Sorter stops on full

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a sorting system which uses sorters. the first sorter has 8 chests and a runoff pipe (white colored) for things that don't fall within the first 8. problem is one chest is for cobblestone and now that the chest is filled the sorter just stops processing anything. I set up a second sorter and put cobble on that one but as long as the first sorter/chest is full, nothing gets processed. Is there anyway around this other than setting up several cobblestone chests on the same sorter?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Pictures of your sorting machine/tube&chest setup would help immensely.

Try to have a restriction tube at the end attached to a chest. This means that if something is filled up like that, it will go to that chest.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Redpower 2 tube system's only issue is when it clogs you don't get a great indicator of what is clogged. It is better than when pipes are setup wrong and you get items popping onto the ground. So in redpower the items just stop at the machine and nothing else gets out until you unclog it (give it a valid destination) -- most machines will activate a red light on their side which is I believe also a redstone signal.

Anyway, you have to account for your primary storage filling up. In my network i have a trash shoot -- which is just a few restriction tubes into a filter that accepts anything. The filter drops items into an obsidian pipe, which connects to a diamond pipe. A few directions off the diamond pipe go to void pipes, and one unfiltered side goes back up to a chest. This means only items I have manually identified to go to void pipes will go those paths and anything unset goes up into the chest.

On the void sides of the pipe I have placed things I know are safe to trash - like cobble/dirt and other reneweable materials from automated farms, etc... Anything not explicity marked for the void pipe paths goes into the chest. So if say there was no place for a diamond to go in my network - it would go to the trash shoot, but not be marked as trash in the diamond pipe and instead be routed through normal buildcraft pipe to the trash shoot's save chest.

Having anything in this chest is my first warning that I have either a storage shortage or a material that I should consider packaging/crating, trashing, or recycling in some way.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for the help guys. I am going to look into the void tube. Not sure how to get the cobblestone to move to it once a chest is completely full but that's my goal.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A restriction tube is one where items will only go to the restriction tube if there's no other way to go. So if the chest is full, it will go straight to the inventory connected to the restriction tube.

You can do what Peppe did and make that inventory connected to the restriction tube a filter, so that the cobble drops to an obsidian pipe which is connected to a void pipe. Make sure the filter only accepts cobble, or else any item that can't go to a chest will be thrown into the void.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
also, make sure the tube for your trash chute/bypass is not painted. It will allow any colored item to go through it. That way when the painted line to your normal storage chest is no longer a valid destination, the painted item can go to the the bypass line as it is uncolored.