on the same row if it's really a consistent overflow problem. Factorization offers nothing. Factorization could be renamed to Convoluted and the name would fit perfectly. I personally haven't had a chance to mess around with the new managers yet, but my sorting systems int he past did just fine without them. They weren't expensive, they were simple as all hell, and they worked awfully, awfully well. Simple and elegant is almost always beautiful.


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
I don't generally upgrade to diamond chests for mass storage. Better to simply add another gold chest on the same row if it's really a consistent overflow problem. Factorization offers nothing. Factorization could be renamed to Convoluted and the name would fit perfectly. I personally haven't had a chance to mess around with the new managers yet, but my sorting systems int he past did just fine without them. They weren't expensive, they were simple as all hell, and they worked awfully, awfully well. Simple and elegant is almost always beautiful.
I wouldn't call needing a half a chest full of paint cans and brushes 'elegant', although I do agree that the sorting machine is a wonderful piece of work. Personally, I find gold to be more valuable at times, simply because I'm using so much of it in various projects, particularly now that TC3 is in the pack. If you have Factorization ore gen turned on, you can use the stacks of Silver you get to make Silver chests, which are nearly as large. But if you expect more than a silver chest full of stacks of an individual item, it might be more elegant to just bite the bullet and crack a diamond block. Heck, you can make the Angle Saw while you are at it, and get a Silk Touch power tool without needing to deal with the abomination that is GregTech.

But hey, to each their own. Personally, I don't expect getting that much in the way of any single resource that I don't have alternate methods of dealing with. Since I never need that much cobblestone/dirt/gravel/sand/etc, I either hook up my surplus to a void pipe or a massfab. But I generally don't get ores in that kind of quantity to need to dedicate a single chest to each individual one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

One slight variant I found out that is not in this screenshot : stick a buffer between the top of the autocraft table from gregtech and the manager. Gregtech tables auto-output to that slot. This buffer helps it handle non-stacking
output items better, because if the manager "takes back" an output, it can go into the slots in the buffer.
It looks awesome, but it doesn't work very well - surplus items get created and get stuck in the system. Adding the buffers you suggested just fills up with extra items created by the autocrafting table, then the top manager fails to extract from it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't want to seem overly dismissive

People say right before being overly dismissive.

but until you've actually worked with RP sorting you really can't speak to how simple it is.

Poppycock. We can learn quite a bit from observation of how other people interact with the objects. That is the joy of Minecraft at large, especially forums like this as well as the various LPs and tutorials. We get to see what other people can do with stuff and incorporate it in to our own. Which is precisely why I gave the source of my observations. The same person, DW20, creating the same kind of things, an auto-processing & sorting setup, in two systems, LP and RP2. While it is true that I haven't personally set up a sorting system in RP2 I have in LP which matches DW20's model quite well. I can, and have, compared that experience to what I see he has done with RP2.

It's as simple or as complex as you need it to be. There are numerous different machines to choose from depending on the situation and they all work well to do what they're intended to do.

I never disputed this. I gave what I drew from my observations. If I am wrong in them, let me know. But telling me `You don't get it, man!` without explaining where my errors are, then you're not even trying to engage in a conversation. You're just engaging in fanboyism. Something that I, too, can dismiss quite easily.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I never disputed this. I gave what I drew from my observations. If I am wrong in them, let me know. But telling me `You don't get it, man!` without explaining where my errors are, then you're not even trying to engage in a conversation. You're just engaging in fanboyism. Something that I, too, can dismiss quite easily.

I did let you know, and you clearly don't get it. Set up an RP2 sorting system. I don't care what videos you've watched, do it yourself. I, too, make videos outlining my sorting and processing systems. I don't need to be told how videos fit into the spectrum of the community. And as someone who both produces and watches those videos, I can tell you, "I saw it in a video" means approximately jack. I've seen all kinds of things in videos, too, and most of them sucked. But show them to someone who doesn't know their ass from a teakettle and they'll slobber all over it like it's the best thing since sliced bread.

