I can't do that, as my builds tend to take tons of resources. These resources often not thought of as your everyday resources (iron, gold, copper, tin, diamonds, etc). Typically things like Quarried Stone, Marble, and similar blocks are the ones I run out of. For instance, before Law destroyed StaffCraft, I decided to build a rail system that goes from each persons base, well, believe it or not, this required a lot of Quarried stone as that was my preferred material for the bridge, and I like things to look semi-realistic so I would build suspensions to the ground. This was 3 blocks thick, room for someone to walk on it to do maintenance, and the extra 2 for tracks. On top of that, tracks became very expensive. Unfortunately I could never complete the build; the server was killed by GregTech machines.That's why I want to keep a certain amount of some items in the first place.. saving time for future projects.
Personally I like my stocks being a bit more precise, but if it's ok for you to overstock and thus have your recources bound to certain projects (e.g. with diamonds crafted into the exess advanced circuits you can't buid quarries), it's ok for me, too.
Everybody plays the game to his own pleasure.
When you actually request one circuit from the crafting core yourself, it crafts one assembly, sends it to the furnace and delivers the result.
The problem is not, that the system keeps crafting, but that it keeps requesting:
The export bus places item x in adjacent inventory until it's full (or turned off by a redstone signal).
The level emitter turns the redsone signal off if there is less than a specific amount of that item in the whole system (another difference to LP) and on if there are more.
Now if you fetch said four circuits from the system, the emitter switches state and the export bus starts exporting (and thus requesting) one circuit at a time (or stackwise, depending on config) until the level emitter again switches state back.
So every time the bus ticks, one advanced circuit assembly is crafted and sent to the furnace. Every time the emitter ticks, it check if now are enough circuits on stock (which are not, so the signal stays off).
This keeps repeating until the first four are cooked up.
I tested this with a rock crusher and obsidian gravel. I wanted 64 on stock so I set the level emitter to 64 and got about 10 stacks! The export bus stuffed the crusher with obsidian (9 stacks) and kept restocking it until 64 gravel were produced. After that, the crusher kept crushing the remaining 9 stacks already in it.
This works as long as the recipe for making the desired items are insta-craft (eg. by the crafting core). As soon as there is time involved in the crafting process (cooking, macerating, extracting, filling up something), the export bus will run amok and do the crafting request again and agian and again.The way to avoid that problem is to have an export bus set to "craft" the item you want, and point it to an ME-chest, ME-Interface or a chest with a storage bus on it. Then point a level emitter at the bus and it will trigger the craft; and since an AE system will only send enough items to fulfill the craft, you end up getting exactly as many items as you need.
In AE, you take 20 glass and the export bus keeps stuffing the furnace with sand until it cooked 20 glass. This way you get 20+64 new glass blocks (with a steam oven you even get extra nine! stacks of glass).
After having watched LP in direwolfs SSP, I'm even more put off them than I was before - they drop things (yes I saw somewhere that you can have a chest on the end)
Which is why I take advantage of the ability to interlink AE and LP. LP can use AE as a storage system and also utilize it's MAC for crafting. AE runs all processing of ores and materials, while LP does the product on demand supply. Combined with a request pipe on an Ender Chest, I can have access to my entire AE network anywhere I am.
No need according to what I've read/heard/seen (can't remember which), a vanilla chest on the end of a request pipe should work, but it just becomes that much more complex, as oppposed to an access terminal.A Hungrychest from Thaumcraft will be a good idea there