Ergo, first hand experience or nothing. I saw DW20'w RP2 video alluding to the "awesome" build he could do using deployers and block breakers to shuttle around charged blulectric battery boxes. Can it be done? Yes. Is it a good idea relative to the alternatives? No. But if you were to sit there and tell me it's awesome because you saw DW20 do it, would it make it awesome? No. It would still be wasteful and clunky compared to feeding BT batteries into the boxes to charge before being sent where they're needed.

I'm not interested in opinions derived from what you've seen. I'm interested in opinions derived from what you've done. Otherwise, next time just post the link to the source and cut out the middle man.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
LP is probably more advanced than RP. But it is pricey both in materials and server load. With just one Retriever, one Sorter, some timers, paint and tubes you can make nearly anything, and tune it better than with LP.
Yes, you can't make (in)famous crafting walls with RP, but they lag like hell, and with project table it is not hard tgo craft things by hand.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I did let you know, and you clearly don't get it.

No, you didn't. I meant what about my comparison was out of line. Telling me my opinion is invalid without saying what about that opinion is wrong tells me nothing.

Ergo, first hand experience or nothing.

This presumes that by experiencing it I would be able to exceed what I am able to do with my present knowledge. Absent any guidance (take the hint) that is probably not going to happen.

But if you were to sit there and tell me it's awesome because you saw DW20 do it, would it make it awesome? No.

Fortunately that was not what I wrote. I wrote that from observing someone (that someone just happening to be DW20) set up a similar system in two different ways I feel I can gauge the relative merits of both systems. I the went on to give my impressions based upon those observations. Impressions which you have yet to address.

I'm not interested in opinions derived from what you've seen.

Suit yourself. I'm not interested in you not addressing anything I say. Good thing about opinions, to each their own and no one else has to adopt them. Though I do suggest one thing, if you're trying to get me to adopt yours, start by addressing what I have said, not telling me to go do something else. Your high-and-mighty proclamations without any explanation of where you're coming from don't compel me to do anything than ignore you. So, the challenge to you is as follows. Look at the points I've presented and start by explaining where I have gone wrong there. You cannot compel me, you can only convince me, and that is how you convince someone. Good luck.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Suit yourself. I'm not interested in you not addressing anything I say. Good thing about opinions, to each their own and no one else has to adopt them. Though I do suggest one thing, if you're trying to get me to adopt yours, start by addressing what I have said, not telling me to go do something else. Your high-and-mighty proclamations without any explanation of where you're coming from don't compel me to do anything than ignore you. So, the challenge to you is as follows. Look at the points I've presented and start by explaining where I have gone wrong there. You cannot compel me, you can only convince me, and that is how you convince someone. Good luck.

The difficulty with sorting systems is that people seem to get it in their head that it's a complicated thing so it should require a complicated solution. So they build these great convoluted systems and then folks who appreciate simplicity like you and I look at it and say, "Pfffft."

Did you know filters will grab items passively from pneumatic tubes if you just tell them what to grab? No pulse required. You could go absolutely crazy with that alone and eliminate the need for managers, sorting machines, bluelectric power, paint, buffer chests, redstone pulses, all of that. And filters are cheap as hell to make by about midgame when most people ought be more than capable of making them by the stack. One chest, one block. Plan a bit, connect everything intelligently and you're good ot go. Auto-crafting? I had a 'proper' solar panel factory in Tekkit (no EE/UU-matter) that had one retriever connected to my storage network pulling all of the materials to make the generators and circuits + glass and coal dust.

"But can you do auto-crafting as simply as LP?" Yes. One retriever. And if I was out of a particular material the whole thing shut down until I got more of it without overstocking others or breaking the assembly chain.

One filter on a chest with no blulectricity or redstone pulse controls network routing for all specified materials. The only time anything ever got more complicated was if I wanted to split inventories (ie. half iron ingots to storage and half back to smelt for refined iron) and even then it was as simple as a passive filter pulling ingots to a chest and a sorting machine splitting the routing.

Hence why I say I don't care what you've seen. I told you I wasn't trying to be dismissive but I am being honest. I've probably seen it too. I like DW20 videos. You can tell he makes a sincere effort to put out a quality production. I just don't always agree that his methods represent the full capability of the systems he's showcasing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The difficulty with sorting systems is that people seem to get it in their head that it's a complicated thing so it should require a complicated solution. So they build these great convoluted systems and then folks who appreciate simplicity like you and I look at it and say, "Pfffft.

Your first mistake is here. You're defining simple in a completely different way that I am then grousing that I am not getting it. In fact I later on am explicit that how LP works is more in line on how I want such a system to work, "To me this makes LP easier to conceptualize and manage."

Did you know filters will grab items passively from pneumatic tubes if you just tell them what to grab? No pulse required.

Nope. Now that I know that I still don't see how this makes it a simpler system to conceptualize and manage.

One chest, one block. Plan a bit, connect everything intelligently and you're good ot go.

I think where our impasse lies is in the "plan a bit, connect everything intelligently" stage. That seems like a little hand-waving to me. Great, you can use a single block to do magic by contorting the system in a particular way. You enjoy that, great! I don't.

Hence why I say I don't care what you've seen.

Good, at least you're attempting to address my points. Not that you're there yet but its an improvement.

I told you I wasn't trying to be dismissive but I am being honest.

Being honest and not engaging means you're doing nothing productive for the discussion. I'd actually prefer you to be dismissive since you'd not post at all.

I've probably seen it too. I like DW20 videos. You can tell he makes a sincere effort to put out a quality production. I just don't always agree that his methods represent the full capability of the systems he's showcasing.

A claim I have never made. I only said that it was reasonable to infer the relative merits of either system since he has made a sorting system in both. Thus meaning he is a constant. It also gives me a benchmark for what I might be able to noodle out on my own. IE, if he didn't come up with a more elegant, and let me stress that the final arbiter of what is elegant in my Minecraft world is ME, method of sorting with RP then the chances of me putting one together is pretty much nil. Thus telling me to do it is aggravating, bordering on insulting. It's like telling people who add 1 + 1 and getting 2 are doing it wrong, then telling them to do it right, but not specifying they should be doing it in binary so 1 + 1 = 10. If I'm wrong, show me, don't just declare it and then sit there with a smug smirk.


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
LP is a more elegant system. A Chassis Mk. II Pipe on your sorting chest, then put in a Quicksort and Item Sink (set to Default) in it. All of your inventory chests get a Chassis Mk. II pipe with a Polymorphic Item Sink Module and a Provider module (set to leave one item per stack). Sorting system is DONE. No painting, no half a chest full of cans of paint and different colored paintbrushes. No needing to tell the sorting machine what should go where, juggling the various rows to make sure that everything goes to its place. Heck, drop Item Sink pipes on your input for your TE ore refinery, then a Basic Logistics Pipe on the output slot. You don't even need an Extractor Pipe, just a Basic will do since it spits it out at you. Now you've automatically got your ore refining done at the same time! And it'll automatically route itself to the correct chest.

Autocrafting is as simple and easy as a wall of Automated Crafting Benches and Crafting Pipes. Done.

However, The LP system requires diamonds, stacks of gold, more stacks of iron... and this goes up linearly with the size of your facility.

RP2 is a cheaper system. Your major expense is in the sorting machine, the retrievers, and the power for it. Tubes are cheap. Paint is cheap. Your cost does not go up linearly, you have a higher initial cost, then adding onto the system requires maybe a couple of pipes.

RP2, however, requires more user input required. You need to tell the sorting machine what should go where. Every single item you are wanting to sort has to have an entry. This may mean multiple sorting machines, depending on how big your network is and how many different things you want sorted. The Quicksort Module and Polymorphic Item Sink Modules take care of this hassle for LP.

RP2 can't handle the auto-crafting as easily. It *CAN* be done, but it requires more effort and machines, and has less of a 'make on demand' functionality which LP has (although the Sortron is rapidly solving this problem, but that requires some FORTH knowledge).

They both have their uses. LP is horridly expensive, even if you are using chipsets instead of gears (which requires a massive initial investment of diamonds), and its costs scale linearly with the size of your facility. RP2 requires more user knowledge and input for the initial setup, but is overall cheaper.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think where our impasse lies is in the "plan a bit, connect everything intelligently" stage. That seems like a little hand-waving to me. Great, you can use a single block to do magic by contorting the system in a particular way. You enjoy that, great! I don't.

I'll post a link to the video of my newest sorting/processing system iteration when nit's ready because it's the only way you're going to understand. There's no contorting involved. By connect things intelligently I mean to keep in mind that unspecified routes (ie. overflow chests) need to be at the end of the network because of how the RP system processes destinations. You're assuming to much and it's very clear to me that you've been watching the wrong people illustrate how to make the system work.

LP is a more elegant system. A Chassis Mk. II Pipe on your sorting chest, then put in a Quicksort and Item Sink (set to Default) in it. All of your inventory chests get a Chassis Mk. II pipe with a Polymorphic Item Sink Module and a Provider module (set to leave one item per stack). Sorting system is DONE. No painting, no half a chest full of cans of paint and different colored paintbrushes. No needing to tell the sorting machine what should go where, juggling the various rows to make sure that everything goes to its place. Heck, drop Item Sink pipes on your input for your TE ore refinery, then a Basic Logistics Pipe on the output slot. You don't even need an Extractor Pipe, just a Basic will do since it spits it out at you. Now you've automatically got your ore refining done at the same time! And it'll automatically route itself to the correct chest.

As above, you're not fully versed on how simple an RP sorting system can be. There's no need for item sorters, paint/brushes, or anything of the sort. You're trying to paint a picture of LP as being so simple and mark one pipe sorter sink polymorphing pajama monster in each chest and BAM! So simple!

Filter on a chest. Repeat as required. 1/4 the items, 1/10 the syllables. Life is good. The trouble with people thinking Redpower is overly complex is that they don't know Redpower.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The LP system also can be made more compact, because you can set "sides" on modules you only need to put a single chassis next to any other block.
You also dont need to keep seperation between the modules that you may need to with tubes (granted proper use of covers and paint alleviates much of this).

The cost of the LP system of course is horrendous. There is also the fact that you need a half dozen or more lasers for the assembly table to produce at any kind of acceptable speed. Which also means you need the power infrastructure to run it. So the LP system is definitely not a starter system.

I have been playing with an RP sorter sytem in the lab (creative) and while it is interesting, it is very frustrating as well. If I want to make changes on the fly to my logistics system I can pop the module out and drop it into another chassis with all settings retained. If I want to move a sorter that means reconfiguring the entire thing. Then there is the limit on the number of items, which requires piggybacking multiple sorters behind each other. TE machines not being able to output directly into tubes is also an annoyance.

Granted I am not that experienced with RP, but I am trying to give it a fair try. It still seems to me starting out make 1 batch of diamond pipes and some stone & cobble pipes and use that as your sorting system until you can afford to build a logistics system is the most efficient way to go.

The trouble with people thinking Redpower is overly complex is that they don't know Redpower.

Well no kidding, the documentation sucks. It isn't exactly intuitive to get started with.


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
As above, you're not fully versed on how simple an RP sorting system can be. There's no need for item sorters, paint/brushes, or anything of the sort. You're trying to paint a picture of LP as being so simple and mark one pipe sorter sink polymorphing pajama monster in each chest and BAM! So simple!
It... is that simple. BAM!

Filter on a chest. Repeat as required. 1/4 the items, 1/10 the syllables. Life is good. The trouble with people thinking Redpower is overly complex is that they don't know Redpower.
Fine, but now you are competing with LP in terms of cost. Painting at least is a cheap way to get things going, filters require gold. And you still can't get auto-crafting-on-demand done without FORTH coding and a Sortron. And it STILL requires more user input than Logistics pipes. Polymorphic Item Sink modules don't need to be configured. Filters do. Filters also take up more space. Filters also don't accommodate things like supplying machines with materials very well.

I've played around extensively with RP2. I've played around extensively with LP. You said you wanted to hear first-person accounts? Here's mine:

The RP2 system I built sorted things into chests. It handled things it didn't know what to do with very poorly, and tended to clog everything up when something new came into the system. It couldn't auto-craft. It couldn't keep a machine supplied with x amount of y material, then have the surplus go to its chest (although I suppose Managers can handle that these days, if you can hook up the Bluetricity). The LP system... if it didn't know what to do with something, it went into the sorting chest for me to deal with manually. Generally, this meant putting something in a chest, so now it knew what to do with it. For the RP2 system, I'd have to go into the sorting machine and see if I can squeeze it into a color, or if I had to go to one of my OTHER sorting machines, or dedicate an entirely new row to the same color to get it going in that direction. In the meantime, the RP2 system would not function, while the LP system would, assuming the sort chest didn't get filled with unknowns. Using your Filter system is even worse for this, assuming you are trying to keep such eyesores out of view, because then you'd need to tear down your wall to access the filter!

Managers and Sortrons can begin to duplicate many of the other functions of Logistics Pipes, however they both require Bluetricity Power, and the Sortron requires knowledge of FORTH coding to work properly. Granted, once you run the code, it's as simple as saying "5 chest" and it would crank out five chests, assuming 'chest' is the program which sends the materials to the autocrafting machine dedicated to chests. And you can have a simply amazing number of sortrons hooked up to a single computer, using the bus address system. However, it's NOT easy to set up. LP is.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For what it's worth, which might not be much, I think Gold is a terrible thing to judge expense by, if for no other reason than Zombie Pigmen are easy to farm. You can either go hunt them the old fashioned way, or you can set up a spawning area for them. Either way, attack one and they will come to you, greatly speeding up the process of hunting them down. It will take you an average of 36 Zombie Pigmen for a Filter I believe, assuming they are your only source of Gold, and remember, popping one will make all of them in the area come after you, making it easy to hunt them 6 at a time, or more. Use spawning platforms, possibly built by a turtle if you want to save yourself the effort, and it becomes even easier.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There's no contorting involved.

Pretty sure there is by comparison.

By connect things intelligently I mean to keep in mind that unspecified routes (ie. overflow chests) need to be at the end of the network because of how the RP system processes destinations.

Huh, makes me wonder if you really did read my initial message because this is precisely one of the points I made. The input chest also serves as the unsorted/overflow if desired.

You're assuming to much and it's very clear to me that you've been watching the wrong people illustrate how to make the system work.

If anyone is assuming too much, it is you. Apparently you're not grasping the difference between configuration here. The irony being that most people love the RP + Barrels sorting for pretty much the same reason those of us who prefer LP like LP's sorting. It's about the configuration.

You're trying to paint a picture of LP as being so simple and mark one pipe sorter sink polymorphing pajama monster in each chest and BAM! So simple!

Because it is. You don't want to hear from me in regards to RP sorting because I haven't used it, fine. But I have used LP for sorting in 3 different worlds.

Here's the sum total of my chests in my current world. Early on so not too many. I just got the sorting system put into place a little bit ago, been struggling with power as I wanted to get my assembly table up to save on mats. The wooden chest is my input chest, the iron are the destinations. The two iron next to the project tables are not part of the network. The one on the left will be when I get my request pipe up. The one on the right isn't as it is for my tools.

Here is the configuration for my input chest. A Quicksort module and a Itemsink. The itemsink is there to provide a default route for all items. This allows my input chest to also be my overflow/unsorted chest. Items which cannot be sorted never leave the chest.


Here's the configuration on every one of my chests. A Polymorphic itemsink and a Provider module. The Polymorphic means whatever is in the chest gets sorted there. So configuring the system is as simple as putting what items I want in each chest. The Provider module is actually unused at this time but it is set to leave 1 of each stack so as to not lose that configuration unless I so choose. This also means I can control how many stacks go into each chest by filling the chest with 1 of any item in the unused slots.

Here are the four chests on the right. My junk chest, my "fancy blocks" chest, my tech chest and my ores/dusts chest. I didn't grab screens of the 2 chests by the input but they are my "junk blocks" and "fuel" chests.



There, I have shown you the sum of my sorting configuration. That's all of it. Obviously there's ore processing (basic pipes, woot!) out-of-frame, but for sorting all my items I put in 1 quicksort, 6 polymorphic itemsinks and I was done.
Now, a quick check of the RP Wiki tells me that the filter-pulling-from-a-tube not only would be a 2 block setup (tube + filter) as opposed to the single block LP, but it is also limited to 9 total items. From my screenshots my chests have...
Junk: 46
Fancy: 14
Tech: 44
Ores: 27
...unique items in them. Which means none of those chests could be serviced by a single filter.
Furthermore notice that my junk chest has a ton of Thaumcraft items in it. That's because I just got started with Thaumcraft, you can see it in the background. I intend to have 1-2 chests dedicated to Thaumcraft. What do I need to do to add them to the system? Drop chests, route pipes to them, insert Polymorphic, move items, done. Note the step that is missing there completely? "Configure sorting system to route to new chests." The act of moving items configured the system. I did this already when I started a "fuel" chest. Coal went from "Ore/Dusts" to "Fuel" at that point. Pretty soon the saplings, wheat, cactus and cane from the junk chest will move over to the fuel chest as I am going the fermenter -> still -> liquid boiler route for power generation. No digging up the floor to repaint tubes, or reconfigure filters or managers.

Filter on a chest. Repeat as required. 1/4 the items, 1/10 the syllables. Life is good. The trouble with people thinking Redpower is overly complex is that they don't know Redpower.

I think the problem is that you believe people don't understand Red Power as much as they do and cannot fathom why they might have legitimate, albeit personal, reasons for preferring another solution.

BTW, you gave specific examples, I have addressed them. Consider this an example on how to engage in a discussion with someone.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
Can I say LP to pull scrap out of my 100 recyclers in stacks of 60? I remember LP being not very good with stacks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It... is that simple. BAM!

Fine, but now you are competing with LP in terms of cost. Painting at least is a cheap way to get things going, filters require gold. And you still can't get auto-crafting-on-demand done without FORTH coding and a Sortron. And it STILL requires more user input than Logistics pipes. Polymorphic Item Sink modules don't need to be configured. Filters do. Filters also take up more space. Filters also don't accommodate things like supplying machines with materials very well.

Every time I read a response like this I'm reminded of why I wasn't eager to discuss specifics in the first place. You're comparing this and comparing that to suit your argument and with every points all I can think to myself is, "not getting it."

Think what you want. You like one system and that';s cool. My whole point is that LP is not better than RP. You don't want to believe it and you don't want to think objectively. You haven't set up an RP system like what I'm talking about so you're not thinking on a macro level.


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
Think what you want. You like one system and that';s cool. My whole point is that LP is not better than RP. You don't want to believe it and you don't want to think objectively. You haven't set up an RP system like what I'm talking about so you're not thinking on a macro level.
Think what you like, you're not going to convince anyone, and you're obviously not going to be convinced. An ad hominem attack does not address the point, it just attempts to redirect the focus. Tell me precisely where RP is better than LP in a macro setup and we can discuss it. Otherwise, you're simply blowing hot air and making random accusations in complete ignorance.

Your attempt at trying to seem inherently superior is not amusing, nor is it accurate. Try backing up your claims with design specs and people might start to listen.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The one thing I take away from reading this thread:
Both LP and RP are more or less equal in sorting relevant capabilites.
Which system to choose is just a question of a) which type of costs do you prefer and b) which concept does appeal more to you.

Back in 1.2.5 I had a big LP based storage/autocrafting/-smelting setup which worked nicely. Especially with teleport pipes being part of the logistics network (request pipe on teleport pipe in the wilderness -> lovely). Just for the difference I'll probably build something based on RP with additional barrels now. After all: If we always do the same, why play over and over again? ;-)